Talk:Volcanic Hot Newsletter/January '07 issue

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Comments on Honour

Being noted for honour by a Darkan is like being noted for beauty by an ape. --Habap 16:42, 2 January 2007 (CET)

Carelia's ban on infiltrator attack

Concerning the claim that Carelia's actions may have been a jab at Redspan's, I highly doubt it. It's been an unwritten rule on Atamara for as long as I remember that rulers are not to be the target of infiltrator attacks, even if at war. No one else gets such immunity. - Filador

From a curious observator, it may be intriguing to note how different rulers respond to the same situation. Kronos said, "As I said, we handle our cases as we wish others to do." Interpret it how you will. Jezralhm 10:03, 8 January 2007 (CET)
Funny that I've been playing on Atamara for over 3 years and that's the first I hear that there's some unwritten rule that rulers are not to be stabbed :) As far as I'm concerned, any noble in a realm you're at peace with is off limits and violators should be met with a ban, but that's just me. - LilWolf 11:09, 8 January 2007 (CET)
The reason you have only just heard of it is because it dosen't happen very often. I remember one time when an infil successfully attacked a ruler (during war) and that nearly brought down half of the continent on that one realm. You only have one or two cases like this, usually some new guy who dosen't know the rules, or an opportunist that thinks he can take his chances. Then again on the other hand if you have some one like "The One" who claims to be a ruler, but actually isn't, then the rule is usually wavered. ScottSabin 11:41, 8 January 2007 (CET)


Was Darka at peace with Redspan? I had thought they never got above neutral. - Filador

Darka has been at war with RedSpan since November 17th (see this). Jezralhm 22:02, 16 January 2007 (CET)
At the time AJ stabbed Mr_Jones, Darka and RedSpan were at peace. Relations deteriorated since then. - LilWolf 23:26, 16 January 2007 (CET)
The current war has failed to generate any of the heat noted in Darkanism. One might even call it a cold war. Darka is apparently waiting until someone else decides to fund their adventure, deeming honour not enough reason to actually carry out a war. --Habap 00:16, 17 January 2007 (CET)
Debating with anyone from RedSpan is getting quite old already. You have your own twisted view that isn't going to change in any direction no matter what I or anyone else says. I suggest you stop your useless propaganda war or at least keep it out of the talk pages of this newspaper. - LilWolf 13:03, 17 January 2007 (CET)
At least we are prepared to actually fight a war, even if it is for Propaganda. ScottSabin 15:18, 17 January 2007 (CET)
All I'm going to say is: NEVER EVER let your guard down, because the moment you do, green-and-gold banners will appear over the horizon, and your regions' population will be... downsized. -Pizarro
You knwo what, im getting bored of that line. Its the only line you actually use. Why dont you come and put your money where your mouth is, and actually come down here to face us? ScottSabin 15:45, 17 January 2007 (CET)
Well, because apparently, your guard is still up. If it were up to me, I'd wait several years, until you goat herders have grown so arrogant that you think the Darkans fear you and your leaders have lulled you into a false sense of security. It's much more entertaining to sneak up on your target when it has no idea you're coming, and then destroy it completely. You'll see what I mean eventually. In the meantime, please, by all means, keep believeing we fear you. It will make the slaughtering all the more fun for us. -Pizarro
Pizarro, you have your own false sense of security. And when your fake window is shattered, it will not be done for "entertainment," but because we are Just, we are Honourable, we are Noble - in other words, everything you are not. And unlike in your hypothetical situation, ours has a much greater chance of occurring. We've defeated Darka's forces when we were busy with the armies of several other realms at once. How well do you think you'll fare against us when we can focus our attention and might upon you? You will crumble to our might, just as your arguments crumble in the face of reason. So my word to you, little one, is to not speak for your "king" or your "kingdom," or when it all falls down on your heads, every one of your countrymen will know that it was your flapping tongue that brought the victorious to wreack havoc upon all that you once thought so invulnerable.House Olik 19:21, 17 January 2007 (CET)
You see thats the difference between Darka and the rest of the Continent. We will fight our enemies when they know we are there. We dont go round sneaking and doing the unerhand thing. We have honour to fight for. You aparently only like to see our backsides...much lieke Rosengarden Guy. ScottSabin 17:00, 17 January 2007 (CET)
I find it a fitting retribution. AJ attacked Mr_Jones in his sleep, it's only normal that we repay the favour. And as long as we're debating honor, I distinctly recall your government taking AJs prize gold for themselves, under the guise of 'punishment'. Gold that was gained through assassinating a man in his sleep. Yes, honor... -Pizarro 17:27, 17 January 2007 (CET)
That argument is floored in several places. 1: you have already done what AJ did, except where he succeded, you didnt, we cuaght both of your infils. One attacked me...i could have told KK, to ban him due to code (see above), but i didnt. 2: If Mr Jones was as innocent as you say, then how does an innocent man get a 600 gold bounty on his head? ScottSabin 17:37, 17 January 2007 (CET)
Simple, there are many people who don't like him, most likely his bounty was set by members of the Southern Federation. Does that make him a criminal by default? And for the record, I never said he was innocent either. As for assaulting goat herders, do you honestly think we would have declared war on you if we were aiming for an equal return? Quite the contrary, we will burn, destroy and kill until WE think it's enough.-Pizarro
Ah yes, until you think is enough.....ah...just like the 1200 gold you tried to extort from us? i get your it until it get bored, then say to the world...look at me i can rape peasnts! Whoo Im a big man now! ScottSabin 17:51, 17 January 2007 (CET)
What kind of punishment would a simple return of the gold have been? It's not like AJ stole a few pieces of gold, he assassinated our Royal Treasurer, and collected gold that was paid by you and your friends. He acted out of sheer greed. We merely responded in an appropriate manner. And your peasants would have been safe if you had simply paid up. Besides, your peasants will be safe if you can stop us before we get to them. If you can't... well, perhaps their leaders should have tried harder to protect them. Vae victus. Woe to the vanquished! My favorite proverb ever.-Pizarro 17:59, 17 January 2007 (CET)
And why should Redspan pay you the money that is not yours? It is not Mr_Jones money, as you said it was paid by me and my friends. So why would we have to pay you a single gold coin? You didnt do any work to get to that money, and your doing none now. Darka thinks it can get money by doing nothing and forceing others to pay it to them. Things dont work that way in life. You have to do a lot of work to get a little out of life...try it once in a while. ScottSabin 18:15, 17 January 2007 (CET)
Why should you pay? Because one of yours committed a crime against one of ours! Does the concept us 'justice' mean nothing to you people? Besides, we wouldn't have asked for a single coin, if you had simply punished AJ for his actions like we asked you to. You chose to decline that request, so we gave you an alternative, which you chose to decline as well. So you can't say we didn't offer you an 'easy' way out. -Pizarro 18:53, 17 January 2007 (CET)
And why did AJ attack the Royal Treasurer? Because he had a bounty of 600 gold on his head! How did he get that bounty? By doing something that people didn't like. It's not like there are many people who would or even can just up and decide to put 600 gold towards a bounty on a person for kicks. As I gather, Mr_Jones was a ruler of Darka and was even protested out of office. He did something to earn that bounty, and indirectly did something to earn a knife in his chest. Redspan does not recognize AJ's actions as a crime that should require the entire realm to suffer. The demanded price of repayment is more than a third of Redspan's weekly tax collection, and to force an entire realm to pay that much for the actions of a noble who is not in a leadership position is absurd. If Darka is not happy with the reparitions that Redspan made, they can back up their words and enforce their demands instead of continuing to point fingers and sling mud. - Filador 13:32, 17 January 2007 (EST)
So if I understand you correctly, if we were to pool some gold, place a 600 gold bounty on your King and subsequently plant a dagger in his ribcage, you would simply accept it? After all, we don't like Tony one bit, and he tried to destroy one of our clients, which ultimatly hurts our income. You people make me laugh. And as I said before, we didn't want gold at first, we simply wanted to have AJ punished, hardly a punishment that would damage your realm. Your government refused, and it was then and only then that we demanded monetary compensation. And AJ isn't 'just' an infiltrator either. He served as banker, judge and general. If you can't keep a leash on your nobles, and they do something naughty for which they are not punished... you shouldn't be surprised that we are a bit ticked off. -Pizarro 19:50, 17 January 2007 (CET)
We would accept it as standard Darkan operating practice. You are cowards who attack only when you can do it from ambush. And you are mercenary thugs who would sell your own mothers, if you had any, for a piece of gold. The fact remains your cause for war is unjust. You don't like another realm's judicial decision - big deal. If every realm used this as a cause to declare war on another, every realm would be at war with every other realm. And not one of these wars would be just. Speak to your strengths - mindless barbarianism and empty threats. Your political and judicial arguments carry no weight and serve only to harm the already-poor opinion Atamara has of Darka.House Olik 20:35, 17 January 2007 (CET)
No. I already mentioned the ruler amnesty thing...But say, for example, if you were to get terribly upset with High Marshal Dielo (my character), place a bounty on his head, and he got stabbed by an Estonian, that would not be grounds to declare war on Eston, and I would be quite insistent that a war not be started for that reason. Even though the realms are at peace, Dielo would have done something to deserve it. The fact that AJ has served in all but one type of position in our realm is even more grounds for us to not ban him. He is one of the most respected Redspanians, and is indeed the most senior member of Redspan, and I for one would let Darka destroy Redspan completely before dreaming of banning AJ for such an offense. He was punished for his actions. It is no little thing to collect such a huge bounty, and we gave him the honour of keeping at least a small amount of it. And I'm not surprised that you're ticked off. I'm just surprised that all great and wonderful Darka doesn't have the ability to deal with an infiltrator attack, or to act on their words. - Filador 17:09, 17 January 2007 (EST)

Enough talk

I suspect Mr_Jones and his accomplices committed a crime against someone else. The only way they saw that they could punish him was by placing a bounty on his head. 600 gold is no small bounty.

No one need be afraid of Darka. You are weak and impotent. AJ struck down your Royal Treasurer and two months later you have still done nothing.

We've heard enough nonsense from the cowards in Darka. If you want to come down to RedSpan like men instead of hiding in Darka like dogs, do so. Otherwise, enjoy my favorite phrase... sic semper tyrannis. --Habap 20:17, 17 January 2007 (CET)

I agree. Enough talk. So shut up already! This is getting annoying on an OOC level because your pointless propaganda discussion fills up talk page after talk page. - LilWolf 21:12, 17 January 2007 (CET)
Of course, free discussion is great. But we're chasing tails in this debate. Agreed, move on. Just next time you propose silence, lets not finish with insults; it does nothing to stop the anger (weak, impotent, done nothing). Jezralhm 01:13, 18 January 2007 (CET)
But I speak only truth. You declared war two months ago and have done nothing. We are quite anxious to resolve the issue and you continually tell us how you will beat us into the ground. We simply want the playground bully to resolve the matter. If you aren't ever coming, I would be satisfied if Darka simply revoked their declaration of war in admission of its impotence. --Habap 14:07, 18 January 2007 (CET)
Now the war has started. Excellent. The dispute can be settled on the battlefield! --Habap 22:46, 25 January 2007 (CET)


(OOC) Can I just say, I like the format of your paper. The headlines are very distinctive and everything looks very neat and organized. --Habap 00:17, 24 January 2007 (CET)

Just to add more OOC praise. Crescent's comments about giving goats a volcano bath made me chuckle :) - Revan 00:41, 24 January 2007 (CET)