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a further question would be... what happens if the sponsor switch realm? does he take the army (and boot out all nobles not in the new realm)? it should.. probably. --[[User:Fodder|Fodder]] 09:04, 18 September 2008 (CEST)
a further question would be... what happens if the sponsor switch realm? does he take the army (and boot out all nobles not in the new realm)? it should.. probably. --[[User:Fodder|Fodder]] 09:04, 18 September 2008 (CEST)
:haven't thought of a large battle. was thinking it might be certain number of wins, etc. (hence retaining stats) guess not. --[[User:Fodder|Fodder]] 22:04, 18 September 2008 (CEST)

Revision as of 20:04, 18 September 2008

HiYa - thanks for the help on that fictional map. Here's the moment I'm trying to document, from the timeline:

  • 2006.05.26 - Oligarch: Oligarch loses it's capital, and last city, Oligarch, to Sirion
  • 2006.05.28 - Oligarch: Oligarch loses it's last region, Commonyr, to Fontan. Oligarch is now a lost realm.

So I guess the key map would be the first one from June of 2006. cheers --BenTrem 21:33, 18 April 2008 (CEST)

* Thanks for 20060620 ... it's definitely the most accurate historically. But, having looked at it, I think I'm gonna stick with 20060701 in the timeleline cuz that one shows Fontan having moved south into Perdan territory. Adds something to the drama, that does! huh huh.
* Links in game? you mean by wiki syntax that Tom has rigged messages to read square brackets left and right?! Wow, that's impressive ... thanks for the tip. --BenTrem 00:40, 19 April 2008 (CEST)

I really like your banner in the contest, it's a sunny, cheerful banner. If it doesn't win, would you consider letting others use it for another realm? (I don't have any in mind, I'd just love to see it in game). --PrinceScamp 09:27, 6 September 2007 (CEST)

Sagarmathism Expands

I would just like to say that writing that article is one of the greatest things you could have done to end the EC's peace. It fits perfectly with a letter my character send to the Church of Ibladesh in hopes of sparking a conflict. So, I just wanted to say thank you, and you rule. Fredrich 22:42, 6 September 2007 (CEST)

Unfortunately, I can't find it right now. It might have been deleted already, but I thought messages were saved for a month, not just two weeks. Anyway, the basic idea was that Ubent was attempting to spread its influence through this religion, and that it was done without permission in Caligus and Yssaria. It was almost entirely BS at the time, but thanks to this new temple and your article's bias, it now looks like a reliable source. I hope something happens because of it. Playing a deceiving backstabber in a quiet realm is pretty hard. Fredrich 23:20, 7 September 2007 (CEST)

Preview Button Template

I love this! You're my personal hero for today for adding this subtle reminder to help the less perceptive. ^_^ -- Murakama 01:10, 20 November 2007 (CET)


First of all, thank you for the compliment about my work. Its all "in progress" so I'm never happy with it... and I hope to tie it all together quite soon. Appreciate you saying you like it.

Now, regarding the subpage issue - first let me say this. Please do not move MY pages - I would not presume to move anything from another contributer without discussing it with them in a back and forth - had you asked me about it I could have told you what I'm about to say now, so you can understand that I wasn't flaunting the style guide convention. Let me explain how I had this set up so it can be better understood, because I am trying to work within the style guide while not being held hostage to it.

This is not the first time people have asked me about subpaging. What I do is put the actual article itself in a page that is appropriately named (ie my characters names themselves, rather than the subpage of my family) so the title of the article doesn't look ridiculous (I mean Arylon Family/Fisc for an article name looks absurd - its much more easily read and cleaner looking if the title is the appropriate name).

However, I am sensitive to the style guide, and the necessity to keep all articles streamlined for navigations sake, hyperlinking and what have you to specific subpages based on convention. As such, what I do is point a redirect on the subpage (ie on Arylon Family/Fisc - I have it redirect to Fisc Arylon) - that way anyone who attempts to navigate to any of my pages based on conventions of the style guide, or from links on the game itself will be able to access the article without having to search for it or otherwise get confused... but at the same time I get clean looking articles.

In other words, the subpages actively give you what would be there normally, but they redirect to proper article names. I'm more than a little OCD and seeing Arylon Family/Taran for a character's article name drives me absolutely batty - it would be like going to wikipedia and having an article named Bush Family/George W. It just looks stupid, looks messy and lame and I think makes the article look silly.

But as I said, I understand the reasons the style guide exists - and so I have come up with the redirect subpage technique to make sure the style guide is satisfied, while at the same time I can have article names that don't make me want to tear my hair out. There is nothing about the way I do it that causes problems with navigation or convention - in fact I don't see any issue with it at all. The style guide wants subpages to be navigatable - and they are - they just redirect to proper article titles.

And I might add it also makes the wiki more searchable. Under the subpage organization, if I type in "Fisc Arylon" to the searchbox - I will get search results and have to comb through all the articles that mention my characters name (which is a lot) and find the actual article. If my characters actual article is located under its proper name, and I type in "Fisc Arylon" in the searchbar then I am brought RIGHT to the page I want and don't have to muddle around the search results.

Now it should be noted I only use this style with things I know won't be duplicated (I don't make pages like "Sports" and tie them to specific families, realms, etc) - only do it when I know the article names won't be messing anything up (there will never be a Fisc Arylon article unless I write it for example).

So, to wrap up what I'm saying - in the future please do not move my articles without my consent. I am not ignoring or flaunting the style guide, I'm working within it to make it better (for me). I was in the middle of fixing, updating and creating about 15 different pages, and now that some have been moved, others haven't, and still others are yet to be created, I'm going to have do to extra work to standardize and unify all of the articles under one consistent style.

Thanks for your concern - but please understand that I know what I'm doing when I write wiki pages... I am not flaunting the style guide, I'm working within it to make my articles the best they can be. In the future if you have a concern with how I'm doing something, please just ask me about it before you move my work. You will see that anyone who writes to my accounts discussion page gets a response on THEIR discussion page - so ask and wait for my answer first. Arylon 20:02, 7 March 2008 (CET)

That's the ENTIRE point man. It does NOT break the automatic functions provided by the wiki - if a page points to a subpage and a redirect is present on that page to bounce the article - the functionality is exactly the same. If you are playing battlemaster and you see a link that sayd, "See Characters wiki" the battlemaster link will bring you to Arylon Family/Fisc page. If there is a redirect on that page, it swings you immediately to the article in question. In other words its a simple route - there are no broken links, no "sorry this page doesn't exist" messages - and pardon me for chuckling a bit, no "chaos".
You are arguing with me as though I was leaving orphaned pages sitting there in the wrong spot. That's simply not the case, I had them all routed correctly - except for the brand new ones I just created, and I was just about to make sure those were correctly routed as well.
And as for "chastising you" for moving my pages - you didn't even ASK me. You just up and did it. I think with the amount of time and effort I've put into the pages in question its obvious that I'm not some idiot ignorant of the rules and openly saying "screw it". Quite frankly, I'd love to just say "screw it" because of how unbelievably and obnoxiously serious some people are taking this - its a frigging wiki for a game for god's sake - but you know what? I know that its important to be part of a community here, I respect the other players and contributers to the wiki, and so I made a very firm attempt (successfully I might add) to ensure the spirit of functuality that the wiki style guide was intended to preserve was upheld. You kept mentioning confused users who know how "the system is supposed to work" trying to maybe look for a character of mine by typing in Arylon Family/Fisc but somehow being denied finding the information they are looking fore - when in fact I took steps to ensure JUST THE OPPOSITE, that typing that in brings you to the page you want.
I do find it somewhat amusing that a redirect on "Fisc Arylon", pointing to "Arylon Family/Fisc" is fine - but the reverse - an article housed at "Fisc Arylon" but a redirect present on "Arylon Family/Fisc" is somehow unacceptable. In both cases if you go to either one of those pages you will find the information you are looking for - no broken links, no difficulty in any way shape or form getting the article... and in both instances, two article headings. In other words, there is zero appreciable difference, and the requirements of the style guide - that the information can be accessed by using a consistent style, is satisfied.
I have to ask - exactly what is the real problem here? Contrary to what you just wrote on my page, there is ZERO functionality problem, the subpages are still active, no links from the game battlemaster or within this wiki that point to subpages will somehow result in chaotic confusion, and effectively no appreciable functionality issue is created - so what exactly is the cause of all the nazi like grief over the situation?
Because I do not have the time or energy to fight with people on this subject constantly - I will likely leave the articles where you moved them to - but that doesn't change the fact that this rather absurd need to control the system of this wiki when absolutely no harm, damage or broken functionality was occurring is more than just a little sad. Seriously - think about it REAL HARD for a minute... the reason the style guide exists is not being challenged or argued, and the things it is aiming to accomplish are not only upheld, but being taken SPECIFICALLY into consideration - so ask yourself why it would even be a topic of discussion, let alone a point of contention. Save your animosity for people actually screwing up the wiki by messing with the style guide... people not even taking into consideration the subpage requirement... perhaps they would be better worth your attention. Arylon 22:33, 7 March 2008 (CET)
Template:Title doesn't work - by the way... one of the reasons I don't use it to replace the title.
As I said before, I really have no time, effort or energy to keep fighting with a wiki crusader for justice about this subject - but the least you could do is know what the hell you're talking about. There is no place in the game where any user can *ever* link to a specific character page of yours in an automatic fashion. - What you just said on my user page... yeah, well, not so much. Go to the politics tab, then go to paperwork, and look where it says "personal papers"... you'll find that indeed there is a direct link to not only your family page, but your individual character page. There are links in the game to the wikis for players, families, even regions. So when you say that my efforts in redirecting pages was only in my own interest for "pretty articles" you're wrong - I was making a hard effort to make sure the usage of subpages in the game and wiki infrastructure (including anyone who might not know that an article was listed somewhere and instead just linked to where the character subpage is supposed to be) was upheld correctly, and my locating articles at the actual name of the person, place or thing didn't do any damage to the system. And it didn't.
And "pissing in the community pool"? Good god are you melodramatic. I will say it one last time - no structural damage was done to the system the style guide puts in place, the way I did it is cleaner, allows for a lot less coding while writing articles (and a lot less confusing as well...writing an article that wants to link to Fisc is a lot easier to type out "Fisc Arylon" rather than "Arylon Family/Fisc|Fisc Arylon" - makes coding a LOT simpler, and yet again doesn't hurt the styling system put in place here), and overall looks better, and on top of it all ANY concern about article placement and ability to navigate is of complete and utter non-concern because of subpage redirects.
But congratulations, you've been such an insufferable tightass about it that I will leave the links where you moved them, just out of sheer lack of interest in a fight like this over such a RIDICULOUS subject. Take pride in your "victory" I suppose - but I think deep down you know damn well that I have no malicious intent, I maintained 100% of the functionality the style guide aims for, and in the grand scheme of the game, this wiki, and well... life - you're having a spaz about some REALLY unimportant details. If I were truly "pissing in the community pot" then I'd be orphaning pages, making no attempt to have functional subpages, and I'd be reverting everything you did... none of that was happening, so congratulations - what a champion of the "commons" you are.
Please enjoy the rest of your wiki community vigilante efforts. You won't have to worry about me in the future - but just some advice for OTHERS you encounter in the "community pool" - try ASKING and TALKING it out with a user before messing with their pages... even if they DO make mistakes and they ARE unknowingly messing up the style of their wiki because they don't know any better, just keep in mind that this game, this wiki and life in general is for fun and enjoyment - and it doesn't really mean the end of the world if a few wiki articles are misplaced. And you just might find out that there are some good hearted people out there who are trying to add a lot of cool content and have figured out some creative ways of making sure the style guide still works but that the overall look and feel of articles (and the ease at which links in wikis can be typed and kept track of) is much better. Think about it. Arylon 23:57, 8 March 2008 (CET)


Yeah, no problem man. Arylon 00:04, 29 March 2008 (CET)

Image Use

Hi there; I've been doing a lot of wiki text editing use recently, but haven't used images for ages. The Monster Compendium could use some to illustrate it. You seem like a guy who knows about these things! I understand why its often wrong to post up offsite images, but can I link to images off the wiki? Thanks --Hroppa 22:32, 12 July 2008 (CEST)


Okay, I'm intrigued after having played with it a bit. If it really works the way you say tell me how to make it do that, or atlternatively do a page yourself and explain how you did that and I should be able to replicate it well enough to make it work on others. --Kag 05:19, 14 July 2008 (CEST)

I think we're missing the Labeled Section Transclusion Extension needed for the pages to be included on each lettered page. Otherwise I think I could get this working well enough myself. --Kag 05:33, 14 July 2008 (CEST)

bugtracker, army, fame

I know there's a fame point. What I mean was, I assume there's some sort of stat that has to be achieved to get that point and it's tied to the army.. so disbanding it after simply pausing, will lose whatever progress. hence it might be better for the army to sort of be frozen (ie.. disappear.. but progress kept) whilst character is paused/autopaused.

on the other hand.. perhaps it shouldn't be passed onto a different sponsor at all. upon deletion of character... or whatever it is that make it swap hands now (aside from pausing/autopausing) the army is disbanded. money in warchest goes to taxes perhaps?

a further question would be... what happens if the sponsor switch realm? does he take the army (and boot out all nobles not in the new realm)? it should.. probably. --Fodder 09:04, 18 September 2008 (CEST)

haven't thought of a large battle. was thinking it might be certain number of wins, etc. (hence retaining stats) guess not. --Fodder 22:04, 18 September 2008 (CEST)