Toren Herald/Old Issues/Averyll

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Toren Banner8.gif Herald
Price: Pious Loyalty In the beginning, there was only Tor, and the beginning has a lot in common with the end. Issue Number: 1

Creator/Editor in Chief: Averyll Arete

A Challenge to Chat
Dennis, the Editor of the Taselak Tribune, has posed the following challenge to the Toren Herald:

The major players fighting battles are only our realms of Toren and Taselak. This paper asks the Toren Herald to give their views on their allies no-show, and share any thoughts they have about it.

Unfortunately, the lone editor of the Toren Herald, Averyll, was unable to speak intelligently upon the matter. However, a coworker, who prefered to remain anonymous, informed us that she overheard Averyll mumbling something about a Sandalak resurrection.

While the Toren Herald would like to respect the wishes of that individual to remain anonymous, there is at this time only one person who works for the Toren Herald, so it is obvious who the anonymous coworker is, and we thought it would be appropriate to point that out.
- Averyll Arete

Somebody takes notice!
In a breathtaking display of immodesty, the editor of the Taselak Tribune has noticed the existence of the Toren Herald and claimed partial credit for its creation. The Toren Herald does not dispute his claim, of course; we just like the sound of the word "immodesty".

On a related note, Averyll has writen another article! Upon news of new news, all of the peasants on the South-East Island rejoiced. It is reported that the illiterate peasants were particularly pleased.
- Averyll Arete

Ikalak Completes TO of Ibyp and Adrelhia
Yesterday, Ikalak completed their takeover of Ibyp and Adrehai, which returns to Ikalak two of the four regions taken from them during the Sandalak resurrection. As a result of these gains, Ikalak now controls 16 regions, the greatest number of total regions controlled by any one realm; however, Paladin Primus Cyperus, Duke of Toren Stronghold, reminded the nobles of Toren that even though Ikalak is our foe, we are currently working together against the common enemy of Taselak.

Rumors spread that Ikalak will strike Sandalak City next. Having seperated Unlib from its capital, the fourth region is expected to fall rather quickly, wiping Sandalak off the map... for the second time.
- Averyll Arete

Views on Wives
Did you ever notice that the word "views" and the word "wives" share the same letters of the alphabet? It makes me wonder what other things these two words have in common. I have a lot of views. I do not have any wives. And the word "have" appears in both of my statements about "views" and "wives". The similarities increase!

The Toren Herald is committed to uncovering the truth, so do not worry, faithful readers, we will keep you posted on the latest research into this most urgent issue.
- Averyll Arete

A War of Words
Apparently, the Ikalakian Times and the Taselak Tribune have a bit of a feud between them. At the time of this publication, neither newspaper had mentioned the Toren Herald even once, perhaps because we are of such great repute that they do not dare engage us in a war of words. Or perhaps (and in fact what is more likely the case) neither is aware of our existence. Of course, a third possibility would be they just don't care. Regardless, the Toren Herald enjoys reading the other South-East Island newspapers. We do not recommend you buy other newspapers, of course, but if you happen to find one on somebody's porch, you should feel free to remedy that person of his or her need to be literate.
- Averyll Arete
Looting continues in Kail
The looting in Toren's midwestern regions continues, the concentration of these attacks being in Kail. Recent reports indicate that a sizable force of Taselak troops is camping in Kail, some estimate greater than 4300 combat strength. It is the official position of the Toren Herald that all looters from Taselak should be sentenced to death by lingchi.
- Averyll Arete
Cyperus demands news, Averyll supplies paper
On November 6th, Cyperus pointed out that Toren was the only realm on the South-East Island that did not have a newspaper, and he suggested that someone create the Toren Herald. Averyll answered his request, created the newspaper and wrote its first few articles. It is the hopes of all those involved that others take the initiative to assist Averyll in the continued development of what is sure to be the only newspaper left on the South-East Island after Tor kills everyone else.
- Averyll Arete