Stromsfiord Family

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Stromsfiord Family

The Stromsfiord Family hales from Ash'rily in the Ash Sea Islands of Atamara where the first son is now fighting to preserve his homeland. It is said that the family originally came from the northern lands of Atamara at some point in there history but that information is lost in time. The family itself still has something of a northern accent and attitude.

Stromsfiord Family Symbol.


Landesred is the first son of the family Stromsfiord. He first took up the sword at the age of 20 to defend his home from the cruel invaders from Abington during their war to seize the islands. He raised a company of infantry amongst his young friends in Ash'rily and set out untrained and unequipped with only the handful of boys from his neighborhood, naming his unit Strombjard after the rumored ancestral home of the clan.

The giant army of Abington had bypassed Ash'rily and made its way to the capital at Ser'quea. This provided an opportunity for the Ash'rily forces, under the command of Wallace, to wreak havoc in the enemy supply lines. Within days the small army had fought three battles against reinforcements trying to reach the main army of Abington, leaving the enemy scattered and in chaos. These battles in Worav forced Abington to break off some of the besieging forces around Ser'quea, lessening the pressure on the capital.

Landesred is a patriot of the Ash Sea Islands and a strong supporter of King nautilus, refusing to consider that his homeland would be stripped away from Ash Sea Islands.