Talk:Duchy Reformation Ideas

From BattleMaster Wiki

Counter Proposals

You've come to BattleMaster about three or four years too late. Rulers did used to enjoy limitless power and they could strip any noble of their title. But that option was routinely and regularly abused, Dukes were no more powerful than lords and the politics/intrigue side of BattleMaster was near non-existent. People were only interested in Cities for their gold. It would be a massive backwards step to reintroduce such an overpowered mechanic as title stripping for rulers. --Revan 21:30, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

Duchy Independence

Per your point "A": Duchies can be very independent, if the duke and lords want to be. If the duke wants to be a power monger, he can make his own army, and have his lords appoint their nobles to his army. Then he selects a marshal loyal only to him. He now controls the military power of his duchy, and through his lords the food supply of his duchy. He now has, essentially, an independent realm-within-a-realm. The only thing he doesn't have is control of his own diplomacy and ability to recruit in his "capital". While recruiting away from the capital has always be on the "Frequently asked, frequently rejected" list, there was some possible talk about duchy-based recruitment. Maybe some day... Internal realm diplomacy and duchy TOs? I don't know that this could ever happen, as it would probably entail some massive recoding. --Indirik (talk), Editor (talk) 21:57, 19 August 2009 (UTC)


Can't pretty much everything you proposed be done already through RP? Just have each Duchy be an actual independent realm. Then you can war to take a region from the other duchies. While I like these ideas (except for being able to replace Dukes with the click of a button) It can already be done in game. Having buttons to click doesn't give you power in BM. Sure, some of the stuff is neat, but power comes from the other nobles that follow you. --Allison 01:53, 20 August 2009 (UTC)