Dwilight Daily/Writing

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< Dwilight Daily
Revision as of 20:28, 6 September 2007 by Indirik (talk | contribs)
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Writing Style

  • Individual writers should write about the events that occur within their own realms, or that relate to their realms. Where major events occur in realms where there is no active writer, anyone may feel free to write about it.
  • As much as practically possible, articles should remain as neutral as possible. Being an island-wide newspaper, we want to ensure that we are recording events, and not speculations or opinions. We also want to avoid propaganda wars in the paper.
  • When editing someone else's articles, edit for spelling/grammar only, or for verifiable facts. i.e. correct region names if the reporter got the wrong region, but don't change "Realm A won the war" to "Realm A lost the war". Subjective opinions such as that should either be discussed on the Talk page for that issue, or you should write your own article with your own opinion of the matter. However, please keep in mind the neutrality principle.
  • All articles should be signed by their author and include a realm icon. Articles about the paper itself, such as pleadings for more writers, major style changes, etc. should be written as OOC and use the MicroDD.png icon: MicroDD.png.

Template Usage

The following templates are used for the Dwilight Daily. Template usage instructions are included on the template pages.