Gadlock is a badlands province in the northern plains of the East Island, at the base of the Kazakh Peninsula. It is near the cities of Oligarch, the former capital of Oligarch, to the southeast, and Westmoor to the south.
- Oligarch siezes control from Old Rancagua. -- 24 March 2006
- Gadlock revolts and declares independence from Oligarch. --Indirik 10 April 2006 13:54 (CEST)
- Old Rancagua takes control of Gadlock. --Indirik 24 April 2006 18:59 (CEST)
- Fontan takes control of Gadlock. --THE ENDperor 16 March 2008
- Secedes with Kazakh to form Sultanate of Asena. --THE ENDperor 3 April 2008
- Won in war and ceded to Nivemus form the Obsidian Islands by the Kazan Accords