The Face of Fronen/Edition:5

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Price: Free, though donations are accepted ----- Printed In Fronepu ----- Editor: Alexius DeSyrr and Cloud Soulja----- April '07

Military Update: Defense Minister Reports Mild Success

Two days ago, ECA forces from Fronen and Thalmarkin, launched a surprise attack on the city of Enweilieos, Enweil. THe purpose of this mission was to destroy the military infrastructure of the city and divert Enweil's attention from Avalonian forces elsewhere. Fronen's Defense Minister Grego Nosferatus offers insightful comments about the recent attack. He has stated:

We planned it correctly but strange things happened, Enweil marched onto the city,
disappointed and suddenly where right behind us in there walls. Thats why we got defeated.
We where also unable to loot due to unknown reasons having something to do with a local militia unit
(OOC: the game said we never won an attack on the city which we did, it said we first had to attack the troops in the city
before we could loot)
All we wanted to do in Enweilieos was destroy the Military infrastructure of that city and the outer walls of the stronghold.
We are in no way planning to kill Enweils population.

As of now, authorities are unsure as to how Enweilean troops managed sneak behind ECA held walls, While nobody knows why soldiers could not loot the city or destroy recruitment centers there. The most common theory though is that Enweileos had some kind of secret tunnel built by Enweil to keep the city supplied with food even when it is under siege.

In other news, Avalonian troops have been unable to takeover the city of Fwuvoghor City, Fwuvoghor. The ECA forces continue to occupy the city.

Finally, the city of Eylmon has seceded from the shrinking kingdom of Luz de Bia. The new seceded kingdom, Caras Galadhon has elected Dead-Angel as its first king. The new nobles of Caras are mostly vassals of Dead-Angel oath bound to support him.

This completes today's update. May you continue to use the Face fo Fronen for all your news needs.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on April 27, 1007

Continued Military Success

The East Coast Alliance has made modest gains in the past few days. First, ECA troops continue to occupy Fwuvoghor City, despite multiple Enweilean attempts to end the occupation. Furthermore, ECA forces from Fronen and Thalmarkin now occupy Piwani. Just today 9000 CS of Enweilean troops charged at the 11000 CS. ECA defenders prevailed, and the occupation remains. Fronen hopes for more victories to come.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on April 22, 1007

Allied Victory in Fwuvoghor

The East Coast Alliance has been making impressive gains against the Queendom of Fwuvoghor. The ECA has occupied Vilrill and has just defeated the Fwuvoghorans in their capital city, the strategically important Fwuvoghor. In this battle, the Fwuvoghoran Judge Ravenous ( a Fronenian tyrannist) has been captured. Also, Riombara advanced into Luz de Bia's capital but they were repulsed. Still great advances are being made on both of the ECA's fronts. I realize this is not the most well-written article but time is short. ((OOC: I'm on vacation and the price to use the internet is quite expensive here...))

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on April 9, 1007

Riombaran Success at Last

Yesterday, in what their seventh attempt, Riombara finally took over the city of Grehk. For months now the rural land surrounding Grehk has been Riombaran territory, however the Luz de Bians of the city put up remarkable resistance. Regardless of whether the takeover attempt was friendly or hostile, the attempt would always fail. Now, the most recent attempt at a friendly takeover has succeeded. Public opinion in the city is now firmly supporting Riombara. Grehk was actually Riombara's capital once, however it has not been in Riombaran control since before the last monster invasion. The FoF's sources say that there are now peace talks going on between Rio and Luz. With Grehk's capture, and peace a major possibility Riombara should now have the ability to divert its attention elsewhere. Namely, at the Irombrozian rebels/kingdom (depending on whether or not you acknowledge the country's legitimacy), and the Monarchial Republic of Fwuvoghor.

*EDIT* As stated, Riombara did indeed turn its attention away from Luz. In a grand show of force, Riombaran forces stopped an Irombrozian takeover of Rueffilo in its tracks. The Riombaran victory in Rueffilo was won with twice as many troops as the Irombrozians had.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on April 4, 1007