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|author = }}
|author = }}
<table style="margin: 0px; border-collapse:collapse; border: hidden; width: 100%;"><tr style="padding: 1px; border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF; background: #DDDDDD;"><td>'''Title'''</td><td width="15%">'''Author'''</td><td width="20%">'''Date'''</td><td width="50%">'''Summary'''</td></tr>
|date = February 13, 2009
{{#ask: [[Category:Tattlemaster Articles]]  
|title = Major Wiki Changes to Region Pages
| limit = 10
|article = Until now, all region pages have been subpages of the island on which the region is located. i.e. the page for the region of Partora was located at: <nowiki>[[East Continent/Partora]]</nowiki>. Today {{Usr|Tom}} and {{Usr|Bishamon Family}} have begun a project to move the region pages so they are no longer subpages of the island. This means that if you want to link to the region of Zawr, you would just link to the region name, like this: <nowiki>[[Zawr]]</nowiki>. You no longer need to specify an island name, a region name, and then [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Piped link|pipe]] the link with the region name. The template that was created to make this easier, [[Template:Reglink]] is no longer needed, and should no longer be used.
| searchlabel = More Articles
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
| sort = publication date
| order = desc
|date = February 10, 2009
| format=template
|title = Adventurers, Stick Close to Home
| template=:The TattleMaster/ArticleListFormat
|article = New code has been activated on testing that gives adventurers better chances at hunting, fighting undead, etc when they are in or close to their home region, and worse chances the farther they are away.  An adventurer's "home region" is the region in which the adventurer started, or the region in which he or she last changed realms.
| ?author
|author = {{Usr|Danaris}}}}
| ?publication date
| ?summary
|date = February 10, 2009
|title = Big Change for Traders
|article = According to a message posted by {{Usr|Tom}} on the [[Discussion List]], regions are now required to have a [[Buildings#Marketplace|marketplace]] in order for trader characters to conduct food purchases and sales in the region. If no marketplace is present trading in the region can only be conducted using caravans.
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = February 9, 2009
|title = Semantic Wiki
|article = In case you hadn't heard yet, the BattleMaster Wiki has been enabled with semantic markup. You can read about it here: [[Semantic Wiki]]. The MediaWiki site devoted to Semantic Wikis can be found here: []. This is a very powerful update to the wiki, that will allow the wiki to be more dynamic, requiring less manual updates. Eventually, it may even allow for automated updates of statistical information. Check out the [[Semantic Wiki]] page for more information.
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 31, 2009
|title = BattleMaster "Post Mortem"
|article = The site author of [] recently asked {{Usr|Tom}} to write an article about BattleMaster. Tom agreed, and the resulting article can be [ read online here]. It provides some interesting insights into the development of the game.
|author = --{{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 31, 2009
|title = War Island Family Homes
|article = The latest login message:{{Quotation|<b>Sunken Family Homes</b><br>The south islands have finally been submerged today. The 43 families which still had their family homes on them are now without a home, but will have it a lot easier to found a new one.|{{Usr|Tom}}}}
|author = --{{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 30, 2009
|title = Big Change for Infiltrators
|article = Under the new class/subclass system, infiltrators are no longer "invisible". This means that they will always show up on scout reports and on region details. In addition, their location is always listed on the realm character listing. Instead of being invisible, the infiltration subclass itself is no longer shown on any of the character lists. This means that even though the character has the subclass of "Infiltrator", they will appear on the character list as only "Courtier" or "Warrior". It is possible that high-skilled infiltrators will be able to choose the subclass that is shown on the character listing.<br><br>Edit: Warrior/Infiltrators are also able to recruit troops.
|author = --{{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 26, 2009
|title =  Some Exciting Changes
|article = {{Usr|Tom}} recently posted the following message to the [[Discussion List]]:
{{Quotation|We're doing a number of exciting changes these days to the 
BattleMaster code.<br><br>One thing you'll like is that we are converting most tables over to client-sortable tables, which means you can sort them quicker and easier. The character, region and realm lists on testing have already been converted. We know that one or two columns (days in realm, for example) do not yet sort properly, but that will be fixed shortly.<br><br>All this is part of an effort to make BattleMaster a little more modern. When it was launched, Javascript was optional and very limited. Today, we can do a lot of interesting things with it, while still remaining somewhat backwards-compatible. The new client-sortable tables will show alright on any really old devices without Javascript, it's just the sorting that won't work.<br><br>We have more great features in the pipe already.|{{Usr|Tom}}}}
|author = --{{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 26, 2009
|title = [[New Class System]] Goes Live on All Islands
|article = {{Quotation|<b>New Classes System</b><br>A major update to both testing and stable has brought the game to the [[New Class System|new classes system]]. The switch should be almost complete now, the only remainder of the old system is the Switch Class page, which will be redone shortly. ''(ed: This is already done, too.)''<br><br>This large update had to be applied to stable as well in order to prevent any bugs that might result from code differences. As it's a fairly large update, there are probably a few bugs left. If you spot any, check the Bugtracker, report them if they haven't already, and we will fix them in short time.|{{Usr|Tom}}}}
The Change Class page has already been implemented, and is now live on '''all''' islands. The system is still not quite done yet, though. There may be some class/subclass combinations that are not possible. There are probably other things that don't quite right, either. Feel free to add any information you have to [[Talk:New Class System]].
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 22, 2009
|title = Some New Class System Changes Active
|article = {{Usr|Tom}} has posted the following login message:
{{Quotation|'''Class System Changes'''<br>Changes to the new classes system are now starting to go live. One change that you will notice is that recruitment limits have already been changed. Especially Courtier class characters (Traders, mostly) will notice changes in their recruitment options.<br><br>
If the recruitment screen tells you when you're trying to add men to your unit that you have a limit of 0 men, that means your class or subclass could not recruit this type of unit at all, but we didn't want to take away the unit you currently have.|{{Usr|Tom}}}}
We've heard reports that Courtiers (formerly known as bureaucrats) can recruit at most 25 men, and cannot recruit cavalry or special forces at all.
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 21, 2009
|title = More Information About Classes and Subclasses
|article = Some information regarding some of the features/restrictions regarding the class/subclass system has come to light. First, here is the list of main classes:
* Warrior (old knight)
* Courtier
* Priest
* Adventurer
And here is the list of subclasses:
* Mentor / Student
* Diplomat / Ambassador
* Trader
* Infiltrator
* Cavalier
* Hero
And here are some interesting tidbits that have been gleaned from various sources:
* Only the "Warrior" class will be able to train their troops.
* Courtier classes will not be able to recruit cavalry and special forces, and can only recruit small units
* Some skills are linked to a specific class, and some to a specific subclass
** Swordfighting is linked to the Warrior class
** Oratory (Formerly known as Preaching) is linked to the Courtier class
** Infiltration skill is restricted to the Infiltrator subclass
** Trading is linked to the Trader subclass
* The skills you can train are are those linked to either your character's class ''or'' subclass. This means that certain class/subclass combinations will not be able to train skills that were considered core skills for certain old-style classes, or may have skills that are not necessarily useful for that class/subclass combination. (At least until the system has been more thoroughly implemented.) For example:
** Warrior/Infiltrator can train swordfighting
** Courtier/Infiltrator or Priest/Infiltrator (yes!) can not train swordfighting
** Courtier/Infiltrators (which all infiltrators currently are) can train Oratory (which they can't really use (so far as we know))
** A Warrior/Infiltrator can not train Oratory skill
* Additional abilities may be added to the subclasses in order to make certain combinations possible, such as Priest/Hero, or Priest/Cavalier. This will require some of the existing classes and subclasses to be rethought.
* The Adventurer class cannot have a subclass
You can read {{Usr|Tom}}'s complete posting to the [[Discussion List]] [ here].
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 10, 2009
|title = New Class System Information
|article = {{Usr|Tom}} posted the following message on the [[Discussion List]] regarding the new class system. These options are not yet available in the game, although class/subclasses are listed on your character status page.
{{Quotation|<b>New Classes System</b><br>We are currently working on a change to the way classes are handled in the game. This change will also pave the way for the diplomats that we talked about, which are required for the better diplomacy system we discussed.<br><br>What we are going to do is separate classes into two - a main class and a sub class.<br><br>The main class determines your primary "way in life". There are only four main classes:
* Warrior (old knight)
* Courtier
* Priest
* Adventurer
The "courtier" is new and is a class for all those whose primary focus is not warfare, but peaceful interaction. Those who today play  bureaucrats, traders, etc. fall into this class.<br><br>The subclass determines your actual day-to-day activities. So while  the main class is your broad direction, the subclass is how you implement it. Your tools and methods.<br><br>There are eight subclasses at this time.<br><br>Having a subclass is OPTIONAL. You do not have to, in fact many players will not.<br><br>Adventurers can NOT have a subclass. Warriors, Courtiers and Priests can. All main class/subclass combinations can be mixed freely. Of course, some combinations will be very common (Courtier+Infiltrator), but that makes the uncommon ones just more interesting.<br><br>Subclasses are:
* Mentor / Student
* Diplomat / Ambassador
* Trader
* Infiltrator
* Cavalier
* Hero
An Ambassador is simply a Diplomat with official support. Anyone can become a Diplomat, but only the ruler can turn a Diplomat (any  Diplomat) into an Ambassador, or an Ambassador into a simple Diplomat again. Only Ambassadors have the abilities associated with treaties as described on the Enhanced Diplomacy page.<br><br>Mentors will have to give up their subclass to become a mentor, but  they retain their main class, so they are a little less hindered than currently, and there can be Warrior-Mentors, Courtier-Mentors and  Priest-Mentors.<br><br>The interaction between main- and subclass will be interesting, but I will not yet answer detailed questions, as many details are not yet finalised. But everything should be quite obvious, really.<br><br>For example, while all three main classes (adventurers always excluded, remember) can become traders, there will obviously be considerable differences between a Warrior-Trader, a Courtier-Trader and a Priest-Trader. For example, priests can not recruit a unit, courtiers can only
recruit small units. But courtiers will have more civil options, some of which allow them to find better trade routes.<br><br>It will be a while until the system is completely implemented. Especially Priest-X combinations will not be available for some time until we solved all the trouble that the priests' different travel system could cause (e.g. Priest-Infiltrators moving away immediately after an attack).|{{Usr|Tom}}}}
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 10, 2009
|title = Scouting Changes: You Better Hire Some Scouts
|article = A new change has gone into effect on the testing islands regarding the scouting system. Trained scouts are now required to scout regions. If you don't have any trained scouts, then you can't scout. You can also only scout as many times as you have trained scouts. Those of you who have been playing for two years or so will remember the different ''trained'' and ''untrained'' scout reports. It appears that the new systems is ''trained'' or ''none''.
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 10, 2009
|title = And You Thought Travel Times Were Long Already...
|article = {{Quotation|<b>Road Quality</b><br><br>On testing, travel times will now take road quality into account and travel in winter will be slowed down.|{{Usr|Tom}}}} Some people are noticing extremely large travel time increases on Dwilight.
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 9, 2009
|title = Preaching Skill Renamed
|article = {{Quotation|<b>Preaching Skill Renamed</b><br><br>The skill "Preaching" has been renamed to "Oratory". Nothing else has changed in how it works, etc.|{{Usr|Tom}}}}
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 8, 2009
|title = Character Subclasses Appearing on Testing
|article = Recently players on the testing islands have noticed the appearance of two new entries on their character statistics page: '''Main Class''' and '''Sub Class'''. This is almost certainly a first step toward an extensive makeover of the character class system. Some of the combinations that have been seen so far include:
* Character Class: Hero
* Main Class: Warrior
* Sub Class: Hero
*Character Class: Cavalier
*Main Class: Warrior
*Sub Class: Cavalier
*Character Class: Trader
*Main Class: Courtier
*Sub Class: Trader
*Character Class: Knight
*Main Class: Warrior
*Sub Class:
**''(No subclass is given for this class)''
*Character Class: Bureaucrat
*Main Class: Courtier
*Sub Class:
**''(No subclass is given for this class)''
As of now, you can still only choose your class the same as always. The new information appears to be a display only.
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 8, 2009
|title = Character List Gets a Makeover
|article = The island-wide character list on testing islands has gotten a makeover. The new style is the same as that used for the realm list. In addition to a new look, it also displays the character's family name. In a related change, a user's family page now lists the sex of the character next to that character's age.
|author = {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 8, 2009
|title = One Less Testing Island
|article = {{Quotation|<b>Far East moves to stable</b><br><br>The [[Far East]] Island has been moved to the stable branch.
This leaves two islands as "testing", namely [[Beluaterra]] and [[Dwilight]].|{{Usr|Tom}}}}
|author = -- {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 8, 2009
|title = New Mentor/Student System on Testing
|article = {{Quotation|<b>New Mentor/Student system</b><br><br>A new mentor/student system has been activated on testing.<br><br>The main change is that students and mentors do not have a 1:1 relationship anymore. All mentors of a realm can now teach all students of a realm. When the student concludes his study, he can grant mentor points to all the mentors who have taught him.|{{Usr|Tom}}}}
This is a long-anticipated change to the mentoring system. (Although a bit different than was first anticipated.) This new change should allow new players a much greater chance of receiving timely information, and from a much wider pool of knowledge.
|author = -- {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 8, 2009
|title = Name Changes Available
|article = If, for some odd reason, you missed all the previous name changes, here's another chance. This is a good opportunity for those of you who didn't plan on going to Dwilight, but found yourself there and would like to stay.{{Quotation|Name changes are available again in the "Politics" tab.<br><br>This feature is intended only for those with names that don't qualify for the SMA rules on Dwilight. Only changes away from obviously bad names will be accepted.|{{Usr|Tom}}}}
|author = -- {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 6, 2009
|title = New Tax System Changes
|article = {{Usr|Tom}} sent the following message to the [[Discussion List]] today. It highlights some very important changes to the tax system soon to be in operation on the testing islands.
{{Quotation|<b>tax system change</b><br>We are currently preparing a minor, but important change to the tax system.<br><br>Instead of the lords deciding how much they give to the duchy or realm, and the dukes how much they pass on to the realm, we will now have a consistent "higher-up decides" system. In other words:<br><br>
* Lords decide how much taxes the peasants pay to them
* Dukes decide how much taxes each region pays to the duchy
* Rulers/Bankers decide how much taxes each duchy and imperial region pays to the realm
In order to allow this to work as simple as possible, duchy/realm shares are now taken from the local tax income before any knights are paid. That allows the banker/duke to set them from 0% to 100% with no regard for the local distribution.<br><br>It is a simple change, but we hope that it creates a lot of power-struggles within realms, and makes lords a little more defensive of their deeds. The important benefit this brings is a way to punish people THROUGH THE HIERARCHY.<br><br>So if a knight is not behaving well, the duke can punish that knights lord with a higher tax share, possibly causing the lord to pass on the penalty. That's the future - punishment down the hierarchy, everyone is responsible for the people under him, but he can also decide to defend them, if he wishes to.<br><br>Yes, that means that banker fines are probably going to go away sooner or later. But first we need to check whether this system works.<br><br>Yes, it DOES create enornemous potential for "evilness". Yes, duke X could decide to take most of the taxes away from all his lords. Which, of course, would cause most of his lords to leave the duchy. Yes, some lords may not be able to (not bordering any other duchy), which would force them to do some low-level diplomacy (e.g. convince another lord to switch as well) first. All that is intentional. We WANT to create more strife and a little more hostility within realms.<br><br>The changes will go live on testing with the next code update in a few days.|{{Usr|Tom}}}}
This is a big change to the system which will require some rethinking in the way realms handle gold up and down the hierarchy.
|author = -- {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 6, 2009
|title = "Too Much Peace" Code Active in Testing
|article ={{Quotation|<b>Too Much Peace</b><br>New "too much peace" code is active on testing now. Our goal, as always, is to invite you to more war. That means that when your realm is hit by a "too much peace" penalty, drawing back to do region work is the wrong answer and will only make the problem worse. Please keep that in mind.|{{Usr|Tom}}}}
At the latest turn change, many realms received an "empty" Too Much Peace message that had only the title and no content. This means that your realm should not have received the notification at all. (See bug note [ 4592].)
|author = -- {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
|date = January 5, 2009
|title = Fixes Live
|article = All fixes completed as of the morning of Jan. 5 have been uploaded to testing.
|author = -- {{Usr|Danaris}}}}
|date = December 19, 2008
|title = More Code Updates
|article = Several more fixes have been moved live onto testing islands. One important change, not listed in the bugtracker, is a change to overkill and overcrowding. Overkill and overcrowding have been changed to take into account the '''size''' of the combatants. This means that monsters and daimons should receive less of a benefit from overkill against them, and you should be better able to get into combat against them with less overcrowding.
|author = -- {{Usr|Indirik}}}}
<!-- Blank Template
|date = February 9, 2009
|date = {{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTDAY}}, {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}
|color = blue
|color =
|bug = 4691
|bug =  
|article = Notification of adventurer execution will now only be sent to the adventurer's "owner" (i.e. his "region lord"). The notice will no longer include a link to the player's family page.}}
|article = }} -->
|date = February 9, 2009
|color = blue
|bug = 4079
|article = Family names should not be shown for adventurers at all.}}
|date = February 9, 2009
|color = blue
|bug = 4793
|article = All nobles on the island will receive a message when a region changes realms by any means.}}
|date = January 24, 2009
|color = blue
|bug = 4000
|article = When sending messages to "some" nobles of a group, the full names of the first six recipients are displayed on the message composition screen.}}
|date = January 22, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4647
|article = Travel should once again consume the correct number of hours.}}
|date = January 21, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4633
|article = The target of an Impeachment should now lose their position.}}
|date = January 21, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4641
|article = The Realm Food Report should now correctly report previous storage, production, and new storage values.}}
|date = January 21, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 3826
|article = You can now protest while at or returning from a tournament.}}
|date = January 21, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4648
|article = Warrior class characters can train their troops again.}}
|date = January 21, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4649
|article = Changing class should no longer cause your unit to be dropped as militia.}}
|date = January 21, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4188
|article = Guild grants and fees have been fixed, and have been re-enabled.}}
|date = January 21, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 1547
|article = The Character Count graph on the Statistics page now works.}}
|date = January 21, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4644
|article = It should now be possible for the first candidate in a referendum on Dwilight to withdraw from the referendum.}}
|date = January 14, 2009
|color = orange
|bug = 4611
|article = When changing class, you receive a report of ''"...your men have also been converted to militia duty due to class restraints..."'' and your unit is dropped as militia in the current region.}}
|date = January 14, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4630
|article = The routefinder should now take road condition and seasons into account when planning routes.}}
|date = January 12, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4563
|article = Nobles appointed as region lords will now have their good/bad mark status reset.}}
|date = January 12, 2009
|color = blue
|bug = 4584
|article = Army founders are now able to send messages to the army they sponsor.}}
|date = January 12, 2009
|color = blue
|bug = 3672
|article = The General can now see unit strength, ready status, and army assignment for all nobles in the realm.}}
|date = January 10, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4602
|article = [ 4604], [ 4605], [ 4606] Several travel-related bug fixes due to the recent travel changes.}}
|date = January 10, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4600
|article = Priest should now have access to manage their unique items.}}
|date = January 10, 2009
|color = blue
|bug = 4491
|article = Lords should now receive a special message when they arrive in their region.}}
|date = January 10, 2009
|color = blue
|bug = 4512
|article = Unique items now have a link to the wiki page for the item.}}
|date = January 10, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 3725
|article = Scouting can now only be done by trained scouts. If you don't have any trained scouts, you will not be able to scout regions.}}
|date = January 6, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4592
|article = Inappropriate, empty "Too Much Peace" warnings should no longer appear.}}
|date = January 6, 2009
|color = orange
|bug = 4583
|article = Archers are firing at enemies engaged in close combat, and while they themselves are engaged in close combat with an enemy}}
|date = January 6, 2009
|color = orange
|bug = 4592
|article = Empty "Too Much Peace" warning appears inappropriately. ''(Fixed)''}}
|date = January 6, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4590
|article = Marshals and Seconds should once more be able to take command of their armies in battle.}}
|date = January 2, 2009
|color = blue
|bug = 4473
|article = Rulers can now send orders to their Council and Dukes.}}
|date = January 2, 2009
|color = green
|bug = 4206
|article = Anyone who can send orders to "all of" a particular group should now be able to send orders to "some of" those nobles in the same groups.}}
|date = December 29, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4575
|article = Recruitment hints has been corrected to properly evaluate unit cost and pay.}}
|date = December 29, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4444
|article = Judges can no longer send messages to prisoners on the first day of imprisonment.}}
|date = December 29, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4041
|article = You should now be able to see how many paused members there are in your religion.}}
|date = December 29, 2008
|color = blue
|bug = 4382
|article = You should be able to view the region description for all regions on the island.}}
|date = December 29, 2008
|color = blue
|bug = 4557
|article = Custom titles have been added to the positions displayed on the realm details page.}}
|date = December 29, 2008
|color = blue
|bug = 3982
|article = Copies of Protests you send should now appear in "Message you sent"}}
|date = December 29, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 3384
|article = Regions with no temple are now treated as if they had a "size 0" temple, capable of supporting only a small number of followers without loss of faith.}}
|date = December 26, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4558
|article = When a lord is removed all existing food Sell orders are canceled, and Buy orders transfer to the new lord.}}
|date = December 23, 2008
|color = blue
|bug = N/A
|article = ''(Live on Testing Islands only.)'' Battle notifications sent to the realm and Huge Battle notifications now report the combatant strength in "men" and not CS. The actual Scribe Note of the battle will report full Combat Strength values.}}
|date = December 23, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 3830
|article = The death of a ruler during a rebellion should now result in a successful rebellion at the next turn change.}}
|date = December 23, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 3709
|article = Units that go past the enemy during battle should no longer continue "advancing" off the battlefield.}}
|date = December 23, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4570
|article = Tax rates should no longer be inappropriately reported as excessively high.}}
|date = December 23, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4460
|article = MI should no longer inappropriately leave the fortifications during sieges.}}
|date = December 23, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 3815
|article = Family history should now be correctly updated when elected under new referendum system.}}
|date = December 23, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4572
|article = Gold from food sales to caravans is added to the trade balance, and not given to the lord as bonds.}}
|date = December 23, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4561
|article = You will now get a warning if a rogue character is idle more than 7 days, prior to automatic deletion of the character.}}
|date = December 23, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4541
|article = Secession reports should now be sent to the correct nobles, and not just government members.}}
|date = December 23, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4114
|article = The Lord who created a food sell order should only get the gold  from sales to a trader so long as he is still the Lord. If he is no longer the lord, the gold gets added to the region trade balance.}}
|date = December 12, 2008
|color = orange
|bug = 4558
|article = Purchasing food using the new "Sell" orders does not honor the food reserve setting.}}
|date = December 8, 2008
|color = blue
|bug = 4255
|article = A new messaging option has been added to religions to allow you to message all priests of your religion.}}
|date = December 5, 2008
|color = blue
|bug = 4542
|article = Adventurers are now reported as a separate category from nobles on the realm list.}}
|date = December 5, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4227
|article = Realm list now sorts properly. ''(This is active on testing islands. You may need to clear your browser cache to see the proper formatting and colors.)''}}
|date = December 5, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4523
|article = Lord is no longer removed from their position when the region realigns to a new realm while the lord is banned from their current realm.}}
|date = December 5, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4457
|article = Moving capital no longer objects to unrest in the old capital if it's not part of the realm.}}
|date = December 5, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4536
|article = Looting shrines and temples should now be possible regardless of diplomacy.}}
|date = December 4, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 3941
|article = Ignore function should now be available while at tournaments and in prison.}}
|date = December 1, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 3993
|article = Position titles, voting settings, and power settings are now not reset when someone new is appointed or elected.}}
|date = December 1, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4422
|article = Guild members should now be informed when the last guildhouse of a guild closes.}}
|date = December 1, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4534
|article = Nobles can no longer be captured in battles in which their unit takes part, but at which the noble is not present.}}
|date = December 1, 2008
|color = green
|bug = 4158
|article = Estates in seceded regions should no longer be reset to small/idle.}}

Latest revision as of 21:45, 11 February 2011

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The TattleMaster/Articles/NudgeKagurati8 October 2016Test Article, Please Ignore
The TattleMaster/Articles/Semantic NewsIndirik11 February 2011Semantic News
The TattleMaster/Articles/Some Formatting TestsIndirik11 February 2011Some Formatting Tests
The TattleMaster/Articles/Semantic ArticlesIndirik3 February 2011Testing the New Semantic Format for the TattleMaster
The TattleMaster/Articles/From YesterdayIndirik2 February 2011This Article was Written Yesterday!
The TattleMaster/Articles/Another TestIndirik1 February 2011This Article was on Feb 1

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