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The '''House of Arylon''' or '''Arylon Family''' is a noble house of somewhat recent birthright, hailing originally from the remote regions of [[Cagilan Empire]].  All those who identify with the Arylon Clan can trace their roots back to a common ancestor, [[Avalair Arylon]] who is considered the patriarch of the family.  The name itself originates from the ancient hereditary title Aryl, which in an ancient [[Atamara|Atamaran]] language means "Lord".  There are over 30 members of the most recent generation of the family alive in the world today, though the four sons of Mannix Arylon have the most influence and importance.
==Origins of the House of Arylon==
The House of Arylon was originally a common family hailing from the Calis region in what is today the [[Cagilan Empire]].  In Ancient times, members of this family were mostly craftsmen, specifically blacksmiths who specialized in creating deadly weapons for use by primitive warlords in their campaigns on the continent of Atamara.
Lordship was bestowed upon the Arylon family roughly 70 years ago, when [[Avalair Arylon|Avalair]] wed the daughter of the Count of Calis, [[Julienn Stanford]], thus cementing the future nobility of his family.  Upon the death of Julienn's father, Avalair assumed control of Calis and took a second name, ''Arylon'', which is a modified version of the hereditary title Aryl, which in an ancient [[Atamara|Atamaran]] language means "Lord".  It was a title given to the tribal warlords that used to roam Calis in the chaos that existed before the nations of Atamara formed.
==History of House Arylon==
[[Image:ArylonCOA.jpg|350px|thumb|left|Arylon family crest.  The family motto reflects the divergence of the Arylon brothers, [[Taran Arylon|Taran]] and [[Fisc Arylon|Fisc]] in recent years.  After their father's death, Fisc went to avenge his father and honor his memory.  Taran remained, devoting himself to knowledge rather than war - something that would have prevented his father's death.]]
Prior to Avalair's ascension to Lordship, members of the family went only by one name, and mostly resided in primitive towns in the rural areas surrounding Calis - serving as the local blacksmith, and sometimes carpenter.  Excellent craftsmen, ancient warlords often chose these men to produce the weapons used in their campaigns across the Atamaran continent.
In a time before the history of this family was recorded, perhaps the most notable member of the family before its rise to lordship was [[Cratien (Arylon)|Cratien]], who was identified as one of the most skilled blacksmiths in the early years of the Cagilan Empire.  The Prime Minister wanted a personal smith to forge the weapons for his personal guard, for use in the campaigns against Talerium.  Cratien accepted the position, and enjoyed the favor of the Prime Minister for a number of years.
Though respected for their craft, the family that would eventually become the Arylon clan was at their core common, and as such were viewed as little more than skilled peasants.  It wasn't until Cratien's great grandson [[Avalair Arylon|Avalair]] was born that the family was viewed as having any real worth.
===Rise to Nobility===
The nobility of House Arylon can be traced as far back as the great [[Avalair Arylon|Avalair]], roughly 85 years ago.  Historical documents show that Avalair was born of two common parents, and had no birthright.  Family legend states that Avalair was born in the dead of winter, during a particularly damaging blizzard in the region of Calis, in the [[Cagilan Empire]].  The birth was a difficult one for his mother, with the elements penetrating the small living quarters she was in lowering the temperature inside to a dangerous level.  It was discovered that Avalair was breeched and his chances of survival were deemed by the midwife to be less than 5%.  The delivery was terribly painful, and after nearly 40 hours of fighting and clawing, he emerged from the womb and let out a mighty wail that terrified all present.  The midwife, in her awe of the child looked into his eyes.  The family claims she then said, "This child has eyes of stone.  He shall be a leader of men."
Cryptic as they may have been, the words proved to be accurate. 
====Rumors of the Tower====
As a boy, Avalair began to hear stories of an ancient and powerful secret society - devoted to the preservation and dissemination of knowledge for all classes, noble and common alike.  Whispers among the wind danced in his mind, stories of world-class blade masters, charismatic diplomats, brilliant academics, and wealthy traders all coming together and sharing their knowledge, and without regard to class.  As he grew older he learned that this underground organization of men did in fact exist, and it was called the [[Black Tower]].
To his great dismay, he also learned that they gathered in a secret place, away from the prying eyes of the world, impossible to find unless brought there by another.  Tales of a great stone tower, scorched black as night in a desolate field where these men would gather tormented him as he grew older.  He knew he was destined to do great things, but in a feudal world, growing up borne of common parents learning the trade of blacksmith would never give him any chance to prove himself.  He needed to find these men.
====Turning point====
Avalair, beginning from the age of ten spent five years searching for a member of the Black Tower, and was becoming increasingly frustrated by his lack of success.  As time wore on, he began to grow increasingly doubtful that such an organization existed, and began resigning himself to a future of tilling fields and being abused by the region lord.  Fate, it would seem had abandoned Avalair.
All of that changed one night when he heard a desperate rap on his door.
[[Image:Black_Tower.jpg|350px|thumb|right|The great spire of the Black Tower, the organization responsible for the nobility of the Arylon family.]]
It was raining heavily outside, and Avalair was just preparing to retire when he heard a loud bang at his front door.  It was unusual for anyone to visit him at that hour, especially on a night with terrible weather.  He grabbed a dagger and went to the front door.
As he opened it, a dark figure fell forward onto the floor.  He wore a black uniform with a silver pin on each collar, and he grasped a blood-covered sword.  On the hand that grasped the weapon, Avalair saw a silver ring, with a black onyx stone.  He had heard stories of Tower members being given a black onyx ring upon acceptance into the order.  Understanding who he was looking at, Avalair quickly dragged the stranger inside the house and closed the door behind him.  Avalair took him into the back of the house and tended to his wounds - the man was alive but was not conscious.
Moments later, a loud crash could be heard from the living room - it was somebody trying to knock down the door to get in.  Avalair knew that whoever had hurt this man had tracked him and come to finish the job.  Instinctively he grabbed one of the many blades in his house that had been made by his own hand - he was certainly no blade master, but knew how to handle himself.  Fear gripped him though, for he did not know what was coming through the door.
Several more bangs came as he prepared himself - bringing his sword above his head.  A loud crack slammed his eardrums, and the door came crashing down.  What came behind it was a monstrous man with a large curved blade in his hand.  Immediately he spotted Avalair with a weapon, and went for him.
Despite Avalair's skill with a blade, he was certainly over matched by the invader.  He was only able to block the fury of attacking thrusts from the stranger, never able to even swing a single attack himself.  As he was beaten back to the wall behind him, Avalair made a last desperate attempt to turn the tide of the fight - aggressively deflecting the attacker and finally striking some attacking blows of his own.  The advantage was short lived, however, and the attacker used a technique he had never seen, knocking his blade from his hand.  Just as he raised his sword to deliver the killing blow, a small dagger from across the room spun toward him, striking the stranger in the neck.  Avalair took advantage of his opening and picked up his sword, running it through the man's chest. 
====New Life====
That encounter would prove to be the turning point in Avalair's life.  The stranger was a man named Soran, and he was a member of the Black Tower.  To thank him for defending him against his attacker, Soran agreed to sponsor Avalair's membership in the order later that year, provided he could complete a set of 5 tasks by the beginning of winter.
After much toil and work, Avalair completed the man's tasks, and Soran agreed to take him to the Tower to be initiated in the order of the Black Tower.
As the organization is secret and does not release information that would even confirm its existence, the entire account of what he learned while he was there is to this day unknown.  What is known is that he emerged from two years of time at the tower, and when he came out, he wore the same black uniform that Soran had, complete with the two silver pins on his collar - one denoting his mastery of the blade, and one signifying his accepted status within the order.  He also carried with him a new sword, which it is said its design and making was his final step before being fully accepted as a member - this suggests there is something unique about the technique used to make it.
Immediately upon returning to Calis, it was announced that he would wed the noble daughter of the Count of Calis, [[Julienn Stanford]].  It has been speculated that Julienn's father, [[Jevon Stanford]], Count of Calis was a member of the Black Tower, and was impressed with young Avalair - so much so that he promised his daughter to him.
Upon Marrying Julienn, Avalair become a noble of the fledgling Cagilan Empire.  Upon the death of Julienn's father, Avalair assumed control of Calis and took a second name, Arylon, a modified version of the hereditary title Aryl, which in an ancient Atamaran language means "Lord". It was a title given to the tribal warlords that used to roam Calis in the chaos that existed before the nations of Atamara formed.
===Beginning in the Cagilan Empire===
Avalair quickly consolidated control of Calis, and demonstrated an extremely progressive and capable hand while dealing with his people.  He was known to be fair minded, but very stern in the administration of his court, but his reputation was built on war.
Immediately upon taking control of Calis, Avalair set up a capital campaign to build a number of recruitment centers, with the intention of training the peasants of Calis to be world class warriors.  He also dumped his own personal fortune into the region, increasing production and ensuring the people of his land had a secure economic future.
Those soldiers trained in Calis recruitment centers quickly gained a reputation for being among the Empire's most sturdy, reliable and capable warriors.  Known especially for highly trained special forces, in war after war, soldiers following the Arylon banner were constantly on the front lines, helping expand the empire.
Avalair was also concerned with his legacy.  He had not gone through everything he had gone through to elevate his name to not see it live on.  His wife gave birth to his only son, Alexis just two years after their marriage, and Avalair spent every waking moment with his son, teaching him to take over for him and rule with honor, justice and loyalty.
Avalair did not, however, count on his son's naked ambition, ruthless personality and complete lack of regard for honor.
===Expansion of Power===
Alexis grew up spoiled, enjoying the benefits of his father's benevolent rule over his home territory.  He developed a philosophy that diverged from his fathers somewhat idealistic ideas of integrity.
His philosophy revolves around the central argument that any evil action can be justified if it is done for a good purpose. He specified that the only acceptable end was the stabilization and health of the state; individual power for its own sake is not an acceptable end and does not justify evil actions.  He clearly lays out his definition of, for example, the criteria for acceptable cruel actions (it must be swift, effective, and short-lived).
While Alexis emphasized the need for morality, the sole motivation of the region lord ought to be the use of good and evil solely as instrumental means rather than ends in themselves. A wise lord is one who properly exercises this proper balance.  Alexis emphasizes the need for the exercise of brute power where necessary and rewards, patron-clientalism etc. to preserve the status quo.
Alexis's assumption, that human nature is fundamentally flawed, is also reflected in the need for brute force to attain practical ends. Complete trust and faith in one's subjects is not sustainable.
So, in short Alexis did not develop a purely evil philosophy - simply one that excuses the brute
    * 42 ABA - Alexis Arylon weds Serenity Dulles - a minor noble from Ravening, Cagilan Empire
    * 42 ABA - Serenity requests Alexis relocate to her homeland in Ravening - he agrees
    * 43 ABA - The birth of Alexis' first son, Mannix Arylon in Ravening
    * 44 ABA - The birth of Alexis' second son, Caven Arylon in Ravening
    * 47 ABA - The birth of Alexis' first daughter, Cia Arylon in Ravening
    * 49 ABA - The birth of Alexis' third son, Marcus Arylon in Ravening
    * 50 ABA - Alexis is granted lordship over the region of Nardil, and moves his family to the region
    * 52 ABA - The birth of Alexis' fourth son, Novak Arylon in Nardil
    * 53 ABA - The birth of Alexis' second daughter Olivia Arylon in Nardil
===Fall from Grace===
Alexis was banished from Atamara, and rather than share his father's fate, Mannix condemned Alexis and attacked his interests to curry favor with the Prime Minister of Cagilan Empire.
History history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history.
===Expansion of the Family===
The family's fame and accomplishments really began to gain some notaritiy with the advancement of [[Mannix Arylon]].  Mannix is the grandson of Avalair, and the first son of [[Alexis Arylon]].  Mannix began his life in Ravening where his father was a minor noble.  His father, Alexis, forged himself a strong reputation and was granted lordship over the region of Nardil just after Mannix's seventh birthday.  He moved the family immediately to Nardil and began great civil works projects to improve his land.  One notable project was the creation of the [[Nardil Academy]], a place where his sons and grandsons would later study.
Growing up, Mannix fell in love with a common girl in Nardil and against his fathers wishes, married her when he turned 20 years old.  Disowned by his father, stripped of his inheritance and titles, Mannix moved to the outskirts of Nardil with his wife, where they would begin their family - his first son [[Jaden Arylon]] would be born later that year.
He began planning ways to rebuild his influence - clearly, his father would never allow him to rise the ranks of the nobility in Cagilan Empire as long as he was alive.  He spent a great deal of time studying military history, tactics, strategy and the rule of law.  Despite his self-education, the situation seemed dire for nearly 10 years, until word came to Mannix of the discovery of a new continent, which was being colonized by nobles all over the world.
It was then that he began making plans to go to the colonies, and begin anew in a new land.
Mannix set out in the spring, taking with him his two eldest sons, Jaden and Nexis, and leaving behind his seven year old twins Taran and Fisc to study at the Nardil Academy - Alexis did not hold the same ill will about his grandsons as he did for his own son, and so he allowed their education.  Mannix planned to return to Nardil when the boys were teenagers, and bring them to an expansive territory taken over by him.
Since both Taran and Fisc were too young to take part in their father's expedition, they remained in Nardil to continue their education, while their brothers Jaden and Nexis went with Mannix. This separation effected Fisc a great deal more than Taran, causing him to lose interest in his studies, and retreat away from friends, classes, and sports. He began to grow bitter at his father's absence, acting out and continually getting himself suspended from the Academy. He seemed to be on track to burn out early, despite Taran's efforts to include him and temper his behavior.
All of that changed when the twins received word from their father stating that he was now in the south-west island, fighting for the nation of Toren. He was informed of the death of his mother and brothers, and his own indentured servitude to the noble in Toren.
Enraged, Fisc immediately left Cagilian Empire and set off for the south-east island. So consumed with anger and vengeance aimed at his father for causing his family to be destroyed, he vowed to go to Toren and find Mannix. He arrived in Toren Stronghold shortly thereafter and began to investigate his father's whereabouts. The trail got hot nearly a month later, when he got word from a local trader that Mannix was seen in Lesthem, on the front lines in Toren's struggle against the nation of Taselek. Fisc immediately set after him.
==The Torch is Passed==
Fisc tracked Mannix to the region of Lesthem, where a great battle was about to be fought between the forces of Toren and the nation of Taselak. He found the armies of Toren camped on the field the night before the battle and stealthily observed the troop movements, looking anxiously for his father.
Hate burned in his mind for Mannix - Fisc blamed him for the death of his mother and two older brothers, Jaden and Nexis. It was Mannix's own irrational need for power, land and title that had lead him to the colonies, and caused his family to go with him. Fisc had always believed that his mother never really wanted to go, and that it was only her love for Mannix that convinced her to follow him to the new world.
Deep into the night, Fisc approached the tent he had identified as Mannix's. Quietly he slipped by the night watch guards and opened the canvas of the tent, dagger in hand.
"I've been expecting you." The deep crackled voice sounded all too familiar to Fisc. His father was now pointing an arrow between his eyes - obviously he had been aware of Fisc's tracking.
Sword of Mannix Arylon - taken by Fisc after his father's death.
Sword of Mannix Arylon - taken by Fisc after his father's death.
Fisc decided to risk it and dove for his father, only to be repelled, disarmed and thrown across the room - knocking the wind out of him as he hit the ground. As he lay gasping for air on the ground, Mannix continued. "Your brother Taran sent me word of your arrival here in Toren. You should not be here son."
Enraged, Fisc tore into Mannix, blaming him for everything that had happened to his family. He had been waiting for this moment for quite some time, and was not going to simply let his father get away with what he had done.
Mannix let his son finish, waiting until he was out of breath to speak.
"Fisc - your mother asked me to go to Giblot."
Stunned, Fisc initially did not believe his father, but he let him speak none the less. For over an hour, Mannix told his son the true story of his life in the colonies. It was actually Genesis who had asked Mannix to go to the colonies - he believed he could restore his name by staying in the Cagilan Empire, and eventually reconciling with his father Alexis. She did not agree, and threatened to leave him unless he was able to restore his family name, carve out an estate for himself, and bring honor to the name Mannix Arylon once again.
He continued, telling Fisc how he had forced his wife and sons to stay behind in Giblot while he was out on the frontier expanding his territory - so as to protect them from harm. Mannix explained that their deaths were the result of a great coalition of honorless nobles, and that the only reason his family was threatened at all was because the coalition was able to get to his Manor in Giblot before he could get his family out to sea.
He also made it clear to Fisc that in one year, he was to be released from his servitude to the Toren lord who had bought his freedom, and that he planned to return to Giblot and exact his revenge for the death of his family.
Fisc was stunned - it was apparent now that he had completely misjudged his father. A sneaking admiration crept into his heart, washing away the raging hate he had felt only hours before. "Father," he began, "I'm sorry. I had no idea."
"I know, son."
"I am 17 now, and have come of age. I am a free man, a minor noble in Nardil where your father still reigns. I wish to join you here in Toren, and when your service has expired, I will go with you to Giblot and kill Istar myself." Mannix smiled at Fisc, and nodded his head.
The next day, the reunited father and son marched on Lesthem - little did they know the tragedy that would befall them there.
The forces of Taselak were more extensive than originally thought, and Toren's General was killed at the outset of the fighting. In disarray, confused and outnumbered, Toren's armies were quickly cut through. Mannix and Fisc were holding the third hill to the west of the fighting, but as Taselak advanced they were surrounded.
Faced with capture, Mannix threw down his sword and ordered Fisc to do the same. This was supposed to be honorable combat, so the forces of Taselak would take them prisoner, and they would be able to buy their way out in the future - living to fight another day. As a unit captain approached him, Mannix called out his name, rank and informed him of his surrender.
The captain, a bloodthirsty maniac named Rahvin said nothing, approached Mannix, withdrew his sword and sliced his head off in one foul swoop. Rahvin laughed, mounted his horse and ordered his men to leave Fisc where he was.
Horrified at what he had witnessed, Fisc dove to the ground and wailed. He had just learned his father was a truly honorable man, and now he had been stolen from him. "MURDERER!!" he screamed, "HE SURRENDERED TO YOU!!! HAVE YOU NO HONOR?"
Fisc was unable to contain his anger. He bent down and withdrew Mannix's sword from the ground, rose to the first riderless horse he could find, and charged after Rahvin and his men with bloodlust in his eyes. It wasn't long until he was on the heels of Rahvin, who by this time had realized he was being pursued, and had set himself for a fight.
As Fisc rode for him, Rahvin dismounted and waited. Fisc approached, and Rahvin dove on the ground, rolling and slicing the legs of the horse, throwing Fisc from it. He quickly recovered and wildly hacked at Rahvin, desperately trying to score a killing blow. The experienced captain easily blocked his attempts. Finally, as Fisc raised his sword and left himself open, Rahvin drew a dagger and stabbed Fisc in the thigh, then he kicked him over to the ground.
"I respect your courage boy, but you are no warrior. Go home and tend to the women, they need you more than the army of Tor does." Rahvin cackled wildly and mounted his steed again, leaving Fisc bleeding on the ground.
His blood loss was profound, and he lost consciousness.
==The Current Standard Bearers==
===Jaden - Son of Mannix===
{{main|Jaden Arylon}}
'''Jaden Arylon''' is the eldest of the four living sons of Mannix, and currently claims the standard of House Arylon.  His brother, [[Fisc Arylon]] also claims the family's standard, not knowing that his brother Jaden is still alive.  In his life, he has been many things, a knight, a trader, a hero, and now a lord.  He has also spent time on three different continents, finally settling down in the realm of [[Fronen]], in the region of Iaera.
===Nexis - Son of Mannix===
{{main|Nexis Arylon}}
'''Nexis Arylon''' is no longer of noble blood.  He was born of [[Mannix Arylon]] in the region of Nardil in the Cagilan Empire on the continent of [[Atamara]].  He traveled with his father to the [[colonies]], where he was eventually captured with his mother and brother [[Jaden Arylon|Jaden]].  Jaden was able to escape, but Nexis remained and grew up under the care of Kaendall Istar, stripped of nobility.  When he matured into adulthood, faced with no claim of nobility, Nexis set off for the continent of [[Beluaterra]] to attempt to earn his nobility back as an adventurer.
===Fisc - Son of Mannix===
{{main|Fisc Arylon}}
'''Fisc Arylon''', also known as The Emerald Knight, is the older of the famous Arylon twins, born just minutes before his brother Taran. He is currently the Lord of Dakan, a region in the northeast of Toren.  Additionally, Fisc is also a long-serving Fiduciary, as well as the Marshal of the Phoenix Guard. After his brother Taran's defection from their ancestral home of the Cagilian Empire to Abington, the brothers relationship has been somewhat cool, until their collaboration on the creation of the [[Aristoi Academy]].
===Taran - Son of Mannix===
{{main|Taran Arylon}}
'''Taran Arylon''' is the elder of the famous Arylon twins, born before his brother Fisc by only a few minutes.  He is currently a high-ranking priest of the [[Aristoi Atamarism]] religion in the nation of Abington.  He began his life in the [[Cagilan Empire]] but as his life evolved, he later left the Empire in favor of Abington.  Since his defection, his relationship with his twin brother [[Fisc Arylon]] have been somewhat chilly, but still civil.
===Roddick - Son of Caden===
{{main|Roddick Arylon}}
No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet.  No information yet. 
==Heads of House Arylon==
*[[Avalair Arylon]] - ''Avalair was the first noble in the Arylon line.''
*[[Alexis Arylon]] - ''Alexis ascended to the head of the family when Avalair was poisoned, and though Alexis was implicated in the poisoning, his involvement was never proven and he was able to defend his ascension to the head of the house.''
*[[Mannix Arylon]] - ''Mannix Arylon assumed command of the Arylon family upon the exile of his father, Alexis Arylon.  Alexis was banished from Atamara, and rather than share his father's fate, Mannix condemned Alexis and attacked his interests to curry favor with the Prime Minister of Cagilan Empire.''
*[[Jaden Arylon]] / [[Fisc Arylon]] - ''The standard of House Arylon is currently split, with the eldest brother Jaden assuming the mantle when he believed his father to be killed.  Fisc did the same when Mannix was killed, as he was unaware of his older brothers Jaden and Nexis still being alive.  At current, both sets of brothers are unaware of the existence of the other, and there are two legitimate claims to the head of the Arylon household.''
==Fame of House Arylon==
==Additional Family Information==
{{see also|Arylon Family Tree}}
{{see also|Arylon Family Timeline}}
== Family History ==
== Family History ==
{{more family|Arylon Family History}}
{{more family|Arylon Family History}}

Latest revision as of 21:46, 7 January 2021

The House of Arylon or Arylon Family is a noble house of somewhat recent birthright, hailing originally from the remote regions of Cagilan Empire. All those who identify with the Arylon Clan can trace their roots back to a common ancestor, Avalair Arylon who is considered the patriarch of the family. The name itself originates from the ancient hereditary title Aryl, which in an ancient Atamaran language means "Lord". There are over 30 members of the most recent generation of the family alive in the world today, though the four sons of Mannix Arylon have the most influence and importance.

Origins of the House of Arylon

The House of Arylon was originally a common family hailing from the Calis region in what is today the Cagilan Empire. In Ancient times, members of this family were mostly craftsmen, specifically blacksmiths who specialized in creating deadly weapons for use by primitive warlords in their campaigns on the continent of Atamara.

Lordship was bestowed upon the Arylon family roughly 70 years ago, when Avalair wed the daughter of the Count of Calis, Julienn Stanford, thus cementing the future nobility of his family. Upon the death of Julienn's father, Avalair assumed control of Calis and took a second name, Arylon, which is a modified version of the hereditary title Aryl, which in an ancient Atamaran language means "Lord". It was a title given to the tribal warlords that used to roam Calis in the chaos that existed before the nations of Atamara formed.

History of House Arylon

Arylon family crest. The family motto reflects the divergence of the Arylon brothers, Taran and Fisc in recent years. After their father's death, Fisc went to avenge his father and honor his memory. Taran remained, devoting himself to knowledge rather than war - something that would have prevented his father's death.


Prior to Avalair's ascension to Lordship, members of the family went only by one name, and mostly resided in primitive towns in the rural areas surrounding Calis - serving as the local blacksmith, and sometimes carpenter. Excellent craftsmen, ancient warlords often chose these men to produce the weapons used in their campaigns across the Atamaran continent.

In a time before the history of this family was recorded, perhaps the most notable member of the family before its rise to lordship was Cratien, who was identified as one of the most skilled blacksmiths in the early years of the Cagilan Empire. The Prime Minister wanted a personal smith to forge the weapons for his personal guard, for use in the campaigns against Talerium. Cratien accepted the position, and enjoyed the favor of the Prime Minister for a number of years.

Though respected for their craft, the family that would eventually become the Arylon clan was at their core common, and as such were viewed as little more than skilled peasants. It wasn't until Cratien's great grandson Avalair was born that the family was viewed as having any real worth.

Rise to Nobility

The nobility of House Arylon can be traced as far back as the great Avalair, roughly 85 years ago. Historical documents show that Avalair was born of two common parents, and had no birthright. Family legend states that Avalair was born in the dead of winter, during a particularly damaging blizzard in the region of Calis, in the Cagilan Empire. The birth was a difficult one for his mother, with the elements penetrating the small living quarters she was in lowering the temperature inside to a dangerous level. It was discovered that Avalair was breeched and his chances of survival were deemed by the midwife to be less than 5%. The delivery was terribly painful, and after nearly 40 hours of fighting and clawing, he emerged from the womb and let out a mighty wail that terrified all present. The midwife, in her awe of the child looked into his eyes. The family claims she then said, "This child has eyes of stone. He shall be a leader of men."

Cryptic as they may have been, the words proved to be accurate.

Rumors of the Tower

As a boy, Avalair began to hear stories of an ancient and powerful secret society - devoted to the preservation and dissemination of knowledge for all classes, noble and common alike. Whispers among the wind danced in his mind, stories of world-class blade masters, charismatic diplomats, brilliant academics, and wealthy traders all coming together and sharing their knowledge, and without regard to class. As he grew older he learned that this underground organization of men did in fact exist, and it was called the Black Tower.

To his great dismay, he also learned that they gathered in a secret place, away from the prying eyes of the world, impossible to find unless brought there by another. Tales of a great stone tower, scorched black as night in a desolate field where these men would gather tormented him as he grew older. He knew he was destined to do great things, but in a feudal world, growing up borne of common parents learning the trade of blacksmith would never give him any chance to prove himself. He needed to find these men.

Turning point

Avalair, beginning from the age of ten spent five years searching for a member of the Black Tower, and was becoming increasingly frustrated by his lack of success. As time wore on, he began to grow increasingly doubtful that such an organization existed, and began resigning himself to a future of tilling fields and being abused by the region lord. Fate, it would seem had abandoned Avalair.

All of that changed one night when he heard a desperate rap on his door.

The great spire of the Black Tower, the organization responsible for the nobility of the Arylon family.

It was raining heavily outside, and Avalair was just preparing to retire when he heard a loud bang at his front door. It was unusual for anyone to visit him at that hour, especially on a night with terrible weather. He grabbed a dagger and went to the front door.

As he opened it, a dark figure fell forward onto the floor. He wore a black uniform with a silver pin on each collar, and he grasped a blood-covered sword. On the hand that grasped the weapon, Avalair saw a silver ring, with a black onyx stone. He had heard stories of Tower members being given a black onyx ring upon acceptance into the order. Understanding who he was looking at, Avalair quickly dragged the stranger inside the house and closed the door behind him. Avalair took him into the back of the house and tended to his wounds - the man was alive but was not conscious.

Moments later, a loud crash could be heard from the living room - it was somebody trying to knock down the door to get in. Avalair knew that whoever had hurt this man had tracked him and come to finish the job. Instinctively he grabbed one of the many blades in his house that had been made by his own hand - he was certainly no blade master, but knew how to handle himself. Fear gripped him though, for he did not know what was coming through the door.

Several more bangs came as he prepared himself - bringing his sword above his head. A loud crack slammed his eardrums, and the door came crashing down. What came behind it was a monstrous man with a large curved blade in his hand. Immediately he spotted Avalair with a weapon, and went for him.

Despite Avalair's skill with a blade, he was certainly over matched by the invader. He was only able to block the fury of attacking thrusts from the stranger, never able to even swing a single attack himself. As he was beaten back to the wall behind him, Avalair made a last desperate attempt to turn the tide of the fight - aggressively deflecting the attacker and finally striking some attacking blows of his own. The advantage was short lived, however, and the attacker used a technique he had never seen, knocking his blade from his hand. Just as he raised his sword to deliver the killing blow, a small dagger from across the room spun toward him, striking the stranger in the neck. Avalair took advantage of his opening and picked up his sword, running it through the man's chest.

New Life

That encounter would prove to be the turning point in Avalair's life. The stranger was a man named Soran, and he was a member of the Black Tower. To thank him for defending him against his attacker, Soran agreed to sponsor Avalair's membership in the order later that year, provided he could complete a set of 5 tasks by the beginning of winter.

After much toil and work, Avalair completed the man's tasks, and Soran agreed to take him to the Tower to be initiated in the order of the Black Tower.

As the organization is secret and does not release information that would even confirm its existence, the entire account of what he learned while he was there is to this day unknown. What is known is that he emerged from two years of time at the tower, and when he came out, he wore the same black uniform that Soran had, complete with the two silver pins on his collar - one denoting his mastery of the blade, and one signifying his accepted status within the order. He also carried with him a new sword, which it is said its design and making was his final step before being fully accepted as a member - this suggests there is something unique about the technique used to make it.

Immediately upon returning to Calis, it was announced that he would wed the noble daughter of the Count of Calis, Julienn Stanford. It has been speculated that Julienn's father, Jevon Stanford, Count of Calis was a member of the Black Tower, and was impressed with young Avalair - so much so that he promised his daughter to him.

Upon Marrying Julienn, Avalair become a noble of the fledgling Cagilan Empire. Upon the death of Julienn's father, Avalair assumed control of Calis and took a second name, Arylon, a modified version of the hereditary title Aryl, which in an ancient Atamaran language means "Lord". It was a title given to the tribal warlords that used to roam Calis in the chaos that existed before the nations of Atamara formed.

Beginning in the Cagilan Empire

Avalair quickly consolidated control of Calis, and demonstrated an extremely progressive and capable hand while dealing with his people. He was known to be fair minded, but very stern in the administration of his court, but his reputation was built on war.

Immediately upon taking control of Calis, Avalair set up a capital campaign to build a number of recruitment centers, with the intention of training the peasants of Calis to be world class warriors. He also dumped his own personal fortune into the region, increasing production and ensuring the people of his land had a secure economic future.

Those soldiers trained in Calis recruitment centers quickly gained a reputation for being among the Empire's most sturdy, reliable and capable warriors. Known especially for highly trained special forces, in war after war, soldiers following the Arylon banner were constantly on the front lines, helping expand the empire.

Avalair was also concerned with his legacy. He had not gone through everything he had gone through to elevate his name to not see it live on. His wife gave birth to his only son, Alexis just two years after their marriage, and Avalair spent every waking moment with his son, teaching him to take over for him and rule with honor, justice and loyalty.

Avalair did not, however, count on his son's naked ambition, ruthless personality and complete lack of regard for honor.

Expansion of Power

Alexis grew up spoiled, enjoying the benefits of his father's benevolent rule over his home territory. He developed a philosophy that diverged from his fathers somewhat idealistic ideas of integrity.

His philosophy revolves around the central argument that any evil action can be justified if it is done for a good purpose. He specified that the only acceptable end was the stabilization and health of the state; individual power for its own sake is not an acceptable end and does not justify evil actions. He clearly lays out his definition of, for example, the criteria for acceptable cruel actions (it must be swift, effective, and short-lived).

While Alexis emphasized the need for morality, the sole motivation of the region lord ought to be the use of good and evil solely as instrumental means rather than ends in themselves. A wise lord is one who properly exercises this proper balance. Alexis emphasizes the need for the exercise of brute power where necessary and rewards, patron-clientalism etc. to preserve the status quo. Alexis's assumption, that human nature is fundamentally flawed, is also reflected in the need for brute force to attain practical ends. Complete trust and faith in one's subjects is not sustainable.

So, in short Alexis did not develop a purely evil philosophy - simply one that excuses the brute

   * 42 ABA - Alexis Arylon weds Serenity Dulles - a minor noble from Ravening, Cagilan Empire
   * 42 ABA - Serenity requests Alexis relocate to her homeland in Ravening - he agrees
   * 43 ABA - The birth of Alexis' first son, Mannix Arylon in Ravening
   * 44 ABA - The birth of Alexis' second son, Caven Arylon in Ravening
   * 47 ABA - The birth of Alexis' first daughter, Cia Arylon in Ravening
   * 49 ABA - The birth of Alexis' third son, Marcus Arylon in Ravening
   * 50 ABA - Alexis is granted lordship over the region of Nardil, and moves his family to the region
   * 52 ABA - The birth of Alexis' fourth son, Novak Arylon in Nardil
   * 53 ABA - The birth of Alexis' second daughter Olivia Arylon in Nardil 

Fall from Grace

Alexis was banished from Atamara, and rather than share his father's fate, Mannix condemned Alexis and attacked his interests to curry favor with the Prime Minister of Cagilan Empire.


History history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history history.

Expansion of the Family

The family's fame and accomplishments really began to gain some notaritiy with the advancement of Mannix Arylon. Mannix is the grandson of Avalair, and the first son of Alexis Arylon. Mannix began his life in Ravening where his father was a minor noble. His father, Alexis, forged himself a strong reputation and was granted lordship over the region of Nardil just after Mannix's seventh birthday. He moved the family immediately to Nardil and began great civil works projects to improve his land. One notable project was the creation of the Nardil Academy, a place where his sons and grandsons would later study.

Growing up, Mannix fell in love with a common girl in Nardil and against his fathers wishes, married her when he turned 20 years old. Disowned by his father, stripped of his inheritance and titles, Mannix moved to the outskirts of Nardil with his wife, where they would begin their family - his first son Jaden Arylon would be born later that year.

He began planning ways to rebuild his influence - clearly, his father would never allow him to rise the ranks of the nobility in Cagilan Empire as long as he was alive. He spent a great deal of time studying military history, tactics, strategy and the rule of law. Despite his self-education, the situation seemed dire for nearly 10 years, until word came to Mannix of the discovery of a new continent, which was being colonized by nobles all over the world.

It was then that he began making plans to go to the colonies, and begin anew in a new land.

Mannix set out in the spring, taking with him his two eldest sons, Jaden and Nexis, and leaving behind his seven year old twins Taran and Fisc to study at the Nardil Academy - Alexis did not hold the same ill will about his grandsons as he did for his own son, and so he allowed their education. Mannix planned to return to Nardil when the boys were teenagers, and bring them to an expansive territory taken over by him.

Since both Taran and Fisc were too young to take part in their father's expedition, they remained in Nardil to continue their education, while their brothers Jaden and Nexis went with Mannix. This separation effected Fisc a great deal more than Taran, causing him to lose interest in his studies, and retreat away from friends, classes, and sports. He began to grow bitter at his father's absence, acting out and continually getting himself suspended from the Academy. He seemed to be on track to burn out early, despite Taran's efforts to include him and temper his behavior.

All of that changed when the twins received word from their father stating that he was now in the south-west island, fighting for the nation of Toren. He was informed of the death of his mother and brothers, and his own indentured servitude to the noble in Toren.

Enraged, Fisc immediately left Cagilian Empire and set off for the south-east island. So consumed with anger and vengeance aimed at his father for causing his family to be destroyed, he vowed to go to Toren and find Mannix. He arrived in Toren Stronghold shortly thereafter and began to investigate his father's whereabouts. The trail got hot nearly a month later, when he got word from a local trader that Mannix was seen in Lesthem, on the front lines in Toren's struggle against the nation of Taselek. Fisc immediately set after him.

The Torch is Passed

Fisc tracked Mannix to the region of Lesthem, where a great battle was about to be fought between the forces of Toren and the nation of Taselak. He found the armies of Toren camped on the field the night before the battle and stealthily observed the troop movements, looking anxiously for his father.

Hate burned in his mind for Mannix - Fisc blamed him for the death of his mother and two older brothers, Jaden and Nexis. It was Mannix's own irrational need for power, land and title that had lead him to the colonies, and caused his family to go with him. Fisc had always believed that his mother never really wanted to go, and that it was only her love for Mannix that convinced her to follow him to the new world.

Deep into the night, Fisc approached the tent he had identified as Mannix's. Quietly he slipped by the night watch guards and opened the canvas of the tent, dagger in hand.

"I've been expecting you." The deep crackled voice sounded all too familiar to Fisc. His father was now pointing an arrow between his eyes - obviously he had been aware of Fisc's tracking. Sword of Mannix Arylon - taken by Fisc after his father's death. Enlarge Sword of Mannix Arylon - taken by Fisc after his father's death.

Fisc decided to risk it and dove for his father, only to be repelled, disarmed and thrown across the room - knocking the wind out of him as he hit the ground. As he lay gasping for air on the ground, Mannix continued. "Your brother Taran sent me word of your arrival here in Toren. You should not be here son."

Enraged, Fisc tore into Mannix, blaming him for everything that had happened to his family. He had been waiting for this moment for quite some time, and was not going to simply let his father get away with what he had done.

Mannix let his son finish, waiting until he was out of breath to speak.

"Fisc - your mother asked me to go to Giblot."

Stunned, Fisc initially did not believe his father, but he let him speak none the less. For over an hour, Mannix told his son the true story of his life in the colonies. It was actually Genesis who had asked Mannix to go to the colonies - he believed he could restore his name by staying in the Cagilan Empire, and eventually reconciling with his father Alexis. She did not agree, and threatened to leave him unless he was able to restore his family name, carve out an estate for himself, and bring honor to the name Mannix Arylon once again.

He continued, telling Fisc how he had forced his wife and sons to stay behind in Giblot while he was out on the frontier expanding his territory - so as to protect them from harm. Mannix explained that their deaths were the result of a great coalition of honorless nobles, and that the only reason his family was threatened at all was because the coalition was able to get to his Manor in Giblot before he could get his family out to sea.

He also made it clear to Fisc that in one year, he was to be released from his servitude to the Toren lord who had bought his freedom, and that he planned to return to Giblot and exact his revenge for the death of his family.

Fisc was stunned - it was apparent now that he had completely misjudged his father. A sneaking admiration crept into his heart, washing away the raging hate he had felt only hours before. "Father," he began, "I'm sorry. I had no idea."

"I know, son."

"I am 17 now, and have come of age. I am a free man, a minor noble in Nardil where your father still reigns. I wish to join you here in Toren, and when your service has expired, I will go with you to Giblot and kill Istar myself." Mannix smiled at Fisc, and nodded his head.

The next day, the reunited father and son marched on Lesthem - little did they know the tragedy that would befall them there.

The forces of Taselak were more extensive than originally thought, and Toren's General was killed at the outset of the fighting. In disarray, confused and outnumbered, Toren's armies were quickly cut through. Mannix and Fisc were holding the third hill to the west of the fighting, but as Taselak advanced they were surrounded.

Faced with capture, Mannix threw down his sword and ordered Fisc to do the same. This was supposed to be honorable combat, so the forces of Taselak would take them prisoner, and they would be able to buy their way out in the future - living to fight another day. As a unit captain approached him, Mannix called out his name, rank and informed him of his surrender.

The captain, a bloodthirsty maniac named Rahvin said nothing, approached Mannix, withdrew his sword and sliced his head off in one foul swoop. Rahvin laughed, mounted his horse and ordered his men to leave Fisc where he was.

Horrified at what he had witnessed, Fisc dove to the ground and wailed. He had just learned his father was a truly honorable man, and now he had been stolen from him. "MURDERER!!" he screamed, "HE SURRENDERED TO YOU!!! HAVE YOU NO HONOR?"

Fisc was unable to contain his anger. He bent down and withdrew Mannix's sword from the ground, rose to the first riderless horse he could find, and charged after Rahvin and his men with bloodlust in his eyes. It wasn't long until he was on the heels of Rahvin, who by this time had realized he was being pursued, and had set himself for a fight.

As Fisc rode for him, Rahvin dismounted and waited. Fisc approached, and Rahvin dove on the ground, rolling and slicing the legs of the horse, throwing Fisc from it. He quickly recovered and wildly hacked at Rahvin, desperately trying to score a killing blow. The experienced captain easily blocked his attempts. Finally, as Fisc raised his sword and left himself open, Rahvin drew a dagger and stabbed Fisc in the thigh, then he kicked him over to the ground.

"I respect your courage boy, but you are no warrior. Go home and tend to the women, they need you more than the army of Tor does." Rahvin cackled wildly and mounted his steed again, leaving Fisc bleeding on the ground.

His blood loss was profound, and he lost consciousness.

The Current Standard Bearers

Jaden - Son of Mannix

Template:Main Jaden Arylon is the eldest of the four living sons of Mannix, and currently claims the standard of House Arylon. His brother, Fisc Arylon also claims the family's standard, not knowing that his brother Jaden is still alive. In his life, he has been many things, a knight, a trader, a hero, and now a lord. He has also spent time on three different continents, finally settling down in the realm of Fronen, in the region of Iaera.

Nexis - Son of Mannix

Template:Main Nexis Arylon is no longer of noble blood. He was born of Mannix Arylon in the region of Nardil in the Cagilan Empire on the continent of Atamara. He traveled with his father to the colonies, where he was eventually captured with his mother and brother Jaden. Jaden was able to escape, but Nexis remained and grew up under the care of Kaendall Istar, stripped of nobility. When he matured into adulthood, faced with no claim of nobility, Nexis set off for the continent of Beluaterra to attempt to earn his nobility back as an adventurer.

Fisc - Son of Mannix

Template:Main Fisc Arylon, also known as The Emerald Knight, is the older of the famous Arylon twins, born just minutes before his brother Taran. He is currently the Lord of Dakan, a region in the northeast of Toren. Additionally, Fisc is also a long-serving Fiduciary, as well as the Marshal of the Phoenix Guard. After his brother Taran's defection from their ancestral home of the Cagilian Empire to Abington, the brothers relationship has been somewhat cool, until their collaboration on the creation of the Aristoi Academy.

Taran - Son of Mannix

Template:Main Taran Arylon is the elder of the famous Arylon twins, born before his brother Fisc by only a few minutes. He is currently a high-ranking priest of the Aristoi Atamarism religion in the nation of Abington. He began his life in the Cagilan Empire but as his life evolved, he later left the Empire in favor of Abington. Since his defection, his relationship with his twin brother Fisc Arylon have been somewhat chilly, but still civil.

Roddick - Son of Caden

Template:Main No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet. No information yet.

Heads of House Arylon

  • Avalair Arylon - Avalair was the first noble in the Arylon line.
  • Alexis Arylon - Alexis ascended to the head of the family when Avalair was poisoned, and though Alexis was implicated in the poisoning, his involvement was never proven and he was able to defend his ascension to the head of the house.
  • Mannix Arylon - Mannix Arylon assumed command of the Arylon family upon the exile of his father, Alexis Arylon. Alexis was banished from Atamara, and rather than share his father's fate, Mannix condemned Alexis and attacked his interests to curry favor with the Prime Minister of Cagilan Empire.
  • Jaden Arylon / Fisc Arylon - The standard of House Arylon is currently split, with the eldest brother Jaden assuming the mantle when he believed his father to be killed. Fisc did the same when Mannix was killed, as he was unaware of his older brothers Jaden and Nexis still being alive. At current, both sets of brothers are unaware of the existence of the other, and there are two legitimate claims to the head of the Arylon household.

Fame of House Arylon


Additional Family Information

See also: Arylon Family Tree
See also: Arylon Family Timeline


Family History

For a more detailed history of this family, see: Arylon Family History
See also: Arylon Family Tree


The Arylon family's roots are actually from the Nardil area of the Atamara continent. Taran, Fisc and Jaden Arylon were all born there, as was their father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.

Mannix Arylon's early years

Mannix Arylon, the father of Jaden and the twins was a minor noble in the Cagilan Empire. When he was 20 years old, he took a wife named Genesis, and they had a child, naming him Jaden, then later that year, another named Nexis. Three years later, Taran and Fisc (twins) were born of Genesis, growing the humble Arylon clan to a respectable size.

As time wore on and his eldest sons grew older, he began to grow tired of only being exposed to Cagilan, he, his wife Genesis, and sons Jaden and Nexis (both now old 10 and enough to strike out with their father) traveled to The Colonies in search of a way to carve out some new territories for the Arylon family. The twins were left behind to continue their education in Nardil as their father struck out for new lands.

Upon arriving at the new lands, Mannix demonstrated his immense potential as a leader. He was able to grow his forces and lead them to several important victories, carving out part of the colonies for his himself and his family. Over the next year, he had grown quite respected, not only for his troop performance, but for his personal abilities as a warrior.

All of that changed, however, upon the great assault. Three smaller and weaker factions allied themselves together temporarily to deal with Mannix. At a coordinated time, all three struck into the Arylon territory on seperate fronts - taking the commander by complete surprise. Despite the fact that he was able to rally his forces quickly and effectively to respond, the sheer force of the invaders was able to overtake Mannix quite quickly.

Mannix was captured, and his forces were slaughtered. In the fighting, Mannix saw his wife and son pursued down a dead end corridore. He heard her scream as he was pulled away, and he believed he had just seen his wife and son murdered.

He was then kept in a cell for 3 months, treated extremely poorly. It was clear his captors intended to torture him, and leave him to die at some point. One late night, Mannix heard footsteps approach his cell, and he prepared himself for another beating. When the door opened however, the guard presented him with release papers, and told him to walk outside.

As he left the facility, a man in a long grey coat was waiting for him. He introduced himself as a noble from the south-east continent nation of Toren, and explained to Mannix that he had purchased his freedom. Apparently the noble had heard of an extremely efficient leader and warrior who had recently fell to a coalition and was being held captive. As the nation of Toren was facing enemies on all sides and constant warfare, the man was sent to seek Mannix out and recruit him to help the war effort.

Mannix did not want to go - he had heard of the island of war, and had no interest in taking part in the effort. Instead he wanted to stay and avenge his wife and son's death by attacking the ringleaders of the effort against him. The mysterious stranger who had bought his freedom did not care, and informed Mannix if he did not go with him to Toren, he would revoke his payment and have him thrown back into jail.

Reluctantly, Mannix agreed to go with the stranger.

Genesis Jaden and Nexis

More information coming soon.

Mannix in Toren

More information coming soon. Mannix reconnects (via post) with his sons, and arranges for both to visit him in Toren. Will tell the story later.

Death and legacy

More information coming soon. Mannix sends both sons back to Nardil, and he dies in Toren upon a major invasion in Toren. How does it effect the family and the following events.

Mannix Arylon

The family's fame and accomplishments really began to gain some notaritiy with the advancement of Taran and Fisc Arylon, twins born of the famous Mannix Arylon.

Mannix is the grandson of Avalair, and the first son of Alexis Arylon. Mannix began his life in Ravening where his father was a minor noble. His father, Alexis, forged himself a strong reputation and was granted lordship over the region of Nardil just after Mannix's seventh birthday. He moved the family immediately to Nardil and began great civil works projects to improve his land. One notable project was the creation of the Nardil Academy, a place where his sons and grandsons would later study.

Growing up, Mannix fell in love with a common girl in Nardil and against his fathers wishes, married her when he turned 20 years old. Disowned by his father, stripped of his inheritance and titles, Mannix moved to the outskirts of Nardil with his wife, where they would begin their family - his first son Jaden Arylon would be born later that year.

He began planning ways to rebuild his influence - clearly, his father would never allow him to rise the ranks of the nobility in Cagilan Empire as long as he was alive. He spent a great deal of time studying military history, tactics, strategy and the rule of law. Despite his self-education, the situation seemed dire for nearly 10 years, until word came to Mannix of the discovery of a new continent, which was being colonized by nobles all over the world.

It was then that he began making plans to go to the colonies, and begin anew in a new land.

Mannix set out in the spring, taking with him his two eldest sons, Jaden and Nexis, and leaving behind his seven year old twins Taran and Fisc to study at the Nardil Academy - Alexis did not hold the same ill will about his grandsons as he did for his own son, and so he allowed their education. Mannix planned to return to Nardil when the boys were teenagers, and bring them to an expansive territory taken over by him.

What would really happen at the colonies would be much different.

Triumph, Defeat

Fire destroys the estate of Mannix Arylon in the region of Giblot.

Mannix came to the colonies before nations had even formed yet, and immediately began carving out terrirtory for himself and his family. His name became more well known with each victory, and his land more substantive. His expansion at the colonies continued for several years after his arrival.

Unfortunately, he failed to realize that his increasing influence would make him a major target.

Several of the competing nobles in the colonies realized Mannix's potential to perhaps take over thier own lands. Out of fear, 8 nobles were gathered at the Council of Giblot, a meeting instigated by Kaendall Istar, the cheif rival of Mannix in the region. They forged a temporary alliance for the purpose of driving Mannix back.

Their efforts proved ineffective at first, but after months of constant pressure applied to all areas of Mannix's land, his armies finally crumbled. Mannix was captured, and as he was hauled away to one of Istar's prisons, he saw his wife and sons standing on a platform with nooses around their necks - he believed them killed as he was lead away to prison.

He was then kept in a cell for 3 months, treated extremely poorly. It was clear his captors intended to torture him, and leave him to die at some point. One late night, Mannix heard footsteps approach his cell, and he prepared himself for another beating. When the door opened however, the guard presented him with release papers, and told him to walk outside.

As he left the facility, a man in a long grey coat was waiting for him. He introduced himself as a noble from the south-east continent nation of Toren, and explained to Mannix that he had purchased his freedom. Apparently the noble had heard of an extremely efficient leader and warrior who had recently fell to a coalition and was being held captive. As the nation of Toren was facing enemies on all sides and constant warfare, the man was sent to seek Mannix out and recruit him to help the war effort.

Mannix did not want to go - he had heard of the island of war, and had no interest in taking part in the effort. Instead he wanted to stay and avenge his wife and son's death by attacking the ringleaders of the effort against him. The mysterious stranger who had bought his freedom did not care, and informed Mannix if he did not go with him to Toren, he would revoke his payment and have him thrown back into jail.

Reluctantly, Mannix agreed to go with the stranger.

What Mannix did not know at that point was that his wife and sons were not dead. The execution of Genesis, Jaden and Nexis was put on hold when Istar rode by the hanging platform, and saw Mannix's wife. Immediately struck by her beauty, he decided to spare her, and her sons (to curry her favor) and take her back with him to the city of Giblot. Had Mannix known this, he would never have gone with the stranger who bought his freedom.


The repercussions of Mannix's campaigns at the colonies would have a lasting effect on the family. His capture in Giblot lead to the division of the Arylon sons, with Taran and Fisc unaware that Jaden and Nexis had survived. His move to Toren would ultimately lead to his own death - which would set in motion the coming of age of the current Arylon generation.

The current head of House Arylon is now Taran. What follows is the account of all the known living members of the Arylon clan.