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 Through the eyes of history with Emperor Shady Soulja 17 February 1013

As some of the history behind the latest war between Nivemus and Perdan (and now seemingly about to engulf many more nations due to the recent Sirion intervention in Salta;see regional news) is before my time and many of the readers of New Westmoor I decided to write to Emperor Shady of the Obsidian Islands to ask him about the history behind both Old Rancagua and the Kalmar Islands leading up to the present day war.

The history of this continent is a very long one, and though it would be nice if it was simple it's not. To understand why the Islands were colonized with Kalmar Islands, you must first know that Old Rancagua and Perdan were ancient enemies, much like Perdan and Sirion. As a way to try and bring them closer together and begin building a bridge of friendship, Perdan and Old Rancagua worked out a plan to take over the Islands, giving birth to the Kalmar Islands realm.

This realm, however, did not last because it became corrupted by the Black Hand, a group Sirion knows all to well from their war with Avamar days. Perdan, Old Rancagua, Sirion and I believe Caligus all declared war on Kalmar Islands with the sole purpose of destroying the realm. As a desperate act the Islands split, Kalmar Islands remained as the Chaos Temple Duchy while a new realm was formed from Kalmar, Avamar Selective. Now with two capitals on two fronts they tried to put together a better defensive, little did they know nether duchy could survive a war without the other.

Perdan marched through and crushed Kalmar Islands while the combined forces also took out Avamar Selective. After taking both duchies, Perdan worked on the Chaos Temple Duchy while Old Rancagua worked on the Kalmar Duchy. Kalmar succeeded finally, forming the Obsidian Islands, a second attempt by Perdan and Old Rancagua at a colony to also help bridge a friendship between the north and south.

War once again broke out on the continent, with the entire continent being embroiled. Without getting into to much, Old Rancagua was destroyed by Fontan and their colony Sultanate of Asena, Westmoor was born from Fontan lands, Caligus expanded nicely, Obsidian Islands gained the Kazakh duchy, Sultanate of Asena was destroyed and replaced by Nivemus, Fontan was destroyed by Perdan, Westmoor and Caligus. Perdan, from what I believe, gave up on trying to form a stronger bond with the north as since Old Rancagua there was expansionist Sultanate of Asena that brought war to their allies and plotted against them, and then Nivemus who they view as a puppet/colony of Sirion, their ancient enemy.

Shady Soulja
Emperor of Obsidian Islands
Duke of Kazakh
Margrave of Kazakh

 War! 16 February 1013

The realm of Perdan (one of Westmoor's allies) has declared a situation of war between itself and Nivemus. King and former general Atanamir of Umbar declared that he would be engaging a humanitarian intevention into Nivemus to restore a new realm more faithful to the old ideals of Old Rancagua. The letter already in wide circulation has been printed on our letters page.

One of the conditions posted in the letter demmands that Talius Valorian the first ruler of Nivemus be re-crowned as ruler. King Atanamir proposed the removal of Nivemus and replacement with a new realm of different name with a different council. Sirion Nivemus' ally is expected to react negatively to this situation although they have remained to our ears relatively quiet for the last few days. With Nivemus being so directly challenged it can only remain so long before Sirion's decision is brought into the melting pot.

 Willy the tongue twister escapes! 9 February 1013

Willy the rogue and murderer of Eoman Dishman as well as numerous men and women across the continent was recently imprisoned in Westmoor's dungeons. Across the continent Willy has had wanted posters posted in Taverns from Avamar to Isadril wherein he has commonly acquired the nickname of the "tongue-twister" due to his brutal removal of the tongue of his victims after he murders them. Judge Antonius Turner had performed the last rites (as he is entitled to do as a high priest of the Church of Humanity). The commoner Willy had been sentenced to hang however before his sentence could be carried out he managed to overpower the dungeon guards and escaped his fate. The commoner Willy was spotted by a soldier in Troyes who claimed he saw him crossing the bridge south into Perdan. It is likely he has fled into one of the southern realms (he would no doubt be hunted in Perdan by bounty hunters).

Eoric Dishman son of the deceased Eoman mentioned above was brought into disrepute in Perdan and Armonia when he pursued the rogue Willy across the borders into Armonia and engaged soldiers of Armonia in combat back in January. More on this story as the information comes in.

 Interview with King Jor Tanos 8 February 1013

Today it is with great satisfaction that this paper is able to publish an interview with his highness King Jor Tanos. In it he highlights answers to questions this paper proposed about various elements involving Westmoor and the Church of Humanity across the continent. We hope you readers of this paper enjoy reading this interview in these uncertain times!

Q1. You will soon be Westmoor's longest reigning Monarch. What would you consider the highlight of your tenure on the throne?

The highlight of my reign? Bringing stability to Westmoor, seeing her purged of the more... Chaotic elements. I have always attempted to give people chances, but some spurned such offers. Yet for the first time in years, there are no mass protests. There are no rebellions. Westmoor finally has a chance to breathe and grow. Without the need to focus solely on inside dissent, we may turn our eyes outward so that we may be vigilant against the Darkness.

Q2. As the longest serving leader of the Church of Humanity what is the current view on other religions across the East Continent?

As Arch Cleric of the Ecclesia Humanitas, known commonly as the Church of Humanity, I have had the honor of overseeing her missions and expansion, even to other shores, since mid 1010. The other religions only in Eastralis? Beyond Holy Church, there are only five other formal religions.

The Flow of the Balance has long been decreed as evil, for their blatant attempts at forced expansionism and their willingness to be used as a mere tool of war. Add in their echoing of Fontan's decree that Holy Church would be destroyed at their hand, they have never exactly been in the Church's good graces. Though they have some remnants in Sirion, the majority of the Flowists are in Eponllyn.

The Triumvirate is a faith that was decreed to be misguided by myself early on in my leadership. Though they have not taken direct attempts to assault Holy Church, they have a history of utilizing faith to attempt to seize territories from their lords. Holy Church frowns on such things, which is why it is prohibited except under very special circumstances. They actually have at least one adherent in Westmoor, Prince Corwin of Oligarch, which saddens me as he was once among the Church's faithful. The bulk of their presence is based in the Kingdom of Eponllyn.

Dagdaism is the faith of the Obsidian Islands, established by Caitlin Stormcrow in an effort to offer a local alternative to Holy Church. Amusingly, their Prophet Caitlin later emigrated and joined the theocracy of Sint in Beluaterra, becoming a priestess of the King of Daimons, Hemaglobe. Truly makes her aspirations here in Eastralis questionable. I digress, however. Dagdaism has also long been viewed as misguided. Their view that all are equal under 'the spirits' likely was seen as a blasphemy.

The Holy Sacred Grove is the native religion of Sirion. In truth, I personally would have once viewed them as a variant of Holy Church. At least until then-priest Zakilevo began the destruction of their theology to impose his own panthenon of gods onto it. Their use in the war against Fontan to counter the Flow of the Balance, and their abuses of faith, led to Beatific Father Benedictus to declare them misguided during my own period of injury after being assaulted by followers of the Flow after a sermon.

The Order of the White Tree today is not the same as the one that existed within Old Rancagua. No, that original faith was destroyed by Erik Eyolf when he banished the elders from Sirion for they would not bow to him or the 'elves'. As the original Order collapsed, Sirion allowed more malliable nobles from Rancagua to re-establish it. This is the Order that exists today in Nivemus. While their theology is comparable to our own, their close ties to Sirion makes their freedom as a faith questionable. Officially they are ignored by the Church, though I view them as a potential variant. I will even confess here, I approached their leading priest in the early days of Nivemus and offered them a chance to enter into communion with Holy Church. Alas, the leaders of the Order chose to keep themselves in power rather than offer themselves wholly unto the Divine. In brighter news, a recent convert from the Order gave us several seeds of the White Tree. One each shall be planted at each of the four Basilicas and, once they spring to life, seeds will be planted at every temple to the Divine here in Eastralis and across the sea.

Q3. How fairs the Church of Humanity outside of Westmoor?

The Church here in Eastralis is growing. Beyond the strong following we enjoy in Westmoor, it has once more flourished in Perdan. This, mind you, is where the modern Church was formed. We also have a small but influential following in Eponllyn and the Queen of Armonia has pledged to convert the realm to follow the Divine. Caligus also has a member of the Ecclesiarchy, known as elders in other faiths, and even Sirion has at least one noble who is among the Faithful. As far as the peasantry, we have Faithful in every single nation on these shores. Even on other continents, Holy Church is slowly growing and gaining strength. Praise the Divine, for all shall know Her name.

Q4. How do you feel about the re-election of Zakilevo as Prime Minister of Sirion?

I believe it says quite a bit about the mindset of the Sirionites. They have re-elected a man that has thrown down their goddess and replaced them with his own. They have re-elected a man that has long sought to find any excuse to go to war that he can, no matter how sad it truly is. They have re-elected a man who assisted in the destruction of a realm that Sirion co-created with Caligus. I hoped Sirion, as a republic, would have named someone progressive, open, and forward thinking. Instead they looked to the past.

I honestly cannot help but question if the destruction of Dunnera was part of Zakilevo's plans. His co-conspirator is now safely nestled away in Nivemus, Sirion gained further lands when Dunnera collapsed, which I will remind you are lands which they have always claimed as theirs, and Zakilevo returned right away to his previous position. Truly makes one wonder.

Q5. Is Westmoor maintaining a good relationship with Perdan and it's other allies?

I would like to believe so. I have recently reminded our allies of this and will do so again: Westmoor stands with you. Should you ever request our aid we will do all in our power to deliver it. I hope all of our allies remember that.

This has been a universal constant. Until we are betrayed, we will always see to it we honor our friendships. If we are betrayed, we will do all we can to see justice is dealt. The Fontanese paid for their betrayals, yet even then we repeatedly offered them mercy.

We aided the Obsidian Islands when their territories began going rogue or were raising our banners. We have aided Perdan in the past. If Caligus ever requested it, we would aid them as well, even though our traditional alliance has not yet been reformed. Some may bring the Sultanate up in this, however they never requested aid from Westmoor. Not in food, not in gold, not in soldiers. I was always a bit shocked at that.

Q6. What can we expect from the new alliance with Armonia and Westmoor?

As I touched on earlier, Armonia will be joining the Faithful. They have also pledged to defend Westmoor should the need to arrise. Though Armonia has had the most... Issues with Ibladeshi remnants, they are the most willing of the former Ibladeshi states to seek true friendships with neighboring realms. Their Queen is quite level-headed, honest, and diplomatic. She has my respect and I believe the new King of Perdan is starting to feel similar. If only more realms could have rulers such as her.

Q7. What would standard procedure be if Hergoervik Drakarne was brought into Westmoorian dungeons?

Now THAT is a troublesome question. In truth, such decisions are entirely under the jurisdiction of Lord Justice Antonious. However, I believe most of the House of Lords would be in agreement: The man must pay for his crimes. Multiple acts of treason. Multiple attempts to undermine the government. Espionage. Sabotage. Aiding the enemy... That does not even account for the crimes against the people of Hagley that he personally committed. The man was a monster and I will do all that I can to see to it that he is hanged like a common horse thief with his head then severed after death and displayed from the gates of Westmoor, overlooking the hills of Hagley. Perhaps gruesome, but he was given many chances to attone, each time professing innocence while betraying Westmoor even further.

Q8. Any plans for tournaments/celebrations etc? It would be hard to match Caligus' latest effort.

There are always plans, yet there are... Let us say rumors of brewing trouble. Westmoor will gladly host a tournament, once peace and security may be guaranteed. To do otherwise would be to condemn us all.

Divine bless you and all your readers.

 Malo Darkhouse miricle or madman? 4 February 1013

Loyal readers of New Westmoor I will now try to relate to you the somewhat curious and morbid story of Malo Darkhouse. Previously details of the incident involving this noble from Armonia were known only in vague detail hence we didn't try to report it at the time, but now that the noble in question has entered Westmoor only to be banned almost immiediately from the realm, we will try and relate as best as we can the curious story relating to this man.

During the previous month Sir Malo of Armonia entered Perdanese lands without permission and apparently looted Perdanese regions (exact details unknown) and preaching to all about gods of the now destroyed Church of Ibladesh. For anyone possessing the smallest modicum of information about the east continent will know that the Church of Ibladesh is banned everywhere after the destruction of Ibladesh at the hands of Perdan and Caligus. Needless to say any man (or woman) wishing to keep their head on their shoulders would do well to stay clear of anything to do with this dead faith (once worshipped far and wide across the south).

Malo Darkhouse was banned by Armonia's judge Intarex Tibro on the 26th of January and a day later was executed by Elisadeath Cancelot the judge of Perdan (for pretty obvious reasons). Thinking we had seen the last of sir Malo we were all rather shocked when a few days later sir Malo seemingly rose from the dead proclaiming to all that he had been saved by the gods of the church of Ibladesh.

Sir Malo then fled to Westmoor where he attempted to join the realm as a refugee. Writing to Cassandra Foxglove sir Malo wrote:

When I was killed I saw a bright light, and an ancient man saying that I had to go back to this continent to give it a last chance of embracing the True religion. In His wisdom, Ramsus decided that even a small number of faithful people will be enough to allow the continent to survive. These don't seem the words of a witch ...

Head of the church and the crown of Westmoor his highness king Jor Tanos wrote:

Undead monstrosity,

Neither you nor the false faith of Ibladesh are welcome in the Kingdom or anywhere in Eastralis. I know not what magicks raised you from the dead, your head barely clinging to your torso by a strand of flesh, but it is truly the dark arts.

I pray your soul has found peace with the Divine, for your body is the tool of Darkness.

Miracle or no sir Malo might have made a mistake thinking that his preaching of the church of Ibladesh would be welcomed in Westmoor the heart of the religeon of the church of humanity. He was quickly banned by Westmoor's judge Antonius Turner and will once again be going on the run looking for a new home.



Regional News
17 February 1013

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Salta: Perdan vs. Nivemus, Sirion Estimated strengths: 760 men vs. 2340 men The Silver Legion (Sirion), sponsored by Erik Eyolf Serpentis, Duke of Avamar, Margrave of Avamar, were led into battle by Marshal Giselle Relak. The Army of Nivemus (Nivemus), sponsored by Talius Valorian, Duke of Ashforth, Margrave of Ashforth, were led into battle by Marshal Brock Ketchum. Nick Ilyrians, Legodos of Nivemus, Earl of Oberndorf is spotted wielding the Ruron's Guard of the Dragonslayer. Nick Ilyrians, Legodos of Nivemus, Earl of Oberndorf is spotted wearing the Diamond Band. Modi Jorvik, Count of Woolton is spotted wielding the Sacred Nightblade of Destruction.

Defender Victory!

16 February 1013

A new war is breaking out Perdan has declared war on Nivemus.

8 February 1013

Battle in Dulbin Westmoor vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 180 men vs. 10 men

Attacker Victory!

4 February 1013

Noble banned!
message to all nobles of Westmoor
Antonious Turner, Lord Justice of Westmoor, Ambassador of Westmoor, Earl of Bruck, Priest of Church of Humanity has declared Malo Darkhouse, Knight of Troyes an enemy of the realm and will issue a ban on him shortly. He has given the following reason:
Ibladeshi followers and those that involve themselves in dark magicks are not welcome within the Kingdom of Westmoor. Your crimes against Perdan are also well known to us. You will not find refuge within the lands of Westmoor.

Battle in Westmoor (rogue) vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 70 men vs. 2020 men The Westmoorian Bulwark (Westmoor), sponsored by Sir Ravier Nebehn, Duke of the Western Moors, Margrave of Westmoor, were led into battle by Marshal Ravier Nebehn.

Defender Victory!