Talk:Records of BattleMaster

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Old discussion moved to an archive page. --The1exile 23:05, 7 March 2007 (CET)


I have started work on cleaning up this page by removing all records I consider to be redundant, messy, useless or whatever reason. If you have a very good reason for wanting your deleted record back, then post a section here explaining why.

I will continue to try and clean up this page over the next few days. --The1exile 23:05, 7 March 2007 (CET)

Yay! This was desperately needed. It's a good start, but there's still quite a bit of trimming that could be done. For example:
  • Most net gold collected for tax (We already have a Gross gold record, why do we need a Net gold record?)
  • Most times joined the same realm
  • Member of most realms
  • Best Recruitment Center (Best is too subjective. Besides, the RCs that would get the record were hand-built by Tom.)
  • Highest CS per soldier (this is influenced by too many factors, including unit type and number of soldiers)
  • Longest Name (I believe this is a game limitation, anyone with a free character slot could do it)
  • Oldest character (just remove the Lich King...)
  • Most different positions held by one family
  • "Largest outstanding bounty" should be merged with "Largest collected bounty" as just "Largest bounty"
  • Almost the entire "Adventurers" tree should be axed. These are completely unverifiable.
I suppose thee are more that I would get rid of, but these would make a good start. The ones I listed above just don't fit the "strange, amazing or curious" criteria. --Indirik 23:18, 7 March 2007 (CET)
Done most of them - I think the Lich King can stay, mostly as a curiousity. --The1exile 13:51, 10 March 2007 (CET)

I would like my record of most consecutive victories in a row back. My reason for wanting it back? its no less valid then any other record and i honestly dont know why it was removed in the first place. having that many victories certinaly fits in all three categories listed for this page "strange, amazing or curious things" Shadow 00:53, 2 April 2007 (CEST)

Most militia in one city

Anacan, shortly before the assault on Anacan in the Lasanar v. Antozan Commonwealth war on the FEI:

21,500CS of militia as of 5/20/07. [Scribe:105329|f1594ec3cc3c91d8] -- Aquitaine

Nice (I checked out the scout report). Will update the record. --The1exile 10:42, 21 May 2007 (CEST)

Most temples in one region

Is a useless record. I know of at least 2 other regions that also have temples of two religions. Why should it be kept, since it doesn't fulfil the requirement of being remarkable, amazing or otherwise noteworthy?

If you can find a region with 3 temples, that would be more interesting. --The1exile 17:32, 4 September 2007 (CEST)

I just put that up so there would be something to beat. Find something to beat it and replace it. That is the point of this page isn't it? --Kag 17:46, 4 September 2007 (CEST)

Not if it has a load of other records tying with it, otherwise that just invites lists of people who met criteria X. --The1exile 20:01, 4 September 2007 (CEST)

If it's not "strange, amazing or curious" then it doesn't belong on the records page. --Indirik 22:40, 4 September 2007 (CEST)