Caligan Courier/September'09

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Caligus icon.PNGThe Caligan Courier September '09Caligus icon.PNG
Price: Free to all ------------------------ Printed In Domus--------------------------- Editor: Common work of writers

Caligan Courier is back!

A quiet night, it was pouring outside and the Courier lay there thinking listening to raindrop after raindrop leaking from the ceiling. Suddenly an inspiration came upon him and he would again begin to print articles and so it was...he began his work in the quiet place in home away from the rest of the Kingdom.

Incident in Itor Boss leads to insults and accusations from Itorunt

Recently there have vast outbursts both against Caligus and Ibladesh from Duke Hamilton and his Regina Morgana Lefanis.

Just the other day Regina Morgana ordered her troops to suicide on forces of Ibladesh and Ambassador Zoe who was leaving Caligus. Ambassador Zoe did not touch the men even though they attacked forces to stay neutral. Caligus finds this very offensive that their Ambassador was attacked by foreign troops and a leader of a nation. I don't know what the ploy of the battle was for. Either they have gone mad or they are desperately trying to seek outside help.

I am sure in the end we will find out what vile plans Itorunt has. It is unknown in what condition Regina Morgana was in when writing this message but here it is:

Letter from Morgana Lefanis Message sent to the Rulers of this world (8 recipients)

Pontifex Sinted,

Were you not 4 days ago extolling your own honor and claiming that you do not care for traitors? This is a letter from your real spy in Itorunt, with whom you planned the assassination attempt on me in Itor Boss, and gained troops movements and orders from. Look what were his last words to me, before he left to join up with his Ibby friends.

Letter from Valic Schumacher Message sent to everyone in your realm (42 recipients)

To all the people of Itorunt. I am defecting to the Ibbies. You will see me again and my sword will be turned upon you.

Valic Schumacher (Knight of Itorunt)

Letter from Valic Schumacher

It's terribly unfortunate that the Ibbies faild to kill you in Itor Bos. I shall suceed where they failed. Didn't you ever wonder why Itorunt asaults failed? I was the spy, and i wont rest untill Itorunts dead.

Valic Schumacher (Knight of Itorunt)

The truth is out Pontifex, and it cannot be suppressed.

Good day,

Morgana Lefanis Regina of Itorunt

Twelve hours following the battle, a second message was received from the duke of Itorunt, Hamilton Vita, insulting the honor of Caligus:

Report from Hamilton Vita (44 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (9 recipients)

Esteemed Rulers of East Continent!

Today, Regina Morgana Lefanis was assaulted by a Caligan Countess, Pontifex Sinted, and an Itoruntian traitor!

First, news of the battle reports that Caligus and Ibladesh assaulted our beloved Regina in Itor Boss, a rightful region of Itorunt Duchy, with over 200 men compared to the Regina's small troop of 20. Such an unnecessary number of hostile troops for what was to be a peaceful meeting between Pontifex Sinted and Regina Morgana to discuss the reduction of disastrous looting across the regions. Instead of the two royals meeting for the beginning of talks regarding the ending of the senseless violence against the peasants, Pontifex Dacara cowardly sought to work with Itorunt traitors and Caligan backstabbers to attack our dear Regina! Who knows if they sought to capture, wound, or worse yet kill Regina Lefanis!?

I'm sure the Pontifex's mother was more manly than her cowardly excuse for a son is. Let it be noted that this author has seen the ruler flee from battle more than once.

In addition to the Pontifex's innate dishonor, she seeks to work with the even more dishonorable Caligans and those who betray their realms! The Caligan Countess, Zoe Agenor, is also a diplomat. Is it not suspicious how a Caligan diplomat(and lord) plotted with Pontifex Sinted to attack our honorable Regina? Or how someone who was a member of Itorunt only two weeks ago was part of the plot? And this same traitor dared order an attack upon the one she hailed as queen a short time ago?

Was Regina Morgana endangered? No, thank the Southern Wind! Her Royal Guard saved her life by laying down their own for their much esteemed commander! This goes to show the devotion of Itoruntians to their beloved ruler! Even as we speak, Regina Morgana Lefanis is on her way to safety.

But this does not change the facts of this event! Instead of peacefully meeting with a fellow ruler, Pontifex Dacara cowardly and dishonorably plotted with traitors and known back-stabbers alike to see Regina Morgana harmed! The Caligans involved were of even higher importance as they were lords and ambassadors. An ambassador of Caligus is engaging with Pontifex Dacara in a battle against Regina Morganis. This is an assault against royalty and fellow rulers should be highly concerned about the actions of Ibladesh's and Caligus' lack of regard for royalty, honor, or peaceful meetings between royals. Caligus and Ibladesh are indeed a threat to honorable royals everywhere! I only hope that Ibladeshians and Caligans have their beds infested by the fleas of a thousand beasts and that Ibladeshians becomes synonymous with cowardice and Caligans with betrayal.

Hamilton Vita

After receiving this insulting message the following battle report was acquired, courtesy of Countess Zoe: Battle in Itor Boss

The report clearly shows Regina Morgana was in fact the aggressor in the battle and not the victim. The report also indicates that Countess Zoe's forces did not attack the Regina's forces.

Perdanese Infiltrator stabs a lord from Caligus!

Evelyn Dembonez, Countess of Moyale, was allegedly attacked by Dewey Stienski an infiltrator from Perdan. Our King Doombringer has sent the following message to rulers to clarify the action.

Letter from doombringer Menethil (2 hours, 45 minutes ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (8 recipients) King Sangue,

The following incident has occured in Moyale. I am sad to report there is only your infiltrator in the known region. I will also attach a scout report in confirmation of the evidence.

Lord temporarily absent (8 minutes ago) An assassination attempt on Evelyn Dembonez, Countess of Moyale has left her seriously wounded.

Nobles without unit

  • Evelyn Dembonez, Countess of Moyale
  • Dewey Stienski (Knight of Perdan)

[Scribe:521213|18e49e976b11a1f8] Scout Report (Moyale)

Thank you im sure you will handle it properly

doombringer Menethil King of Caligus

As yet a reply from Perdan is not forthcoming, but more news will be reported when it becomes available.

Culprit strikes yet again and Sangue dismisses accusations without thorough investigation!

The amount of evidence gathering against Dewey Stienski is mounting up. Not only he is almost definitely the person who stabbed Lady Evelyn but also went on to sabotage a nearby warehouse. Report came in as the following

Sabotage! (8 hours, 11 minutes ago) A saboteur has burnt down a warehouse in Moyale. We have lost 38 bushels of food to the fire. The culprit could apparently escape in the confusion.

In reply to King Doombringers questioning of the Perdanese infiltrator Sangue responding with the following

Letter from Sangue Raiva (6 hours ago) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (8 recipients) Greetings all,

I inquired with my nobles.

Letter from Dewey Stienski (Personal message to Sangue Raiva)

My King,

I read the newspaper as well, lets just say be glad I do not know the reporter and the Editor of that trash wont even sign his name to it! I would hunt them both like dogs, I do not take responsibility for any actions that have recently occurred in Moyale, should they wish to keep blaming me I will most definitely give them a reason to dislike me. They have no proof of anything, these are wild and crazy accusations being thrown without merit.


Dewey Stienski (Knight of Perdan)

Letter from Sangue Raiva (Personal message to Dewey Stienski) Greetings Dewey,

I am glad to hear it. Please do make sure to leave the region. If there is someone there doing misdeeds, I don't want anymore blame put on you.


Sir Sangue Raiva

It was not my noble.


Sir Sangue Raiva King of Perdan

These actions of investigation are very inadequate when all the proof points directly towards the Perdanese infiltrator of a definate assasination attempt. He's the only person with enough skill in the area to have commit such an act. The very least Dewey is doing is trespassing on Caligus soil. Border have been closed to all Perdanese infiltrators.

Rumour has it that King Doombringer has called for a much more thorough investigation on the matter.

Perdan officially dismisses accusations against Dewey Stienski and Caligus officially closes borders to Perdan

Judge of Perdan Rye Stienski and brother of the culprit has refused to push any charges against his brother over inconclusive evidence. Here is the report from the Judge of Perdan:

Letter from Rye Stienski (58 minutes ago)

King Doombringer,

I must say that the accusations against Dewey have yet to be proven. With roughly 10,000 people in Moyale I find it hard to take the words of people who were not even within the region over my noble. We won't even discuss the newspaper written and edited by an unknown source, as that matter should explain itself. Without some hard evidence that it was in fact Dewey who had done anything then I am sorry to say that I can not act on it. There is reasonable proof that Dewey was there and I have yet to decide what I will do about that.


Rye Stienski Arch Priest of Perdan

Due to the circumstance our King Doombringer was forced to close borders to all Perdanese nobles for the time being. We will hope in the future both realms will begin to trust each other again.

High Priest of Sanctus Acies stabbed and Dewey Stienski gets fined

Founder of Sanctus Acies Revelation was stabbed in Mulhouse after asked by Perdan to preach. Caligus appreciates the measure Perdan has taken against this and reports have it Dewey was fined a hefty 250 gold for his actions. We will hope Revelation has a swift recovery and will be able to preach unharmed in Perdan. I will be adding more information to this article as it comes to us.

Caligus declares war on Itorunt

After months of repeated insults from Itorunt, Caligus has finally stepped forward and openly declared a state of war. The following message was sent by King Doombringer to the rulers of all realms:

Letter from doombringer Menethil (10 hours, 32 minutes ago)

Greetings everyone,

Recently as all of you already know Itorunt has made continuous aggression towards Caligus and have been directly insulting both Caligus and Ibladesh from their local newspaper and then from the words of Regina Morgana herself. Itorunt has falsely accused Caligus of various "crimes" and also showed disrespect to our ambassador Zoe and assaulted her in friendly territory, thereafter pushing the blame upon us. Itorunt has acted with hostility towards Caligus and repeatedly insulted Caligus, an action we have tried to tolerate for some time now. Such examples are "liar, corrupt and dishonorable".

However, it is with regret that even though we have tried to stop the aggression through peaceful measures, it has not succeeded. As such, Caligus will curb Itorunt's aggression by force with immediate effect.


doombringer Menethil King of Caligus

After recent happenings this isn't a surprise to us.

Caligus invades Xavax

Soon after Caligus declared war on Itorunt, Caligus forces invaded Itorunt's border city of Xavax. Caligus forces emerged victories, however with several casualties include severe wound to Judge Cartor and minor wounded to King Doombringer, marshal Sylkvor and Knight Matt. Odin's Return was also captured in the battle.

Here is a copy of the battle report that commenced.

Battle in Xavax

The War of the Lions has BEGUN!

Its official! It has been expected for months as tensions continued to rise. The attack on Itorunt gave Perdan the excuse its been waiting for to finally declare war on Caligus.

War! (1 hour, 11 minutes ago)
Perdan has declared war on us!

This is expected to be a brutal war. Neither realm has much to gain from the other, with the exception of their respective dignity and the privelge to bask in the humiliation of one another's defeat.

In closely related news, Westmoor has signed four treaties regarding its neutrality in the War of the Lions:

Declaration against your realm signed. (1 hour, 46 minutes ago)
A new declaration against your realm has been signed. It is called "Declaration of Neutrality - Caligus" and was signed by Westmoor. Details about this declarations can be read on the treaty details page.

As the Rampant Lion of Perdan and the Red Lion Caligus prepare to face off in what will surely become one of the most legendary wars in the history of the continent, only time will tell the outcome. However, one thing will be certain, there will be a lot of bloodshed.

Speeches from the rulers!

Late last night Queen Micna of Westmoor lowered relations with both Caligus and Perdan to neutral.

Letter from Micna Kiri-Jolith (6 hours, 23 minutes ago)

Message sent to the Rulers of this world (8 recipients)

In Light of the Political Climate in the South, Westmoor is officially reducing her relations with both Perdan and Caligus to Neutral.

Effective immediately, there shall be laws in Westmoor preventing both Caligan and Perdan nobles from Westmoor borders, and officially declaring our Neutrality for a period of no less than 60 days. To be reviewed at that time period.

A Full version of the treaty is available upon request.

Perdan and Caligus nobles, excluding Diplomatic envoys, have 3 days to leave Westmoor territory.

Diplomatic Envoy's wishing to enter Westmoor lands shall first message me, and request my personal permission.

Any Violation will be taken most seriously, and call Westmoor's neutrality into question.

Aequitas Veritas,

Lady Micna Kiri-Jolith Queen of Westmoor

Soon after that Sangue followed up by declaring war with the following annoucement

Letter from Sangue Raiva (5 hours, 48 minutes ago)

Message sent to the Rulers of this world (8 recipients)

Greetings all,

doombringer, if it was my noble which I very likely doubt. They were just doing what I was thinking... I am afraid you will have to deal with my nobles in your lands a lot more now though. With your attack on Xavax you had to know this was coming...


Sir Sangue Raiva King of Perdan

King doombringer then expressed his regret even though this war was expected for a very long time.

Letter from doombringer Menethil (27 minutes ago)

Message sent to the Rulers of this world (8 recipients)

Greetings Rulers,

I am sad this day has come. I will honestly say that Caligus has done everything it could to avoid this war but we will fight to defend our homeland. Even with how relations have been deteriorating I am not going to say anything bad about Perdan they were there when Caligus needed them most and I am simply sad that the path has been taken to war with us.

This basically meant the longest and closest friends in the continent are now at war with each other. I will see you on the field.

doombringer Menethil King of Caligus

First Scrimmage in Bursa and King Sangue gets wounded against undead in Meuse!

Perdan PMW launched a pre-emptive strike against the militia and two nobles of Caligus in Bursa. It is unknown whether the attack was a mistake or not but it seemed rather clumsy to attempt with only two nobles. Heres a copy of the report.

Battle in Bursa

Other news. King Sangue and 2 other nobles cleared the undead there was in Meuse. It seems Sangue has sustained minor injury from this. It is unknown if he fell off his horse or not. It is sure he will make a swift recovery and be back on the field soon.

Truth about the lies the Itorunt Informer has been trying to spread!

Dear Readers

As all of you know the Itorunt Informer does not print anything of substantial value. They merely try to accuse and make up things instead of reporting the truth to try and get everyones mind off it.

The following accusations have been brought up against Caligus

1. We already have closed borders and diplomats should not be excepted to this.

2. A history of betrayal towards the soverign realms of the East Continent, including Itorunt, proving their innate dishonor.

3. Feeding Itorunt's enemies in times of war and allowing them to prosper when they would otherwise starve.

4. Welcoming insane Tuchanon IV nobility into their realm and letting them retain the duchy after much work by Itorunt and Perdan to destroy their realm(this when Itorunt and Perdan had a history of good relations with Caligus and is evidence of more betrayal).

Point 1

Itorunt closed borders to our nobles yes but Ambassador Zoe was in contact and agreed to meet Regina Morgana to discuss foreign policy. Obviously the whole thing was just a scam so they could claim trespassing against Caligus. This is very low tactics belittling on any nation.

Point 2

As far as I am concerned Caligus has not betrayed anyone. The reasons Caligus dropped the alliance with Itorunt were numerous ones. The main thing being a very favorable treaty was drafted in favor of Itorunt but Itorunt wanted more and wanted Caligus to do all the fighting for them. Time proved how incompetant Itorunt was military wise and they were only alive because of Caligus valiant army who saved them from almost definate destruction. It is funny after so much damage was done to Ibladesh Itorunt are yet again on their back heals struggling to survive yet again.

Point 3

Unless you dont read. Peace was signed between Caligus and Ibladesh with the requirement that Caligus feed Ibladesh. They turned to close friends of ours and we do want to help them prosper. It is what any good ally would do. As far as this newspaper is concerned Itorunt was no longer a friend when they took it against Caligus who did so much for them.

Point 4

How does the Itorunt Informer fail to mention how Perdan and Itorunt made an agreement behind the back of Caligus. It was agreed with previous Queen Alexandra that Isadril if it fell would go in the hands on Caligus. Obviously Itorunt didnt like this and conspired with Perdan to get it for themselves. This can be proven by Cartor Curs who met with Perdanese on a diplomatic mission months ago and Perdan admitted this had happened and it was done on purpose. Caligus relations with Tuchanon V were never stressed or strained as they both held their words to each other and since Caligus felt it was backstabbed by Itorunt and Perdan they took the situation into their own hands.

This article was simply printed because the II decided to keep stressing the following points. It is likely in the future we will ignore further articles from their newspaper. However the CC felt these crimes needed to be addressed publically for all to see

Second wave in Bursa results in Perdanese Victory

With Caligus forces still refitting in the capital from the siege of Xavax Perdan attempted a second attack on the now weakened Bursa and managed to acheive victory. However although they acheived victory losses on both sides seemed even Perdan now seem to be returning to Castle Ubent.

The battle report can be found here.

Battle in Bursa

First Huge Battle world heard of and Xavax goes rogue!

Just an update of precise information. Perdan had exited Bursa and re-entered again picking off 1K CS of Caligus forces and started a takeover in the region. Meanwhile Caligus hit Meuse and destroyed a cavalry unit led by Modi.

Yesterday morning force from Caligus marched on Bursa and Perdanese forces were defeated by a large margin in Bursa.

The battle report is shown here

Battle in Bursa

On another bright note. The locals of Xavax have declared independance for the incompetant Itorunt leadership. There was no one in the region at the time and it shows that even the locals are losing faith and have decided being on their own is better then the alternative!