Dodger Family

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House Dodger

House Dodger originates from the forestlands bordering the city of Enlod on the Dark Isle, north of the Far East Island. Their standard is a stark black banner with no emblem.


Fae is a strange woman, a witch or shamaness of some kind, about whom little is known. She is the matriarch of her house, although she takes little active role in its political maneuvering. She is extremely old and dresses very shabbily, is short and stooped and walks with a stick. Yet she is very intimidating and has a tendency to unnerve even courageous warriors.

Note: Fae is strictly an RP character, and is not played as a noble (or adventurer) in game terms. She presently lives in Arcachon on the Far East.

Arcachon-icon.png John

John is a young noble, chosen by Fae to lead the House despite her own seeming lack of respect for his intelligence and ability.

His younger years were spent as a waylayer and bandit, and he built himself a large force of men along with the Ecsetuan Shintuk Geg, which they call the Khalkar. His fighting units are generally drawn from their number, and they often serve other members of his House.

Upon taking up his role as a Knight of Enlod, John swiftly rose to some prominence within the realm of Arcachon by earning the title of Count of Ecsetuah, defeating the nobles Grugtar and Saban in a challenge of arms for command of the region. He later founded and marshaled an army, the Army of Shadows, for the realm. However, he has fallen foul of the powerful priesthood.

Note: Presently active, in Arcachon on FEI.


Kilhorn is John's cousin and Habbo's son. A big, strong young man, he has a strangely brownish skin tone which is darker than most natives of the Dark Isle. He recently took the long journey across the sea to the South-East Isle, where he fights for Taselak. He and his archers, the Hawks of Enlod--which included some members of John's Khalkar--have fought in many battles in the pitched war there. He was recently captured and imprisoned by Toren during a battle.

John privately seems to dislike Kilhorn, although he enjoys reading Kilhorn's letters about the wars of the South-East. He has also hinted to some people that there was something strange about Kilhorn's conception and birth.

Note: Presently active, in Taselak on SEI.


Habbo, John's uncle and Kilhorn's father, is a strange little man. He is extremely ugly, with huge bulging eyes, bowed legs, and warts. He is also a coward and seems to be rather stupid; he wet his pants upon being accosted by King Corey of Antoza.

Despite his faults, he was sent by John to represent the House in the Antoza Commonwealth, a realm of the Far East far to the south of his home in the Dark Isle. Habbo was not expecting to find himself in the midst of a raging war, but he has held himself up rather well nonetheless.

Habbo was sent to Antoza with a unit of archers from the Khalkar, aptly named "Habbo's Khalkar". He has expressed his inability to lead them, yet somehow they manage to get by fine.

Habbo is attended at nearly all times by a resourceful commoner named Merrit, who seems to function in place of Habbo's missing competence.

Note: Presently active, in Antoza Commonwealth on FEI.


A young commoner and member of the Khalkar, Merrit was sent along with Habbo to Antoza by John. He is essentially Habbo's attendant, but his role is far more important than that. While Habbo is incapable of maintaining his armed men, estate, or correspondence with the realm, Merrit is a resourceful young man who handles all these things for him. Since Merrit is not of noble blood, he must quietly and subtly remain as the real power behind Habbo Dodger.

Note: Merrit is strictly an RP character, and is not played as a noble (or adventurer) in game terms. He presently accompanies Habbo in Antoza on the Far East. He is not a member of House Dodger.