Imus Flamma

From BattleMaster Wiki

The contents on this page discuss a possible or hypothetical topic. It could be a guild, religion or even realm that is being planned to be set up in the future, or some speculations about past (unrecorded) history.
In short, this page does not outline something that you can currently find in the game.

Aetheris Pyrism
Imus Flamma: Advoco Caelum. Opsecro Caeles.

Luria Nova
Pian en Luries
Grand Duchy of Fissoa
Luria Vesperi
Fire Prophet Torpius D'Arricarrère
Vicar of Fire

High Priest of Fire

High Priest of Nalucht
Bipel Coldchest
Lucini Talratheon
Aarnout Mortimer
Wilfred Roos
Kendark Stonesoul
Thar Gortauth
Shinnen Purlieus
Ciarin Tut
Garuck Udor
Outer Giask
Moon Bay
Smokey Hills
Large Temple (5)
Medium Temple (4)
Medium Temple (4)
Medium Temple (4)
Medium Temple (4)
Small Temple (3)
Small Temple (3)
Small Temple (3)
Small Temple (3)
Small Temple (3)
Primitive Temple (2)
Small Shack (1)
Small Shack (1)
Small Shack (1)
Small Shack (1)
Small Shack (1)
Small Shack (1)
Small Shack (1)
Small Shack (1)
Small Shack (1)


Imus Flamma is a set of practices and beliefs that guides its practitioners through the spiritual and mortal worlds. It aims to the improvement of one's self through the attunement with the divine.


Literally translated as "flame", the concept flamma is used to designate the spiritual essences, the immaterial beings of both the spiritual and mortal worlds.

The imus flamma is the interior/innermost flamma of a living being: its soul. It is thought to be made of the same essence as the gods themselves, immortal and transcendent. It is thought that through the cultivation of one's imus flamma does one get closer to the gods, both in life and in the afterlife. Imus Flamma attempts to teach such attunement.

Not only there is in the living a presence of the flamma in the mortal world. There are places in where the spiritual world touches the mortal, and there can been sensed the presence of the exter flamma. These can be the souls of those who already departed, usually found in family shrines and temples, or the essences of the lower spirits, found in sacred places, commonly in unusual natural accidents, not rarely home of a shrine or temple themselves.


Main Article: The Spiritual Order

Imus Flamma deals with two levels of worship of four different orders of beings. It works on a private level, in private ceremonies and shrines built in the practitioners' houses, and on a public level, in public temples and festivals.

The objects of worship are, in a lower scale, the ancestors and the lower spirits of the world. In an intermediary level, the saints are object of veneration. In the top of the spiritual hierarchy, object of the highest devotion, are the Gods.


The Gods

Katrina is not the embodiement of order, nor Korroth is the essence of Chaos. Imus Flamma believes that those two extremes end up meeting in the nothingness of Ukhra. Katrina works as the ideal of the right measure of order and serenity, while Korroth represents a chaotic and glorious life. They are not the only possible paths, and probably not the best for everyone. Other gods incarnate other lifestyles and paths destined for other people. As long as these people manage to successfully attune themselves with their inner godly flamme, and live a life in harmony with them, they should be blessed.

Katrina The godess is a shadowy figure, whose dark long hair confuses itself with her long flowing dress. Her skin is white as milk, with a low glow that deeply contrasts with the darkness of her hair and dress. Shows a tiara She has dark deep eyes, and shows very little emotions. She moves, or rather, flows, softly, and her voice is extremely melodic and harmonic, though chilling cold. She advocates study, practice of arts, meditation and reason above all.

Korroth The god is a towering being whose hair seems to shift according to the position and ilummination they are seen in, ranging from pale blonde, white, silverly or gray. His skin is white-transparent, with big blue and red vessels showing across it. Usually clad in armor, wearing with a silver crown and holding a big weapon, like a large sword, axe or morning star. He protects those who follow the path of the warrior, preaching honor, courage and strength above all.

Vlan The Hellborn is depicted as a muscular man only clad in the skins of animals or beasts, usually wielding not more than a primitive weapon such as a stone or metal axe. He is the patron of freedom, revolt and combat against superior forces.

Charkh The Executioner has never any piece of flesh exposed in the representations given to him. He is always in full-clad armor, sometimes on a horse wielding a large tournament lance, sometimes on foot wielding just a very ornamented crown and a scepter. He blesses those who make out of hierarchy, rule and order their lives.

Nemordiabel The Lieutenant is depicted as a tall man of lean body build, with rather simple armor and clothes. He is the representation of loyalty, protection and altruism.

Nalucht The Sweet Tongue.

Nasla The Lioness.

Tyka The Amazon.

Waren The Princess.

The Unholy Ones

Ukhra The nothingness.

Fz'Ar The demon lord.

Najch'Akuy The undead lord.


Core Beliefs

Main Article: Beliefs

The divine truth.


Main Article: Practices

The divine path.


Main Article: Mythology

The divine history.


Main Article: Theology

The study of the divine.