Melhed/History/Age of Blood/Emperor: Difference between revisions

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-_____ Scandle -> Attempting to gain Triumverate support Fronen Lord Eugene offers bribes, the triumverate people are deeply offended and shift firmly to Tsu's forces.<br>
-_____ Scandle -> Attempting to gain Triumverate support Fronen Lord Eugene offers bribes, the triumverate people are deeply offended and shift firmly to Tsu's forces.<br>
-Enwiel Tyranny Attack - enwiel threatens war on all tyrannies this includes occupied Melhed<br>
-Enwiel Tyranny Attack - enwiel threatens war on all tyrannies this includes occupied Melhed<br>
-Salantin War<br>
-Silantin War<br>
->Fronen invades salantin, melhed conscripted<br>
->Fronen invades silantin, melhed conscripted<br>
->continued threats from Enwiel<br>
->continued threats from Enwiel<br>
->Melite infantry quickly defeated and return home<br>
->Melite infantry quickly defeated and return home<br>

Latest revision as of 21:15, 31 July 2020

Emperor Tsu Sun, the God-Emperor of Melhed

Coming to rule by overthrowing the mercenary, mad tyrant Rubius in bloody rebellion the former judge was nothing like his predissor. The fickle, and terror filled months of the Mad were soon replaced with absolute,


-Tsu arrives with mercs
-Tsu gains judge status
-First Fronen War (Merchenary Gambit) -> Surprise assualt fails
-Tyrany collapses, Triumveret forms
-Tsu takes command through rebellion killing Rubius in cold blood
-Tsu gains peace with Fronen despite clear intent and ability to anhialiate Melhed
-Tsu steps down as tyrannt in name, replaced by Fronen Lords

Fronenite Occupation

-Eugene as tyrant. fronen lords ban 1 in 3 mercenaries, demolish all recruitment centers and infastructure
-both tus and the fronen lords court the 3rd faction under the triumberet
-Arbitrary fines and bans continue resulting in a 50% reduction in population
-Tsu pleads for soldiers to fend off monster attacks, request granted in the form of infantry
-start of the Rangers
-_____ Scandle -> Attempting to gain Triumverate support Fronen Lord Eugene offers bribes, the triumverate people are deeply offended and shift firmly to Tsu's forces.
-Enwiel Tyranny Attack - enwiel threatens war on all tyrannies this includes occupied Melhed
-Silantin War
->Fronen invades silantin, melhed conscripted
->continued threats from Enwiel
->Melite infantry quickly defeated and return home
->Tsu overthrows the Fronen lords to comply with Emwiel demands, reforming the government into a republic and claiming agyr as his own.
->Enwiel is pleased, and Fronen too occupied to interfeer


-Tsu rebuilds the economy through his centralized planning. To stimulate jobs he begins the imperial palace, initially a fortress
-reconstruction of the military
-massive reengineeering of Agyr, construction of the palace, exicution pit, military academy
->development of strong military tradition

-Aldo Unti appointed General

Sentiments on Foreign Rulers

Dargon DragonHeart (Mesh)

Strongly devoted to Enweil, good friend of Fronen. I can't say I like him very much, since of some of the things he said/did during the war. Off the top of my head, I can remember that he tried his hardest to find an excuse to fight for Fronen and to make the matter "personal" when his realm was supposed to be mercenaries. Anyway, he's friendly towards us now.

Dead Angel of the White Guardians (Varyamo Nolvo)

New fellow. Doesn't impress me very much, though his family has a history of ruling. As you can see, he's already started some international debates and bad feelings.

Feanor (Fronen)

Intelligent. Recently elected. I like him far better than Harkin, the previous ruler. I wouldn't underestimate him. Appears to be trustworthy.

Golradir Lomadriewyn (Old Grehk)

Poor speaker. Good intentions towards us, but failed to be of any use during the war - seems to bow to the whim of his nobles.

Handkor Zotral(Enweil)

Has been ruler of Enweil forever. Strong connections with pretty much anyone. If he wants something to happen, it will probably happen. Seems to be intelligent, doesn't talk much.

I will survive (Voghor)

When I first met him, I assumed he wasn't very competent or a good speaker. I believe I underestimated him. Has kept his position as ruler in Voghor during and after the monster attacks, and during his rule Voghor has become quite large. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to have much nerve to stand up to Enweil and Fronen and backed out of the war almost right near the beginning - with virtually no mention of his intentions of such to his allies beforehand (I was quite bitter about this after).

Jarom Stark (Marca de Pantera)

Says very very little. Seems to be a decent ruler.

Nymatal Smallwood (Plergoth)

Much controversy over Plergoth's rulers. Frankly, I don't even know which one is which now.

Payton (Ashborn)

Good ruler, enjoys roleplay. Has had a few conflicts with Old Grekh in the past.

Rah Arya (Luz de Bia)

New, almost no information about him yet.

Raptor (Ar Agyr)

Very intelligent, good friend of mine. Trustworthy, loyal, won't back down - he's still fighting this war after all this time isn't he?

Ryan B (Riombara)

I've heard very little from this man. Tan 'o Kammer was the previous ruler, who was fiercly loyal to Fronen. Tan seems to have hated Melhed. I'm sure you know more about Ryan than I.

Zeafurum Kelesthom (Delmara)

I'd call him a traitor. Seceded Lin Helon without mentioning his plans to the rest of the realm, silly basis. Powerhungry perhaps.