Arylon Family: Difference between revisions

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m (Added new updated picture of Tyran with Nothoi shield and updated colors)
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| Dwilight
| Dwilight
| Westgard
| Westgard
| Gheric is the oldest child of Fisc and his wife, Luna Dawnstar. Born in the city of Gelene on the continent of Dwilight in the realm of Everguard, Gheric was the first High Prince to be born in the realm, as his father was serving as High King at the time of his birth. Gheric's early life was a difficult one, as Everguard faced merciless invasions by monster hordes, and repeated conflicts with neighboring realms who were repeatedly encroaching on their territory. Unlike princes in other lands who enjoyed comfortable living, feasts of plenty, and aristocratic educations, Gheric was frequently hungry, frequently slept in tents as he followed his father into the field, and had only a cursory education, heavily focused around martial training.<br><br>When his father stepped down from the Crystal Throne, and later when Everguard was destroyed by Astrum, Gheric's life grew very difficult. He never forgot, nor never forgave Astrum for their betrayal, and harbors intense hatred for them to this day. His parents and sister fled Dwilight when he was ten years old, seeking a quiet life elsewhere. Ten years later, Gheric departed for Dwilight to begin carving out his own name, obsessed with renewing his father's legacy by joining Westgard, the realm that stands in the same place his father's realm once stood. There, he hopes to one day fulfill his father's original ambition.
| Gheric is the oldest child of Fisc and his wife, Luna Dawnstar. Born in the city of Gelene on the continent of Dwilight in the realm of Everguard, Gheric was the first High Prince to be born in the realm, as his father was serving as High King at the time of his birth. Gheric's early life was a difficult one, as Everguard faced merciless invasions by monster hordes, and repeated conflicts with neighboring realms who were repeatedly encroaching on their territory. Unlike princes in other lands who enjoyed comfortable living, feasts of plenty, and aristocratic educations, Gheric was frequently hungry, frequently slept in tents as he followed his father into the field, and had only a cursory education, heavily focused around martial training.<br><br>When his father stepped down from the Crystal Throne, and later when Everguard was destroyed by Astrum, Gheric's life grew very difficult. He never forgot, nor never every forgave the leaders in Astrum responsible for the betrayal. His parents and sister fled Dwilight when he was ten years old, seeking a quiet life elsewhere. Ten years later, Gheric departed for Dwilight to begin carving out his own name, obsessed with renewing his father's legacy by joining Westgard, the realm that stands in the same place his father's realm once stood. There, he hopes to one day fulfill his father's original ambition.
| [[File:LyannaRevised.jpg|frameless|200px|center]]
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| Taran, sometimes referred to by those who knew his father as "Taran the Younger," is the eldest child of Taran Arylon, who achieved great fame on the now drowned continent of Atamara, in the realm of Suville. Five years older than his brother Tyran, Taran was clearly his father's preference. He was all the things that his father wanted in a son -- tall, athletic, handsome, adept at swordplay and possessing of great cunning. As a result, Taran was spoiled by his father, and raised in an aristocratic life of privilege, sheltered from the harshest realities of life. He received a world class education in art, science, diplomacy and administration, while also being taught military history and strategy. What resulted was a well educated, but sheltered boy who was prepared for the life of a lord in a safe, stable, secure land.<br><br>Not long after his father retired from a long career as a Duke and General, a disaster befell the continent of Atamara and forced its inhabitants to flee to other lands. This was Taran's first taste of hardship, as he was separated from his father and arrived with his brother Tyran on Beluaterra. There they would start over. Taran quickly learned that his brother, being essentially on his own from birth, was far more prepared for the harsh environment they had come to, sending him into a depressive state of self-doubt. Feeling like a failure and desperate to prove his worth, Taran left on a ship headed toward the South Island, where perpetual war gives men a chance to deserve their name, or die trying. He pledged his sword to Sandalak, and has been fighting ever since. Today, he serves as the General of Sandalak, and has finally begun to earn the name Arylon.
| Taran, sometimes referred to by those who knew his father as "Taran the Younger," is the eldest child of Taran Arylon, who achieved great fame on the now drowned continent of Atamara, in the realm of Suville. Five years older than his brother Tyran, Taran was clearly his father's preference. He was all the things that his father wanted in a son -- tall, athletic, handsome, adept at swordplay and possessing of great cunning. As a result, Taran was spoiled by his father, and raised in an aristocratic life of privilege, sheltered from the harshest realities of life. He received a world class education in art, science, diplomacy and administration, while also being taught military history and strategy. What resulted was a well educated, but sheltered boy who was prepared for the life of a lord in a safe, stable, secure land.<br><br>Not long after his father retired from a long career as a Duke and General, a disaster befell the continent of Atamara and forced its inhabitants to flee to other lands. This was Taran's first taste of hardship, as he was separated from his father and arrived with his brother Tyran on Beluaterra. There they would start over. Taran quickly learned that his brother, being essentially on his own from birth, was far more prepared for the harsh environment they had come to, sending him into a depressive state of self-doubt. Feeling like a failure and desperate to prove his worth, Taran left on a ship headed toward the South Island, where perpetual war gives men a chance to deserve their name, or die trying. He pledged his sword to Sandalak, and has been fighting ever since. Today, he serves as the General of Sandalak, and has finally begun to earn the name Arylon.
| [[File:Tyran.jpg|frameless|200px|center]]
| [[File:TyranNothoi.jpg|frameless|200px|center]]
| style="text-align: center; font-size:22px; align:center;" |'''Tyran Arylon'''</span>
| style="text-align: center; font-size:22px; align:center;" |'''Tyran Arylon'''</span>
<span style="font-size: 14px; font-style: italic;">Son of Taran</span>
<span style="font-size: 14px; font-style: italic;">Son of Taran</span>

Revision as of 22:06, 4 January 2020


The House of Arylon is a noble house of royal bloodline, originating from the remote regions of the Cagilan Empire on the lost continent of Atamara. The name itself originates from the ancient hereditary title Aryl, which in an ancient Atamaran language means "Lord." Humble in origin, the Arylonians were minor nobles of little fame or authority for generations, before rising in significance and becoming one of the most recognizable noble houses in the known world.

After generations of obscurity, it was the exploits of the brothers of Fisc and Taran that led to the ascension of the Arylonians. Ironically, it was by forsaking their ancestral home and claim on nobility that the brothers would rise. When they came of age, Fisc -- who was always more restless and belligerent than Taran -- was unsatisfied by his position in life, and sought to carve out his own name in battle by traveling to the South-East Island and pledging himself to the martial realm of Toren, fighting in the unending wars of that land. There he would distinguish himself, gaining a Lordship, then later becoming Fiduciary, and later still General, overseeing all of the war effort.

Taran remained on Atamara, but equally frustrated by his anonymity and irrelevance among the Cagilans, he abandoned his family estate and traveled to the south-east corner of Atamara, joining the realm of Abington, which would eventually become Suville. There he would thrive, rising to serve as Suville's General for a long period of time, as well as the realm's Master of Law, and Duke of the stronghold of Stoneville.

The family became a royal house when Fisc was forced to flee from the destruction of the South-East Island. There, he and a combination of Torenites and other refugees came to the newly discovered land of Dwilight, where they formed a new nation, called Everguard, to which Fisc was proclaimed the first High King. Under his leadership, Everguard prospered and expanded to control the north-west portion of the continent. He would later go on to found the religion of Torenism at the ancient Shrine of Seeklander and serve as a prophet to the God Tor. Fisc was forced to flee the realm he founded when their greatest ally -- the realm of Astrum -- shockingly betrayed and attacked Everguard. This would lead him to the nascent realm of Averoth, where he would rise to become Chancellor. After growing disillusioned with the treachery he had experienced, though, Fisc wandered before ultimately taking his wife and young children to the East Continent, where they would quietly settle in a quiet estate and retire from public life.

Some time later, Fisc vanished without trace, leaving their children without a father. Taran, also having grown dissatisfied with the scheming and backbiting of the Atamaran realms, and set off on a ship in search of the unexplored mysteries of our world. Neither Fisc nor Taran has been seen for more than a decade.

Today, the House of Arylon is once again ascendant, owing to the young noble careers of the children of Fisc and Taran -- Gheric, Lyanna, Taran the Second, and Tyran -- as well as the exploits of their younger brother Caravanthian. These men and women, mimicking the adventures of their famous fore-bearers, have set off to all corners of the world, looking to create for themselves a life of distinction. Gheric has settled in Dwilight, in the realm of Westgard, in the hopes of renewing and surpassing the legacy of his father on Dwilight, the land that broke his father's spirit. Lyanna remained on the East Continent and has forged her own career in the realm of Sirion. Taran the Second followed in his uncle's path by traveling to a continent -- South Island -- locked in perpetual war, in search of glory. Tyran journeyed to Beluaterra and settled in the realm of Nothoi in what he felt was the furthest possible place he could have gone from the name of his famous father. And Caravanthian, deciding to follow his nephew Gheric to Dwilight, found himself blown off course by a terrible storm and arriving at the Colonies, emerging in the realm of Halcyon.

Together, this new generation of Arylonian blood hopes to build upon the legacy set forth before them.

Family Members of Accomplishment

Fisc Arylon Missing Unknown Unknown Fisc Arylon, also known as The Emerald Knight and Fisc Silvertongue, was a warrior, statesman, King and religious icon of great fame in the old days of our world. Beginning his exploits on the now destroyed South-East Island realm of Toren. He is, however, best known among the ancient families as the first High King of the realm of Everguard in north-western Dwilight. Everguard was the first Kingdom founded in Dwilight that reached into the monster-infested hordes of the west. His leadership helped expand the realm greatly, and establish itself as the jewel of the north-west. After his tenure as High King, Fisc would go on to found the religion of Torenism.

After the betrayal and destruction of Everguard at the hands of their former ally Astrum, Fisc grew frustrated by the treachery and corruption systemic through Dwilight. He and his children left the continent, and he withdrew from the world. Some years later, after the death of his wife, Fisc mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again. Some have speculated that he grew restless and sought adventure beyond the known world. Some believe he died. Others think he may return some day.
Taran Arylon Missing Unknown Unknown Taran was a highly educated, cerebral person - concerned with the use and application of political power. He had a sly and relentless sense of humor that more than once caused him to be labeled a troublemaker. He valued knowledge, cunning, cleverness and ingenuity above brute strength, and also had a reputation as a lover of women. He was charismatic and witty, and quite intelligent, though he was also incredibly arrogant. He had a rather cavalier perspective -- something that seems to have been inherited by his niece Lyanna -- believing that life can only truly be lived by seeking thrilling experiences to fill every day. This led to many excesses in his life, but no one could say he didn't live a full life.

After a long career as a religious leader, and later soldier, general and Duke in the realms of Abington and Suville, Taran grew disillusioned with the monotony and of his life, and the political scheming required of his high station. Shortly after retiring, the disaster in Atamara that caused the destruction of the continent separated him from his family, and took from him all that he had gained. He then acquired a ship and crew, and set off in a desperate attempt to find his children, setting off to explore the unknown reaches of the world. What became of him is unknown.
Caravanthian Arylon Alive Colonies Halcyon

Caravanthian is the youngest brother of Taran and Fisc Arylon, more than twenty years their junior. When his elder brothers left their ancestral home, Caravanthian was but a boy and remained behind to be raised as a proper noble. He was therefore educated in science, art, history and politics, but kept from martial training out of fear that he would follow in the footsteps of his brothers. Ultimately, though, he did not want to be part of the stuffy aristocracy as he had grown to hold most of his noble peers in great contempt, viewing them as decadent, soft, and unworthy of their great privilege. Caravanthian's contempt for his noble life is what ultimately led him to flee his home in search of a life of consequence.

He took a considerable chest of gold and hired a ship, begging the captain to take him to the continent of Dwilight, where he knew that his nephew Gheric had recently gone in search of restoring his father's legacy. Unfortunately, after traveling by boat for weeks, a massive storm had formed, and his ship had been pulled off course hundreds of miles. When he awoke, he found himself on the shores nearby the city of Alebad. He had shipwrecked at the mysterious continent that contained The Colonies. There he would start his new life, hoping someday to be reunited with his family and have a name worthy of the House of Arylon.

Gheric Arylon

Son of Fisc

Alive Dwilight Westgard Gheric is the oldest child of Fisc and his wife, Luna Dawnstar. Born in the city of Gelene on the continent of Dwilight in the realm of Everguard, Gheric was the first High Prince to be born in the realm, as his father was serving as High King at the time of his birth. Gheric's early life was a difficult one, as Everguard faced merciless invasions by monster hordes, and repeated conflicts with neighboring realms who were repeatedly encroaching on their territory. Unlike princes in other lands who enjoyed comfortable living, feasts of plenty, and aristocratic educations, Gheric was frequently hungry, frequently slept in tents as he followed his father into the field, and had only a cursory education, heavily focused around martial training.

When his father stepped down from the Crystal Throne, and later when Everguard was destroyed by Astrum, Gheric's life grew very difficult. He never forgot, nor never every forgave the leaders in Astrum responsible for the betrayal. His parents and sister fled Dwilight when he was ten years old, seeking a quiet life elsewhere. Ten years later, Gheric departed for Dwilight to begin carving out his own name, obsessed with renewing his father's legacy by joining Westgard, the realm that stands in the same place his father's realm once stood. There, he hopes to one day fulfill his father's original ambition.
Lyanna Arylon

Daughter of Fisc

Alive East Continent Sirion Lyanna is the younger sister of Gheric, born three years later to Fisc and Luna Dawnstar. Lyanna has no memory of the glory of her family's royal heritage, and her first memory of her family was in the squalor they lived in after the destruction of Everguard. As a result, her outlook on life is a great deal different than Gheric. His life saw both glory and desperation, and so left in him a somewhat stoic personality, obsessed with honor and loyalty, having seen the result of both being discarded by his father's closest allies. Lyanna, on the other hand, knew only want and as such developed a somewhat libertine personality. She seeks to extract every last bit of happiness and pleasure out of life, and is a somewhat open and free person.

Her family finally settled in Sirion, posing as minor nobility and living in obscurity. When her father disappeared and her brother left to chase his legacy on Dwilight, she decided to make her own life there, and attempt to rise to prominence. Distinguishing herself on the battlefield and showing a real capacity for politics and diplomacy, she very quickly rose to command the region of Glinmar, and then later became the Margravine of the great white city of Avamar in the south of the realm. She has also been elected as Lord Speaker of Sirion, managing the realm's finances and one day she hopes to lead the nation as Prime Minister.
Taran Arylon

Son of Taran

Alive South Island Sandalak Taran, sometimes referred to by those who knew his father as "Taran the Younger," is the eldest child of Taran Arylon, who achieved great fame on the now drowned continent of Atamara, in the realm of Suville. Five years older than his brother Tyran, Taran was clearly his father's preference. He was all the things that his father wanted in a son -- tall, athletic, handsome, adept at swordplay and possessing of great cunning. As a result, Taran was spoiled by his father, and raised in an aristocratic life of privilege, sheltered from the harshest realities of life. He received a world class education in art, science, diplomacy and administration, while also being taught military history and strategy. What resulted was a well educated, but sheltered boy who was prepared for the life of a lord in a safe, stable, secure land.

Not long after his father retired from a long career as a Duke and General, a disaster befell the continent of Atamara and forced its inhabitants to flee to other lands. This was Taran's first taste of hardship, as he was separated from his father and arrived with his brother Tyran on Beluaterra. There they would start over. Taran quickly learned that his brother, being essentially on his own from birth, was far more prepared for the harsh environment they had come to, sending him into a depressive state of self-doubt. Feeling like a failure and desperate to prove his worth, Taran left on a ship headed toward the South Island, where perpetual war gives men a chance to deserve their name, or die trying. He pledged his sword to Sandalak, and has been fighting ever since. Today, he serves as the General of Sandalak, and has finally begun to earn the name Arylon.
Tyran Arylon

Son of Taran

Alive Beluaterra Nothoi Tyran Arylon is the youngest son of Taran Arylon, The Elder. His father, while a great man, was not very present in his life. Five years his brother's junior, his father father poured all of his love and attention into his older sibling. Tyran, long since learning to rely on himself, would never complain of that fact, as he considers it the simple reality of my upbringing. As a result, though, Tyran I developed a self-reliance and independence which has served him well, perhaps at no time more than when his home in Atamara was destroyed, and he and his brother became separated from their father. Landing on Beluaterra, suddenly it was Tyran who hunted for food, fought off rogues looking to steal what little they had, and finding work that paid gold. It was quite some time before the realm of Nothoi would hear of a noble family from Atamara joining their ranks, and by then Tyran was alone, his brother having set off for the glory of war in the south.

Now alone, but armed with a gritty persistence and some very practical survival skills, Tyran has vowed to build his own legacy in Nothoi, and is obsessed with deserving his place among the great families. He has since fought tenaciously for his new home, against both human invaders and monsters, having risen to become the General of his realm.

Bastard Son of Fisc

Alive East Continent Nivemus Rearden story

Bastard Son of Fisc

Alive Dwilight Madina Mathas story