
From BattleMaster Wiki
Army Name Army Sponsor Army Purpose Army Marshal Army Second-in-Command
Tlatoani Xerotl's Imperial Guard Nicolas Chénier Misc. Army/Personal Army Nicolas Chénier (none)
Fwuvoghor's Crusaders Nicolas Chénier Main Army (none) (none)

Here is written the glorious history of Xerolco's Military.

Check below to see what the colors and symbols mean.
Date Scroll.png Name of Event (and CS) Participants
Attacker/ Defender
Winner Notes
08-12-11 Scroll.png Testing of the template (1000000 cs vs. 1 cs)
[[Template:Attacker1}|   ]]
[[Template:Attacker2}|   ]]
[[Template:Attacker3}|   ]]
[[Template:Attacker4}|   ]]
[[Template:Attacker5}|   ]]
(This should give me easy linkage to missing pages, and a general idea of what works and what doesn't for future tweaks and fixes.)


Color Meaning
_ Battles
_ Events
Scroll.png This battle has a full report available.
HalfScroll.png Although there is no full report,
some information is available about
this battle (See: Undocumented battles)
NoScroll.png There is little, if any surviving
information about this event....
Xerolco-icon.png Xerolco Rogue-icon.png (Rogue)
Rogue-icon.png Netherworld Avalon.gif Avalon
Rogue-icon.png Bara'Khur Rogue-icon.png Enweil
Neofronen-icon.png Fronen Heen-tiny-shield.png Heen
Rogue-icon.png Hetland Rogue-icon.png Irombrozia
Rogue-icon.png Kingdom of Alluran Rogue-icon.png Melhed
Rogue-icon.png Mesh Rogue-icon.png Neo Grehk
Rogue-icon.png Old Grehk Rogue-icon.png Republic of Fwuvoghor
Riombara Small.JPG Riombara Rogue-icon.png Sint
Rogue-icon.png Thalmarkin Rogue-icon.png Vlaanderen

  • Note: Undocumented battles are the ones without a full battle report.
    All mini-reports from these battles can be found here.