Indirik Family/Taylin

From BattleMaster Wiki
< Indirik Family
Revision as of 16:58, 19 May 2009 by Indirik (talk | contribs) (added template)

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Error: no local variable "name" has been set.
<img src="Error: no local variable "portrait" has been set." alt="Character Portrait" width="300" height="300"/>
Continent Error: no local variable "continent" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "continent" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Family Error: no local variable "family" has been set. FamilyProperty "Member of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "family" has been set. Family" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Class Error: no local variable "mainclass" has been set. / Error: no local variable "subclass" has been set.
Age Error: no local variable "age" has been set. years
Honour Error: no local variable "honour" has been set.
Prestige Error: no local variable "prestige" has been set.
Rank Error: no local variable "rank" has been set.
Region [[Error: no local variable "region" has been set.]]
Duchy [[Error: no local variable "duchy" has been set.]]
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Character Description
Error: no local variable "description" has been set.


Taylin is a cousin of the better-known members of the Indirik family. She first rose from obscurity when she pledged service to the realm of Ohnar West on the Far East Island. Soon after joining Ohnar West she pledged fealty to the lord of Sanzzos, Count Balthazar Bathgate.

Taylin responded to an open invitation by Hamilton Vita, Duke of Akanos, for dinner in Akanos. They had an interesting conversation.

The First Lordship

Approximately two weeks after Taylin swore allegiance to Sanzzos, her liege lord Count Balthazar was elected as the new Duke of Ozrat. Taylin entered her name in the election as the next Lord of Sanzzos. The former Prime Minister, Cornelius Hsieh, also announced his candidacy. A bitter campaign followed, which devolved into questioning the competency of the military leadership of Ohnar West. Somewhere along the line in this campaign an unknown noble placed a bounty of 50 gold on Taylin. She lost the election to Cornelius by a narrow margin. The amount of support she had amassed during her short tenure in Ohnar West was quite a surprise to many in the republic.

Two weeks after that, Count Cornelius was re-elected as Prime Minister when former Prime Minister Fallin abdicated due to time constraints. (OOC:Auto-abdicated due to inactivity.) The resulting election for lordship of Sanzzos saw Taylin elected in a landslide victory.