Talk:Old Taxes 2

From BattleMaster Wiki
(Redirected from Talk:Taxes)

New tax system

In the new tax system you can reward TL's for there oath. But all TL's that already sweared alliance will not get any share of your tax because you can't send them a oath offer. --killercoach 23:20, 21 August 2006 (CEST)

Taxing Gold from players

Does anyone know how the gold individual players are taxed is calculated. It only occurs if you have an exorbanant amount of gold, upward of 130gold. It seems to be able to come from both bonds and gold on hand, but those are calculated seperately. Any ideas?

If you have over 100 gold and/or bonds you will be taxed at the realms tax rate. This is then redistributed throughout the realm. --The1exile 17:09, 21 August 2006 (CEST)

That annoys me so much. Not so much when I am in my realm, but when you are on long trips outside of your realm with just enough gold to pay your men, then boom, the tax man shows up... it doesn't make sense to have them collecting taxes from you when you are on campaign... Also, are these taxmen related in anyway to the Psychic Guards from The Elder Scrolls series? Heh heh. --PrinceScamp 06:50, 24 December 2006 (CET)

replace ?

We should probably replace this page with the new one, moving/renaming that one over. --Tom 00:31, 27 February 2008 (CET)

overhaul again?

the reflect the newest version of the tax system? (ie.. duke sets duchy share, etc) --fodder 19:57, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

Yes, I think we should. I've updated the "example" page with the current system.

Property Taxes?

I was just wondering what "property taxes" are, as I was looking over Tuesday's tax report, and then Chénier comes along and adds a comment about it in the wiki.  :-)

That's the first mention of property taxes anywhere on the wiki. It's not in the diagrams, nor in the Region Economy Example. What are they, how do they work, and who pays them? Since they're "Realm Taxes", it seems like it's the King/Judge/Banker/General who benefit from them (at least in practice). And for that matter, what does "Income from other sources" refer to? -- Corwyn 02:54, 21 October 2009 (UTC)

Nobles pay a property tax on the gold and bonds they are carrying every tax day in their realm. The percentage and threshold is set by the realm's banker. This is reported on the realm tax reports as "Property Tax". There is also a second tier of taxation on the nobles called the "Wealth Tax". It works exactly the same as the property tax, but must have at least twice the threshold as the property tax. --Indirik (talk), Editor (talk) 14:06, 21 October 2009 (UTC)
Ah, I think I understand now. Thank you (and Chénier as well for comments on my Talk page).
So if I understand correctly, then "Property Taxes" really have nothing to do with property per-se (other than perhaps as role-playing justification). In reality, even though I had no notable property, I was taxed above 75 gold because I hit this special limit. It's really more of a "Wealthy Tax" and a "Super-Wealthy Tax", instead of a Property Tax and a Wealth Tax, respectively.
And since I was taxed at 25% for everything above the "property tax limit", then presumably the "wealthy tax" is the same (since it can't be less and 25% is the max), and therefore essentially in my realm there's no real difference between the two (they both tax at 25%).
So the overall effect of this to your average knight is the following: if it's not already listed in your Banker's Bulletin, then ask your Banker what he has the Property and Wealth tax limits set to, and their respective tax percentages. Otherwise there's no way of knowing, and you're in for a nasty "trial-by-error" surprise.
Thanks guys -- Corwyn 19:21, 21 October 2009 (UTC)