Wilde Family/Duncan

From BattleMaster Wiki
Continent Beluaterra
Family Wilde Family
Class Warrior / Cavalier
Age 58 years
Honour 89
Prestige 29
Rank Royal
Region [[]]
Duchy [[]]
Realm (rogue)

Duncan Malcolm Wilde is a former Pontifix Maximus, Decurion, Solidus, Duke, Margrave, Baron of Lux Nova. He is the Fifth of the Nine of House Wilde, and a follower of the Prismatic Gate.

Just like his brothers, Duncan is born and raised in Ibladesh. Duncan left for Beluaterra after a fallout with Logan and ended up in Caelint, where he got knighted. In Caelint he also found friendship in another young knight of Caelint; Und Nac. Unfortunatly, that was the only thing Duncan found in Caelint, and Und Nac did not enjoy Caelint either, and as such the two of them moved together to Angmar. In Angmar the two of them were met with open hostility, as the nobles of Angmar seemed like fanatical xenophobes to the newcomers. Neither Duncan nor his companion found Angmar a place to stay, and as such their journey continued. The two passed through Caelint, not staying longer than what they had to, and made for the port in Heen. They sailed south, with Obia'Syela as final destination. They passed Shattered Vales's coast, and as they neared Nova's coast, the two changed their plan and joined Nova instead.

Duncan found a comfortable life, serving as a knight of Jidington. Exactly two months after joining Lux Nova, Duncan got elected as Lux Nova's Solidus and his responsibilities within the realm grew. He made a few improvements on how Lux Nova handled food, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Two months after being elected as Solidus, Duncan got appointed as Margrave of Eylmon. As Eylmon's Margrave, Duncan overhauled some of the recruitment centres and built workshops. Duncan would not keep the city for long, as he got elected as Pontifix Maximus and as such lost his previous titles.

Duncan won the Pontifix Maximus election against Decurion Eugenica Snodaert with a tied vote. A coin flip would later determine Duncan as the rightful Pontifix Maximus of Lux Nova. Duncan's rulership came characterized by internal issues, as the aforementioned Eugenica Snodaert could not handle the loss in a professional manner and would constantly seek to cause trouble for Duncan. The Decurion would eventually find a staunch ally in Interrex Marinus von Lunkhofen. However, their combined forces were next to nothing compared to the combined might of Duncan and Und Nac, who Duncan had appointed as the Duke of Eous Custido, much to the chagrin of Decurion Eugenica.

Duke Und Nac would later spark a controversy by appointing himself as the Margrave of Eylmon. This is where Decurion Eugenica managed to get Interrex Marinus as an ally, as according to the Novan Laws, a Duke could not be either government member or city lord (and a city lord could not be a government member). However, the potentially inapt Interrex had not documented this at any point and tried to enforce the laws after editing them. Duncan would not have it so, and demanded Duke Und Nac's rule to be grandfathered in, making him the last possible Duke and city lord in Nova after the law change. In response, Interrex Marinus wrongfully put a ban on Und Nac, for refusing to comply. Again, his potential inaptitude for the position as Interrex clearly showed as Duncan, as Pontifix Maximus, could easily lift the ban. After letting Marinus gloat and soak in his "victory" for a few days, Duncan lifted the ban on Und Nac just before it got active. Duncan would later call on the nobles of Nova to protest the Interrex out of office, and so they did. After this incident, Marinus calmed down and did not oppose Duncan as much as he had done earlier.

Duncan's reign continued peacefully, and Nova reached its height under his rule. Unfortunately for Nova, Duncan had to leave his offices due to personal business and family matters.

When Duncan returned to active duty months after taking his leave, Duncan returned to a tattered and torn Nova, and got appointed as the Baron of Bym as well as Decurion by the sitting Pontifix Maxima Eugnica, who also happened to be a duchess despite having that constellation of titles together was illegal by Novan law. The hypocrisy shown by Eugenica did not surprise Duncan, nor did it anger or disappoint him. It just made him very weary and tired. With that, Duncan lost what little respect he had left of the Pontifix Maxima, and shortly left active duty again.

Duncan's current whereabouts are currently unknown, but it is believed that he has been seen roaming the mountains of Bym, and still live there today as a hermit.

Landed titles: Knight of Tahgalez Knight of Firbalt Knight of Kording Knight of Jidington Baron of Bym Margrave of Eylmon Offices: Solidus (Banker) of Nova Pontifix Maximus (Ruler) of Nova Decurion (General) of Nova

Letter from Duncan Wilde
Message sent to Personal message to Eugenica Snodaert

Decurion Eugenica,

There is a few things I would like to ask of you:

Firstly, I want your input regarding the next duke of Eous Custodio, considering the election results I think it is only fair that you share your opinion about this matter as well. For the time being I have these candidates in mind, in no particular order and for different reasons: Marshal Geoff, Countess Hedwig, Decurion Eugenica (yes, you), and Count Und Nac. What is your take on these candidates, and what is your own opinions regarding this matter?

Secondly, if you are able to fill me in regarding the Obia situation as much as you can, I would be very grateful. Both you and I know that the situation has dragged on for too long. I hope to govern the realm with you and the rest of the realm council, in balance, so I will be relying on you, and the Interrex, a lot from this point out.

Thirdly, do not hold back if you have any criticism regarding my decisions or so, and just be like you have been previously. While I do prefer you do so in a private message to me so we can have a discussion about it, while still have a united front to the rest of the realm, I do not really mind if you do so in public either. I will say this now: I will make mistakes as I am only human, so it is nice to know that someone will point them out in case I miss it.

I like your style, Decurion, and I hope that the way we communicate to each other will not change despite the changes in position.

Duncan Wilde (Pontifix Maximus of Nova, Solidus of Nova, Royal of Nova)

Letter from Eugenica Snodaert
Message sent to Personal message to Duncan Wilde

Pontificate Duncan,

Congratulations! Your election was a Surprise but fate has it you won.

What is most important at this time is to engage the Realm, Either through friendly or unfriendly debate. It matters little.

as our duke I would recommend Lady Hedwig. She is extremely capable and had a great heart for nova and she has great diplomatic skill. She might not spreak up so she Sometimes must be sought out. marshal Geoff mainly wants to lead Men and as marshal he will be able to do just that but if he espresses interest you should Definately talk with him.

In the obia situation you should follow emperor Ehrichs lead he has the documents as they are at the moment and they are ready to be signed.

Also make sure you talk to Vahanian Bilndt he is a good man of good will and we need to show them we can be allies of obia and not seek their downfall.

As to myself being duke, I would be duke if Und Nac is the only alternative. I want to make sure the resources of the duchy go toward future military capability and not in any way to building temples. I support the prism But priests should never hold the position of Duke.

The elections were close also because I forgot to ask people to use all votes. I think many do not realise that is important.

I do not like to arrange things by private communications because I favor engaging the realm over presenting a unified front. Nova should not become a silent back water of pocket liners who just sit and fatten their families.

I will always support fair ideas well argued even if I am of a different mind.

Hopefully we can work together well and enjoy it while we do. I think you should show more of yourself than you have done so far and become more of a Novan with heart for our future. As you said, you have 3 weeks until next elections. I will gladly support you if you come through. The more that are involved the better the realm.


Eugenica Snodaert (Decurion of Nova, Baroness of Bym)

Letter from Duncan Wilde
Message sent to Personal message to Eugenica Snodaert

Decurion Eugenica,

Thank you, it was a close call. Personally, I do not know if I would prefer to lose with a landslide, or to lose to the toss of a coin. I have no idea how you are feeling right now, but I hope that we can work together for a better Nova.

Sometimes, less is more. While I see the reason to appear more in front of Nova, I do not see why I should do so unless I have a good reason. As Pontifex Maximus I have a reason to do so, but I did not really have any obvious reasons to do so before. As Solidus, I mostly interacted with lords, given the nature of the position itself. As Solidus my duty was first and foremost towards the population of Nova, to keep them fed. As Pontifex, my duty is towards all of our nobles, all of our neighbours and other realms, and to keep our nobles informed about what is happening. I have way more reasons now, as Pontifex, to interact with our nobility and to be a role model, to the extent possible.

I too, as previously stated, think Countess Hedwig would make an excellent duchess. I am still having some internal debates regarding the matter, but I think, if she announces her interest openly, that she has a really good chance of obtaining the title. Her work has not passed me by unnoticed.

I do believe that you are doing Count Und Nac a disfavour by making such claims. Before becoming a preist, Count Und Nac served in Nova's army as well and produced results, and it strongly speaks for your preference of having warriors in higher positions. I believe that as part of the Ducal Council, Count Und Nac can contribute more than either Marshal Geoff or Countess Hedwig, as Count Und Nac possesses great wisdom. Why did you seek Count Und Nac out regarding building recruitment centres, and not Marshal Geoff and/or Countess Hedwig? Because Count Und Nac is a treasure of information.

   The elections were close also because I forgot to ask people to use all votes. I think many do not realise that is important.

Is this your way of dealing with the defeat within the election? I think it is rather petty to reduce my victory in this manner, and I expected more from you. This statement makes all your congratulations to seem hollow.

Also, who are you to tell me to become more Novan? Judging by the outcome of the election, the two of us are Novan to an equal degree. Just some food for thought.

Duncan Wilde (Pontifix Maximus of Nova, Solidus of Nova, Royal of Nova)

Letter from Eugenica Snodaert
Message sent to Personal message to Duncan Wilde


Hedwig has very good region mangement.skills too, as do I as does Geoff. It is implicit on being a worthy noble. I did not mean to demean your victory, just stated the fact of an oversight on my part. It will not happen again. I agree to let marinus decide if an election should be held for solidus.

I agree that und nac is a Treasure of information but he need not be on the council for that. He is not the most deserving of the honor of being duke both for being a priest and for the effort and talent displayed.

I think you should follow my lead and ask the realm to State interest for the position.

Being more Novan is not a matter of votes it is a matter of thinking about the future of Nova and sharing your vision in words and in actions. It is this I ask of you.


Eugenica Snodaert (Decurion of Nova, Baroness of Bym)

Letter from Duncan Wilde
Message sent to Personal message to Eugenica Snodaert

Decurion Eugenica,

We are different people. We approach matters differently. We think differently. We lead in different ways. That is what makes us humans interesting and fascinating, that every individual is unique.

I have been busy with lots of correspondence, and I will address the realm eventually. I believe that we both can agree that communication is key.

That Count Und Nac is not deserving that honor is something I do not agree with. Am I biased? Maybe, most likely. But so are you with your select candidates. I can honestly say, without feeling bad or anything, that I believe that out of the four nobles that I have on my list for the duke position, Count Und Nac easily has the best management skills of everyone mentioned, by far. He has facilitated my work as Solidus a lot, and that alone is proof of good management.

You look down on him due to him being a priest. Due to him being a priest, you would like to bar the Count to become a Duke. I think that is disrespectful and in bad taste, and very discriminating. He is a noble, like us both. How are we supposed to be able to be a free realm, with religious freedom, if we can not allow our priests to take on "heavier" roles? Should good Und Nac become a duke, the Count still has to follow the laws of the realm, and allow religious freedom. The same goes for any one that gets the dukeship. As a priest, the good Und Nac will have more gold on his hands to construct RCs as well. You just assume that due to good Und Nac being a priest, all gold will go to the construction of temples. I think it is a rather prejudiced opinion.

The future of Nova is constantly on my mind, and I have already proclaimed and touched on what I want to accomplish. I just do not trumpet it out every fifteen minutes.

Duncan Wilde (Pontifix Maximus of Nova, Solidus of Nova, Royal of Nova)

Letter from Eugenica Snodaert
Message sent to Personal message to Duncan Wilde

Pontifix Duncan,

We are different in different ways not just the way we speak in public. I don’t look down on priests or on Und NAC, in fact he has my great respect and admiration. I have given you my reasons and I hope you will follow the realms customs in selecting a duke that is all. In the end the decision. Is up to you and history will tell if you made the best decision for the realm. If und nac wants tu use his position to create the best rc’s let him state it to the realm and then perhaps he is the best choice and the people will understand.

Actions speak louder then words.
Eugenica Snodaert (Decurion of Nova, Baroness of Bym)

Letter from Duncan Wilde
Message sent to Personal message to Eugenica Snodaert

Decurion Eugenica,

Every time I have mentioned Count Und Nac as a potential candidate, one of your recurring arguments is that because he is a priest, he is not fit for the role. Read the letters you sent me again, and tell me again that you do not look down on priests. You will find that you use the fact that he is a priest against him, so yes, you do look down on priests.

It is customary for the nobles to speak up themselves, at the same time, you are nominating nobles. If the custom is to have them speak up on their own, they should do so on their own.

So far, no one has stated their interest in becoming the next duke. Until they speak up themselves, I have no interest in any nominations, as is customary.

Actions speak louder than words, for sure. So tell me, what are you doing right now? Ever since you lost the election, you have been unable to accept defeat. There will most likely be a duke, or duchess, before the referendum is over. I am not sure if creating a referendum was the best course of action, but it is your right and I respect that. However, I do admire your eagerness and spirit. I just wish it was used to do something productive for Nova instead of counterproductive. Communication is key, as I mentioned earlier.

Duncan Wilde (Pontifix Maximus of Nova, Solidus of Nova, Royal of Nova)

Letter from Eugenica Snodaert
Message sent to Personal message to Duncan Wilde

Pontifix Duncan,

I do not look down on priests that is only your reading. Communication is important that is why I communicate clearly. Priest are important in my opinion, Making a priest a Duke is not fitting in my opinion. That does not mean I look down on priests in the least. I think it would be good if you waited the result of the referendum and you are right a candidate can only nominate themselves. I think you have one candidate at present. Lady Hedwig.

This has nothing to do with my inability to accept defeat. I have accepted in the moment the coin was tossed.

It is the interest of Nova I am and will be after for as I have always been. Referenda are an important building block of our realm and although they are not binding they reflect the educated opinion of all our people not just the ones who assert themselves.

As our Pontifix, you will be working for us, so where is the sense in wanting to make a decision before you listened to the people?

This referendum is not just my right, it is constructive, in the interest of the realm and in the interest of your ulitmately succesful reign.


Eugenica Snodaert (Decurion of Nova, Baroness of Bym)

Letter from Duncan Wilde
Message sent to Personal message to Eugenica Snodaert


If it is only sensible to appoint those who announced themselves, why did you start an election where one can vote for whatever noble within the realm? It makes no sense. The referendum does not reflect clearly those who actually announced their candidacy, making it a messy solution for the issue at hand.

You are basically telling me what to do. Send a message like this. Do that. Wait for that thing to be done. You claim it is for the realm, but I see no other benefit than it benefits yourself in most of the cases. This is what I mean with pushing your agenda. You lost, but you are still insisting on how the realm should be run. You do not offer advice, you make demands. This is what I mean that with your inability to accept defeat.

You say one thing, but then you contradict yourself at the next turn. You say that you do not look down on priests, but that is exactly what you do when you are saying that priests have no business being dukes. After all this time, how do you fail to see that you are contradicting yourself by denying them equal rights? You claim that it is only sensible for the nobles who announced their candidacy to be chosen, yet you started a messy referendum where you can select whoever one want as Duke. You say that the final decision rests with me, yet you started a referendum where everyone within Nova can vote for whoever they want too. You claim to be clear in your communications, but you are far from being clear. You keep contradicting yourself, and it is starting to become extremely tiresome.

Where is the difference between a warrior, or a priest, constructing a recruitment centres? You have no valid arguments against having priests as dukes/duchesses, other than "I do not think they make the best dukes", but you present no argument than what you are feeling about it. In my case, I support the idea of having priests and priestesses serve as duke/duchesses as they have the same rights as other nobles. It is called equality among nobles, that they have the same conditions in order to rise within the hierarchy and I think that is something to be pursued. You think it is important to hear the voices of the realm, yet you still refuse to provide a platform where our nobles have the same rights and opportunities.

It was the same when I decided to focus more on the administrative work as a courtier more than a warrior. You kept hounding me for not having a unit, you kept pushing your own ideals upon me despite my valid and logical reasons. I have not since left Eylmon as I have been busy attending to the region. During the course I have been able to save up money that can be used for the construction of RCs. Thanks to me saving gold by not having a unit, we will be able to construct more RCs, and invest more gold into our military structure. Duke Pilesar saw the logic in it, and that was why I got appointed as Margrave of Eylmon. It is time for you to be more open minded, especially if you are considering to run as Pontifix the upcoming term.

Take a look at the following, that you replied to me:

   Ido look doen on those who would use our resources to enrich themselves and this is exactly why I ask questions.

Now take a look at what you wrote to the realm:

   It surely is about working hard to improve our realm about accountability and about spending every penny of your people’s tax money improving Nova’s ability to wage war. Not a penny or the ducal tithe should flow into your personal or family coffers and no investment should be made without carefully communicating and coordinating with the realm. In case of rc’c with the decurion. Nova is not there to finance personal hobby projects.

There is not a question here. The only question you posed in that letter was what he meant by getting fat, and you directly assumed that he meant to enrich himself. That he would use the gold for his personal hobby projects. This is not inquiries about Count Und Nac's ability to govern a duchy. It is a directly insulting letter. It is no wonder that fate gave me the chance to lead Nova, given how prejudiced you are seem to be, both towards people with more girth, as you said you want no people to be fat in Nova, as well.

What exactly do you think you are doing? You claim there is no faction going on, yet at one hand you praise Countess Hedwig, when it is known that you have friendly ties with her, and on the other hand you besmirch Count Und Nac without any cause or reason whatsoever, except to make your favoured candidate appear in better light. Do you take me as a fool? Do you take the nobles of Nova as fools? Do you not think they see what you are doing? What exactly do you think a faction is?

Duncan Wilde (Pontifix Maximus of Nova, Solidus of Nova, Royal of Nova)