Rowan Family/Ricardo

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Ricardo Rowan was born in the family home of Hegado, along with his brother Rick. With his brother, he received an education that is quite standard of someone of noble birth. Swordsmanship, horse riding, reading & writing, running an estate, strategy, everything was devoured by the inquisitive mind of Ricardo. All of those teachings of distance continents and the realms and warriors that dwell there, lit an adventurous spirit in Ricardo. He decided that he wanted to go out and explore these distant lands in search of fame and fortune. So, with a decent amount of gold, a family guard, and a letter of introduction in hand, Ricardo set out for his first, of a couple, realms in The East Continent.

Ricardo decided to join the very first realm that held a city that caught his eye. In the East Continent, that city was Fontan, which, at that time, was under the control of The Confederacy of Fontan. There he became a Knight of Fontan and was immediately thrown into the battlefield. This was where he met a man that would help to shape his future, Hamilton Vita. Hamilton was Ricardo's Marshal and became an idol of sorts to Ricardo. Once the CoF was swallowed up by Fontan, Ricardo tried to keep a life in the East Continent by taking part of the integration program that was set up. Not satisfied with how Fontan was run, Ricardo decided to immigrate to a realm in The Far East.

Having arrived in the Far East, Ricardo decided to initally join the realm of The Principality of Zonasa. At that time, Zonasa was neutral in every conflict that engulfed the continent, so Ricardo generally used that time to hone his own skills and knowledge of the Far East. This is where Hamilton Vita again came into the picture. Ricardo caught wind of Hamilton being apart of a realm called Ohnar West. Deciding that he wanted to see the new realm that Hamilton had become apart of, Ricardo signed an oath with Fallin McBlathery, who, at the time, was the Duke of Ozrat, and, therefore, became a Knight of Ozrat.

Not too long after joining Ohnar West, Ricardo got a new liege, Balthazar Bathgate, whom Ricardo would come to have an extremely high amount of respect for. Ricardo did everything he could to serve Ohnar West as faithfully as he could. After helping Ohnar West put down the rebellion/succession brought on by Hamilton, Ricardo was able to earn enough support to become The Baron of Larodais. In that time-frame, Ricardo had met a man whom would basically become his mentor, Kalak Carna. Under his advice and guidance, Ricardo decided to pursue a military career. After much service, Ricardo was bestowed the honor of becoming the Marshal of the Ohnarian Legion.

Ricardo is currently still serving as both the Marshal of the Ohnarian Legion and the Baron of Larodais. In Ohnar West, Ricardo has met many nobles whom he has a great respect for and has even been joined by another member of his family, his nephew, Delmar Rowan the Viscount of Hosiel.