Assassins/Army of Shadows/OT-Wetham 1
< Assassins | Army of Shadows
Total: 9 attackers (149 Inf, 15 MI, 39 Arch, 3 other) 10 defenders (152 Inf, 79 Arch) Total combat strengths: 2089 vs. 3165 The region owner Wetham and their allies defend. The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Wetham. Rabididium have attack orders. The Cheapest Guys Available have attack orders. Midnight Blades have attack orders. The Clashers have attack orders. The Outer Tilog units join in to support their realm-mates. A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers. Turn No. 1
Atticus' Archers (11) fire on Rabididium (6), scoring 70 hits. Razgriz (17) fire on Merlin's Beard (3), scoring 49 hits. Ouchy Stings (16) fire on Rabididium (6), scoring 77 hits. The Clashers (9) fire on Frundi's Finest (12), scoring 65 hits. Kipling's Hope (1) move closer to get better shots. Archers (10) fire on Kipling's Hope (1), scoring 74 hits. Gridr's Iron (13) stay behind their camp fortifications. Spearbound Stalwarts (18) stay behind their camp fortifications. The Cheapest Guys Available (8), Living Archery Targets (2), Monsters (5), Rabididium (6), Midnight Blades (4), Merlin's Beard (3) and Silver Harts (7) advance towards the enemy. Holy Crusaders (14), Frundi's Finest (12), Longswords of Veanne (15) and SytheMen (19) advance towards the enemy. Close Combat: 3 Wetham banners are visible in the melee. Frundi's Finest (12) score 258 hits. Longswords of Veanne (15) score 88 hits. Living Archery Targets (2) score 27 hits. Rabididium (6) score 218 hits. SytheMen (19) score 214 hits. Kipling's Hope (1) score 29 hits. Merlin's Beard (3) score 74 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 560, Defenders: 348 Frundi's Finest (12) take 265 hits (200 in close combat, 65 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties. Longswords of Veanne (15) take 98 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Living Archery Targets (2) take 203 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out. Rabididium (6) take 324 hits (177 in close combat, 147 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties. SytheMen (19) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Kipling's Hope (1) take 160 hits (86 in close combat, 74 from archer fire), which cause 5 casualties. Merlin's Beard (3) take 143 hits (94 in close combat, 49 from archer fire), which cause 5 casualties. Total casualties: 25 attackers, 11 defenders Turn No. 2
Razgriz (17) fire on Silver Harts (7), scoring 74 hits. Atticus' Archers (11) fire on The Cheapest Guys Available (8), scoring 65 hits. Archers (10) fire on Silver Harts (7), scoring 82 hits. The Clashers (9) fire on Holy Crusaders (14), scoring 71 hits. Ouchy Stings (16) fire on Midnight Blades (4), scoring 116 hits. Gridr's Iron (13) stay behind their camp fortifications. Spearbound Stalwarts (18) stay behind their camp fortifications. Midnight Blades (4), The Cheapest Guys Available (8), Monsters (5) and Silver Harts (7) advance towards the enemy. Holy Crusaders (14) advance towards the enemy. Close Combat: 1 Outer Tilog banners are visible in the melee. 3 Wetham banners are visible in the melee. Midnight Blades (4) score 97 hits. The Cheapest Guys Available (8) score 81 hits. Holy Crusaders (14) score 444 hits. Monsters (5) score 34 hits. Kipling's Hope (1) score 30 hits. Silver Harts (7) score 211 hits. Rabididium (6) score 157 hits. Merlin's Beard (3) score 66 hits. Frundi's Finest (12) score 225 hits. SytheMen (19) score 217 hits. Longswords of Veanne (15) score 57 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 943, Defenders: 676 Midnight Blades (4) take 283 hits (167 in close combat, 116 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties. The Cheapest Guys Available (8) take 328 hits (263 in close combat, 65 from archer fire), which cause 13 casualties. Holy Crusaders (14) take 458 hits (387 in close combat, 71 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties. Sir Chault Quasath, High Marshal of Wetham has been wounded. Monsters (5) take 121 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Kipling's Hope (1) take 165 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Silver Harts (7) take 234 hits (78 in close combat, 156 from archer fire), which cause 7 casualties. Rabididium (6) take 95 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Merlin's Beard (3) take 54 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Frundi's Finest (12) take 98 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. SytheMen (19) take 102 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Longswords of Veanne (15) take 89 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, wiping the unit out. El'rinal Veanne'aedin (Knight of Wetham, Wetham) has been wounded. Total casualties: 41 attackers, 19 defenders Turn No. 3
Ouchy Stings (16) fire on The Clashers (9), scoring 49 hits. Atticus' Archers (11) hold their fire. Razgriz (17) hold their fire. The Clashers (9) fire on Archers (10), scoring 86 hits. Archers (10) fire on The Clashers (9), scoring 57 hits. Gridr's Iron (13) stay behind their camp fortifications. Spearbound Stalwarts (18) stay behind their camp fortifications. Close Combat: 1 Outer Tilog banners are visible in the melee. 3 Wetham banners are visible in the melee. Monsters (5) score 36 hits. SytheMen (19) score 169 hits. The Cheapest Guys Available (8) score 58 hits. Frundi's Finest (12) score 244 hits. Holy Crusaders (14) score 465 hits. Kipling's Hope (1) score 17 hits. Merlin's Beard (3) score 67 hits. Midnight Blades (4) score 70 hits. Silver Harts (7) score 140 hits. Rabididium (6) score 134 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 878, Defenders: 522 Monsters (5) take 235 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out. The Clashers (9) take 106 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. SytheMen (19) take 175 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties. The Cheapest Guys Available (8) take 183 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties. Frundi's Finest (12) take 155 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Archers (10) take 86 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. Holy Crusaders (14) take 192 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Kipling's Hope (1) take 96 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Merlin's Beard (3) take 118 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. Midnight Blades (4) take 108 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. Silver Harts (7) take 70 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Rabididium (6) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Total casualties: 27 attackers, 16 defenders Turn No. 4
Archers (10) fire on The Clashers (9), scoring 45 hits. Razgriz (17) hold their fire. Ouchy Stings (16) retreat from the close combat near them. The Clashers (9) fire on Archers (10), scoring 53 hits. Atticus' Archers (11) hold their fire. Spearbound Stalwarts (18) and Gridr's Iron (13) advance towards the enemy. Close Combat: 1 Outer Tilog banners are visible in the melee. 3 Wetham banners are visible in the melee. Silver Harts (7) score 128 hits. Holy Crusaders (14) score 332 hits. Midnight Blades (4) score 57 hits. Frundi's Finest (12) score 197 hits. SytheMen (19) score 109 hits. Rabididium (6) score 114 hits. The Cheapest Guys Available (8) score 42 hits. Kipling's Hope (1) score 11 hits. Merlin's Beard (3) score 59 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 638, Defenders: 411 Silver Harts (7) take 223 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Archers (10) take 53 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. Holy Crusaders (14) take 215 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Sir Chault Quasath, High Marshal of Wetham has been killed. Midnight Blades (4) take 140 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. The Clashers (9) take 45 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. Frundi's Finest (12) take 95 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. SytheMen (19) take 101 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Rabididium (6) take 78 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. The Cheapest Guys Available (8) take 72 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Kipling's Hope (1) take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, wiping the unit out. Merlin's Beard (3) take 51 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Total casualties: 21 attackers, 11 defenders Turn No. 5
The Clashers (9) fire on Spearbound Stalwarts (18), scoring 73 hits. Razgriz (17) hold their fire. Atticus' Archers (11) hold their fire. Ouchy Stings (16) hold their fire. Archers (10) fire on The Clashers (9), scoring 29 hits. Frundi's Finest (12) break through the frontlines! Gridr's Iron (13) can not advance, because the front lines are too crowded. Spearbound Stalwarts (18) advance towards the enemy. Close Combat: The defenders crowd around the outnumbered attackers - Overkill! Merlin's Beard (3) score 45 hits. Spearbound Stalwarts (18) score 417 hits. Holy Crusaders (14) score 357 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 666 (774 before overkill), Defenders: 45 Merlin's Beard (3) take 666 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out. The Clashers (9) take 29 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. Spearbound Stalwarts (18) take 118 hits (45 in close combat, 73 from archer fire), which cause 3 casualties. Total casualties: 13 attackers, 3 defenders Turn No. 6
Razgriz (17) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. Archers (10) fire on The Clashers (9), scoring 29 hits. Ouchy Stings (16) move closer to get better shots. Atticus' Archers (11) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. The Clashers (9) fire on Frundi's Finest (12), scoring 98 hits. Gridr's Iron (13), Spearbound Stalwarts (18), Holy Crusaders (14) and Frundi's Finest (12) advance towards the enemy. Close Combat: 2 Wetham banners are visible in the melee. The Clashers (9) score 36 hits. Frundi's Finest (12) score 190 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 190, Defenders: 36 The attackers are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks. The Clashers (9) take 219 hits (190 in close combat, 29 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Frundi's Finest (12) take 134 hits (36 in close combat, 98 from archer fire), which cause 3 casualties. Total casualties: 6 attackers, 3 defenders Defender Victory! The battle does some damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 11 %.