Four Lords Religion

From BattleMaster Wiki


The Four Lords Religion, is a relatively new religion to battlemaster. It's exact date of creation is not known, as anyone who follows the Church of Ibladesh, but not Sorcha, would be considered a follower of the Religion of Four Lords.

While, it has no official date of creation, it also has no clear, most faithful follower. There are believed to be many followers of the religion, both publically and privately, in Ibladesh and Perdan.

The Four Lords Religion, is a rather lax religion. Prayer is a private manner, and only in dire times will the god's aid be called apon. The religion also does not have any problem with people who are in enemy realms, or follow other gods as well as their own. Though, we do require that you see the Four Lords as your primary gods. The Four Lords are not ones to directly partake in the works of mortals unless it is a dire situation.


The Four Lords Religion has several beliefs, and they are as follows...

  • Honor
    • No noble should be without honor. And honor should be shown to the world around us, and to those who deserve it.
  • Justice
    • If one is not fair, then he can not be honored. All nobles should be fair to those around them, as fair as they can be with what information they have.
  • Intelligence
    • Without knowledge, then one cannot understand the world around him. We should always strive to understand, for that allows us to be more just in our actions, as well as allowing us to be more creative.
  • Creativity
    • Without the ability to do things the best way we can, we will be left behind, and our honor lost.

The Gods

The four lords, or gods, can be worshipped by any noble, but typically, each follower worships one of the gods over the other three.

  • Ramsus
    • The main lord. He is considered the most elder god in the religion. Every noble in this religion that leads troops, leads other nobles, or teaches the unlearned, is considered a follower of him.
  • Sartan
    • The lord of War. He is the god that influences the outcome of wars and of tournaments. Nobles in this religion, that lead troops into combat, joins their troops in combat, or gives out orders, is a follower of Sartan.
  • Tersea
    • The lord of trade and economics. She influences tax incomes, and region stats. Nobles that partake in the workings of bureaucracy and trade are considered followers of her.
  • Kokini
    • The Lord of Stealth and Mischief. He influences the works of infiltrators and assassins. Nobles that partake in the infiltration of the enemy would be a follower of him.

The Followers

While not every follower will be listed here, it is a list of the more public followers.

  • High Priests
  • Advisors/High Elders
    • Turbo Returns of the Mazda House
  • Lower Priests
    • (none)
  • Followers
    • Elders
      • (none known)
    • New Comers
      • (none known)

High Priests, would be those who found new churhces for the religion, and those who had a great deal in it's creation.

Advisors, are men who have shown their worth to the religion, and are called apon to aid the high priests for various reasons.

Lower Priests, are men high in ranking within the churhces, but were not founders or high elder members.

Elders, are people who have been with the church long enough to understand it's teachings and ways.

New Comers, are people new to the church and may not yet understand it's teachings.

Enemies of the Church

There is so far only one enemy of the church. That is the Church of Ibladesh. May we be so fortunate as to not have any more enemies.

Other (O.O.C. Note)

As of yet, there are no official temples for this relgion. It is essentially a splinter-religion of the Temple of the Heart. But unlike that religion, it does not follow any specific person. And the high priests are determined by many different things. Usually by the time as a believer in the Four Lords.

If you would like to be a follower, either message Yunari from Perdan, in-game, or put your name under the "New Comers" list. From there you will be moved around. Once a temple is built somewhere (preferably in Perdan), the ranks will become easier to do. But for now, just add your name under "New Comers"


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