Deytheur Family/Siana

From BattleMaster Wiki

Siana is Nesta and Merfyn's first born, though barely a year older than Elisedd and growing up they always shared a strong bond. When Elisedd decided to leave their homeland she decided to go with him, as much for his company and to keep an eye on him as for her own want of leaving. Having grown up in a theocracy she felt the need for religion, though she believes the worship of inanimate stars somewhat foolish. She therefore sought another theocracy and found Ibladesh and its Church. Her first home was Noritor, in the service of Lord Theuderik. When he was promoted to Semall, she took over the Lordship of Noritor. After a few months Duke Theuderik was elected Pontifex and decided to give up Semall. Siana put her name forward, barely expecting to be considered but she became Duchess.

She's very devoted to Lord Theuderik and to the Church and with his help published The Book of Ramsus

Siana is truly honourable and has a strong sense of duty, almost to the point of reticence but thanks to the influence of her siblings has learned to speak out when things matter. She shares the Deytheur trait of fighting for any cause she deems just with true passion.