Adventurer Game

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This page is for player contributions to the new Adventurer feature. There is also a seperate Adventurer Hints page with "strategy hints" on how to play an adventurer character.

Feel free to re-sort it, clean it up, improve it or add your own comments. Try not to put stuff under "fairly certain" unless it has been confirmed by at least one other player.

Activities and Features

  • Hunting monsters and undead
  • Finding Unique Items while hunting
  • Gathering common items
  • Claim your noble birthright: You need 3 or more Recommendations and 10 honour and 5 prestige to become a knight.

Fairly Certain Facts

Gold and Silver

  • Adventurers, being common men, don't normally deal in gold as the nobles do. They usually deal in silver, the lower valued currency.
  • The exchange rate is: 12 silver coins = 1 gold coin.

Generic Actions

  • Adventurers gain one hour of time in their time pool for every real world hour, like priests. They do not get the "8 hours per turn" that normal nobles get.
  • Adventurers can have a maximum of 16 hours in their time pool
  • Even though you may need to have a certain number of hours in your time pool to perform an action, you may not use all those hours when performing that action.


  • Practically everything an adventurer does that uses hours, aside from resting, will add some fatigue.
  • Fatigue inhibits an adventurer's ability to find items when gathering.


For an extensive list of fatigue regained for different times spent resting, refer to Adventurer Theories.

  • There is some variability in resting. The same amount of hours rested will not always produce the same reduction in fatigue.
  • Longer rest periods recover more fatigue per hour rested.
  • You can't rest for less than three hours.
  • Resting using the "rest" option removes one point of fatigue per hour. Hours gained in excess of 16 are used resting this way.
  • Resting using the "sleep on your bedroll" option removes ~1.5 points of fatigue per hour. Requires a bedroll in inventory.
  • Resting using the "sleep on the floor" option removes ~1.5 points of fatigue per hour.
  • Resting using the "tent" option removes ~2 fatigue per hour. Requires a tent in your inventory.
  • Resting in a primitive hut (most non-city regions) removes ~2 points of fatigue per hour (or 3*hours - 3), and costs 1 silver.
  • Resting in a common room removes ~3 fatigue per hour, and costs 2 silver.
  • Resting in a private room removes ~4 fatigue per hour, and costs 5 silver.
  • Resting using the "bath and massage" option removes ~5 fatigue per hour, and costs 10 silver, but cannot be used more then 3 hours at a time.


  • When traveling between regions you may have to pay a tax or toll in silver. The amount charged is variable. If you don't have the required coins you will be turned back and end up back where you started. You will lose a few hours and gain a few fatigue.
  • Tolls can be charged between two regions that are both part of the same realm. (i.e. they are not just collected when traveling between two realms.)
  • At times, the option to travel by boat or carriage will appear. It is quicker, but will cost you a few silver. Sometimes it will not help though, and shouldn't be used.


  • You can spend two hours investigating a region for the presence of undead and monsters. This will give you some idea of how likely it is that you will be able to find them in this are while hunting.
  • You must have at least 2 hours to start hunting. For higher level groups, you will need to have at least one hour per group level. (i.e. Hunting Group 6 requires having at least 6 hours in your time pool.) The "battle" usually lasts 2-3 hours.
  • You can cooperate with other adventurers. Since hunting requires more time for larger groups, and it takes hours and fatigue, you will have to if you want to fight the large groups.
  • Successful hunts can sometimes produce loot. This could be a few silver coins, and sometimes gold and common items.
  • Defeating an undead champion can sometimes yield a unique item as loot.
  • Being defeated by a group gives you a lot of fatigue, or even a wound.
  • Being defeated by a champion can result in your death.
  • The hashes you get when you fight a group of monsters or undead can be forwarded to other adventurers to team up on a group. The hashes are region and type specific - a hash for a group of monsters will not work in an undead hunt, or in another region. Monster location hashes are also provided similar to scribe notes for nobles. Sending the hash note will produce a clickable link for the recipient with all of the required data properly filled in.
  • Hashes expire when certain actions occur to alter the status of monsters in the area, such as other adventurers hunting. (Or scouting?) Hashes do not expire at turn change or after any set amount of time. It is event based and not time based.
  • Adventurers with higher skill levels don't need to hunt group #1 and can skip straight to group #2 or higher.
  • An unsuccessful search (that you have continued from someone else's hash) for a group of monsters/undead will not cost you hours nor give you any fatigue.
  • An unsuccessful search (that you have started yourself) for a group of monsters/undead can give you more fatigue than the one hour you spend on doing it.


  • You can gather common items in all regions, though what you find depends partially on the region.
  • These common items can be sold to the local population, usually for a few silver coins, though some valuable items sell for a gold or even more (current record sale: Small Ruby for 7 gold). The price offered for items is variable, as is the possibility to sell (e.g. no buyer here today).
  • Sometimes the militia or peasants can prevent you from finding anything.
  • Having a fatigue of 9 (may be less) or more can sometimes come with a message saying that you are too fatigued to concentrate.


  • Adventurers have Swordfighting and Adventuring skills.
  • Swordfighting is the same skill available to other classes.
  • What Adventuring does is not yet known for certain(but see speculations).
  • Both skills can be improved when hunting Undead or Monsters.
  • Adventuring can also be improved while gathering. Note that unlike in battle, there will not be a message indicating that the skill increased.

Adventuring Skill Benefits

As an adventurer gains in skill, there are certain benefits that slowly become available. Since the exact level of adventuring skill can never be known, we can never know what skill level is needed for them. What we can know, however, is the order that these benefits appear. As far as can be determined, these benefits manifest in the following order:

  • Ability to "...skip the less interesting monsters and start at group #2."
  • Ability to hunt undead using the "maximum risk" option.
  • Ability to hunt monsters using the "maximum risk" option.
  • Ability to "...skip the less interesting monsters and start at group #3."
  • Ability to hunt monsters using the "maximum stealth" option.
  • Ability to hunt undead using the "maximum stealth" option. (Presumed, not verified.)


  • Adventurers can use the Academy in a city, with the same restrictions as normal nobles.
  • The costs for training are the same as for nobles - very expensive for an adventurer! (A six hour training session with the expert tutor would be the equivalent of 288 pieces of silver!)
  • The adventuring skill cannot be trained at the academy.


  • Only the adventurer can locate a Sage. Sages can repair Unique Items, and possibly even create new unique items.
  • Sages are hard to find. They may stay in an area for a few turns, or they may disappear at the next turn change.
  • All sages offer to repair unique items.
  • Not all sages will offer to create new unique items.
  • A sage may stay in the area for several turns. They may make "rounds" of regions, or travel around.
  • If you find a sage that offers to make a unique item, he will generally keep offering to make that unique item for you at a later time, with the same required common items. You may be able to collect the common items, and then track him down at a later date.
  • After you collect the required common items and hand them to the sage, he will make an attempt to complete the item. He will report his success. It is not guaranteed, and the chances may indeed be rather low. If it fails, it is possible that one (or more?) of your common items will be destroyed in the attempt.

Guilds and Religions

  • Adventurers can join guilds (and religious orders).
  • Adventurers must pay at least a 5 gold joining fee, even if the joining fee for nobles is lower.
  • Adventurers can never become senior members of a guild or religion.
  • Because adventurers do not have scribes and messengers at their disposal, it costs them 1 silver per message to use the guild messaging options.


  • Adventurers are commoners, thus have no rights. Some nobles (infiltrators) might attack you for fun. Adventurers will fight back against the attacker, and can even capture the attacker. This will result in the infiltrator being sent to your realm's prisons.
  • If an adventurer's realm is destroyed, they have a limited time to find a new realm. Once they are declared rogue, they will remain rogues for the rest of their lives.


  • It takes two hours and did not add any fatigue.
  • Scouting does not give the combat strengths of units in a region.
     Under investigation, could possibly be skill dependant
  • Adventurers do not get a scribe note when scouting.

Listening to rumours

  • It takes three hours and adds only one fatigue.
  • It gives you a seperate list of infiltrators (regardless of their skill) and noblemen (also adventurers) that the villagers have seen in the region recently.
  • This list can be incomplete.

Mix with the locals

(Could someone add this info?)



  • The selling value of certain types of items is variable according to the region type - e.g. gems may be more valuable in cities than in mountain regions. There is also some variability in selling prices from turn to turn, even within a region.


  • The amount charged by roadwarrens for tolls when traveling has a random element, but is not purely random. Any ideas?
    • Distance traveled
    • Travel between/within realms
    • Amount of gold/silver on hand?
    • Total value of possessions?


  • Larger groups have more valuables?

Adventurer skill

  • After hunting and fighting some monsters, I was told that I had improved my adventurer skill. What could this relate to?
  • It seems likely that this, possibly combined with swordfighting, influences your chances against undead or monsters. After all, that's one way to increase both skills.
    • Presumably:
      • Adventuring- affects chance to find a group.
      • Swordfighting- affects chance to defeat the group.
  • This skill might also affect other random chances, like finding good loot or items and paying road tolls.
  • I got a dead gove away of the effect :
    • Your experience allows you to skip the less interesting monsters and start at group #3.

See Also