Von Katzing Family

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The Von Katzings are a germanic family, sworn to fight and die for their chosen realms. The family creed values honor and self-sacrifice, and defence of the weak. However, female members of the family are often treated in classic medieval fashion. Eris is determined to make a name for herself and become wealthy, but alas, she has not found what she is seeking so far.



Ulric, the eldest, and head of the family, has done well as a warrior, but he senses something lacking in his blood drenched life- ambitious, battle-weary, and honorable, Ulric has endured much, and bears terrible scars, physical and magical, along with a dark secret- once a month he turns into a ravening beast, a curse inflicted by a mysterious encounter with a being known as the Lord. Athelas the Healer and his brother are the only 2 Healers who can stave this condition off, and prevent Ulric from devouring flesh and blood in a maddened rage. They accompany his retinue and him everywhere, asking only for their usual fee and total discretion.

Ulric is currently searching for a wife in Abington, but battle and duty has kept him from searching too hard. A part of him longs for peace and a plot of land to call his own, but another part lives only for blood and destruction, particularly of the Ashlanteans((ASI)) and their allies.

Alongside his enormous talent as a commander and warrior, Ulric is also something of a would-be bard, though he would punch anyone who called him that, and has often punched those who call themselves bards.

Ulric's "marching songs" include "Battle Hymn of the Kingdom" "Over the Walls and Far Away" and "Battle of Chasnoff Hill".

Ulric's friends include Sir Deschain of the Occams and Sir Gauihu of the Oliks.



Alaric is the illegitimate half-brother of Ulric, and has made a name for himself, and is utterly devoted to the Word, a religion based around a strict dedication to Lukon and its precepts of Honour and Duty. He counts himself as one of its chief worshippers, and, indeed, despite being betrayed by its founding Prophet, Luciver, Alaric was one of the few who could see beyond his betrayal and make the Word a true religion. Fanatical, courageous and valiant, Alaric has forsaken his ex-mercenary life, when he roamed the seas between Atamara and the Colonies, to become a paladin for Lukon, his new home realm.

He hopes to make the Followers of the Word a real Guild, and to spread them across the Colonies. His most hated enemies are the Lich King, Outer Tilog, and Luciver. Despite being illegitimate, he has inherited the Von Katzing skill in war, and has also tried his hand at martial and religious hymns. So Far, his Song of Origins and "Onwards Lukon Soldier" are his first efforts, but more are likely to come.

Alaric's few friends include Lord Shadow, Ghorta'thul and Sodom.



Marelda stepped own on to the docks of Sasrhas. She marvelled at this new world, so like and yet unlike her homeland, far across the sea to the west. She had been a difficult child, and like her troubled elder cousin Eris before her, Marelda did not want to conform to the family's traditional views on women's role in a feudal society. After the bloody battle of Sudfern, when her eldest cousin Ulric became head of the family when she was 13, she knew that things were going to get serious. She had never liked Ulric- he had always been big and broody. He had once called her a niave, innocent child, more concerned with songs and stories than the harsh realities of life- which was true, for the most part, she had to confess to herself. But she was no shy flower. She grew rebellious, and when Ulric informed her on her 14th birthday that she was to be married to some elder noble to strengthen ties, she knew what she had to do. She began stealing little bits of gold, no more than a few peices at a time, and hiding them away. She also began practicing with a bow and dagger, aided by a sympathetic captain, Ehrlich. He regarded her as the daughter he never had, and with Marelda's father dead, and her mother forever away at court, he became something like it to her. But she did not want to be a soldier. Killing and fighting sickened her, and she much preffered to be a trader. Between arguements and fights with her guardians- though never with Ehrlich or her nurse- she would sneak out, and meet with the local peasent children. She learned many things over the months, and had her family known, she would have recieved a lot worse than a beating. As she drew nearer the fateful age of 16, she knew time was running out. She had tried often over the years to avoid this fate, but it seemed inevitable. Noone really knew her, or how determined she could be. Using the gold she had saved up, she bribed the guards and put on her finest robe, and a light leather baldric under it, just in case. Wishing her luck, Ehrlich gave her some more gold and helped her escape the province, and referred an old sea captain to her. Using all her grace and her cousin's authority, she hired 22 Mercenaries, and boarded the ship, to find her destiny. Now here she was. Nervous, eyeing her remaining dwindling gold supplies, she remembered the songs and stories she had loved as a child, in particular the plays about the girl who dressed as a boy and had adventures. Steeling herself, Marelda led her surly mercenaries into the city. She would join this realm's nobility, and perhaps they would allow her to follow her dreams of becoming a Great Merchant. If not...well, she would have to put her meagre skills of combat to the test. She eyed the brutal mercenaries surrounding her, and decided that they were a much scarier bunch than any invisible enemy of a country she was not yet an accepted member of. She hurried through the streets, trying to project arrogant noble poise and confidence, the mercenaries keeping swift pace behind her.


Song of Origins Battle Hymn of the Kingdom