Church Of Ibladesh/Theocratic Chronicles

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Ancient Theocratic Chronicles of Ibladesh

1. The Rise to Power

In the beginning, Ibladesh was ruled as a Republic. This was the time of the un-enlightened so the people relied on man to guide them. Ibladesh became a huge, bustling powerhouse realm who had no match. This period lasted for quite some time and Ibladesh natives enjoyed their good fortune. Some leaders who led this fine realm were The_Survivor, Sumsar, and Gregor. Under these leaders Ibladesh flourished and grew to a very powerful realm. Everyone rejoiced their good fortune and help great parties and festivities constantly. Man took GOD for granted during this time and he finally decided to unleash his wrath.

2. The Chaos.

During this period, Ibladesh created alliances with Itorunt, Fontan, and Coimbra.....a trio of evil realms that helped contribute to Ibladesh's downfall. Ibladesh felt that they could rule the world without Gods or morales. We paid for this grave miscalculation. During this period the Gods were extremely angry with us and decided to unleash their fury. Ubent and Fallangard joined together with God to help crush our forces and Ibladesh was defeated.

3. The Re-Birth

We were saved by a realm far to the north. Rancagua, another Theocracy, came to our aid and told us to embrace God. They pleaded with Ibladesh to realize that we need God in our lives. Rianna, the new leader of Ibladesh, took a trek up a harsh, lonely mountain in Bursa. (one of Ubent's lands) There she remianed for a week prayed to be saved by God. On the 7th day, a bright shining light blinded Rianna temporarily. During this brief moment, RAMSUS, The KING of GODS, spoke to Rianna. He had bitter words for the former decadence that had befallen Ibladesh but he vowed to save us. If and only if, we worshipped him again and prayed to his eternal existence. Ramsus, then scooped up Rianna he flew all the back to Ibladesh City to place her at the Castle Gates. He said, "Do not forget me, I am your savior!" and then he was gone.

Ramsus also revealed his kin to Rianna on that day. There are 3 other major gods that deserve our respect and loyalty.

Ramsus, Overlord and Supreme Leadear (All Leaders) and (All Mentors)

Sartan, God of War (All Soldiers and Heros)

Tersea, God of Trade and Economics (All Traders and Beaureacrats)

Kokini, God of Stealth and Mischief (All Infiltrators and anyone who is looting) ~As recorded by Rianna

4. The Re-Vision

A new age is dawning in Ibladesh. Ramsus has blessed us richly, Sartan has guided us skillfully, Kokini has instilled in us a bit of mishchief and Tersea has taught us to use our resources wisely. And now the gods call on Ibladesh to go out and bring the world under our spiritual guidance and care. As told by Lady Sorcha

Extract from the old library of Ibladesh, copies sent to Temple of the Heart and Al Arab
