Perdan (Realm)/PGL

From BattleMaster Wiki

Perdan's Golden Lions

The Lions of Perdan, always prowling, always proud!

Sponsor: Queen Alyssa Kingsley of Perdan

Marshal: Lord Ulric Hawk, Viscount of Az Zarqua

Vice-Marshal: Sir Casimir Rousselor, Knight of Bescanon

Frontier Warden: Duchess Aila Storme of Aix

Standing Orders for the Golden Lions

List of Commanders (Descending)


Vice Marshals:


The oldest standing army of the realm, the Golden Lions were long maintained by the sponsorship of the Duke of the Golden City, at one time the only region held by Perdan. Marshal Ulric Hawk was appointed commander sometime in early 1019, with Earl Joreb deLacy as Vice. In late 1019, Sir Rogos V'Orlan was appointed Vice by Imperatrix Alyssa Kingsley. With the disappearance of Duke Banetal Dragoness in mid 1020, the sponsorship of the army was picked up by his successor, Duke Lucius Poe, former Seneshal of Perdan.

In Late 1020, Sir Rogos V'Orlan disappeared and Sir Apollyon Daubeny was appointed in his place. Half a month after his appointment, the Sir Daubeny was believed to have defied the orders of his liege, Duchess Aila Storme, and was removed from the army by her, and was removed from the position of Vice-Marshal. The young knight Sir Daario Vulparan was appointed to the Vice-Marshalship by Her Majesty Alyssa Kingsley on 11/10/1020.

Following the tempestuous weeks towards the end of the disastrous war with Perleone, the cessation of the Grand Court by Lucius Poe threw Marshal Ulric Hawk and countless nobles from the Golden Lions. Lord Daario Vulparan was thus appointed in his place by Her Majesty Alyssa Kingsley on 29/05/1021.