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The TattleMaster is BattleMaster's first, and only, OOC newspaper dedicated to discussions about the game of BattleMaster itself. Here you will find information regarding bugfixes, new features, changes in game mechanics, and probably even a few FAQs and interviews.
"Too Much Peace" Code Active in TestingJanuary 6, 2009

Too Much Peace
New "too much peace" code is active on testing now. Our goal, as always, is to invite you to more war. That means that when your realm is hit by a "too much peace" penalty, drawing back to do region work is the wrong answer and will only make the problem worse. Please keep that in mind.


At the latest turn change, many realms received an "empty" Too Much Peace message that had only the title and no content. This means that your realm should not have received the notification at all. (See bug note 4592.)
-- Indirik
Fixes LiveJanuary 5, 2009
All fixes completed as of the morning of Jan. 5 have been uploaded to testing.
-- Danaris
More Code UpdatesDecember 19, 2008
Several more fixes have been moved live onto testing islands. One important change, not listed in the bugtracker, is a change to overkill and overcrowding. Overkill and overcrowding have been changed to take into account the size of the combatants. This means that monsters and daimons should receive less of a benefit from overkill against them, and you should be better able to get into combat against them with less overcrowding.
-- Indirik
January 6, 2009
Bug 4583 Archers are firing at enemies engaged in close combat, and while they themselves are engaged in close combat with an enemy
January 6, 2009
Bug 4592 Empty "Too Much Peace" warning appears inappropriately.
January 6, 2009
Bug 4590 Marshals and Seconds should once more be able to take command of their armies in battle.
January 2, 2009
Bug 4473 Rulers can now send orders to their Council and Dukes.
January 2, 2009
Bug 4206 Anyone who can send orders to "all of" a particular group should now be able to send orders to "some of" those nobles in the same groups.
December 29, 2008
Bug 4575 Recruitment hints has been corrected to properly evaluate unit cost and pay.
December 29, 2008
Bug 4444 Judges can no longer send messages to prisoners on the first day of imprisonment.
December 29, 2008
Bug 4041 You should now be able to see how many paused members there are in your religion.
December 29, 2008
Bug 4382 You should be able to view the region description for all regions on the island.
December 29, 2008
Bug 4557 Custom titles have been added to the positions displayed on the realm details page.
December 29, 2008
Bug 3982 Copies of Protests you send should now appear in "Message you sent"
December 29, 2008
Bug 3384 Regions with no temple are now treated as if they had a "size 0" temple, capable of supporting only a small number of followers without loss of faith.
December 26, 2008
Bug 4558 When a lord is removed all existing food Sell orders are canceled, and Buy orders transfer to the new lord.
December 23, 2008
Bug N/A (Live on Testing Islands only.) Battle notifications sent to the realm and Huge Battle notifications now report the combatant strength in "men" and not CS. The actual Scribe Note of the battle will report full Combat Strength values.
December 23, 2008
Bug 3830 The death of a ruler during a rebellion should now result in a successful rebellion at the next turn change.
December 23, 2008
Bug 3709 Units that go past the enemy during battle should no longer continue "advancing" off the battlefield.
December 23, 2008
Bug 4570 Tax rates should no longer be inappropriately reported as excessively high.
December 23, 2008
Bug 4460 MI should no longer inappropriately leave the fortifications during sieges.
December 23, 2008
Bug 3815 Family history should now be correctly updated when elected under new referendum system.
December 23, 2008
Bug 4572 Gold from food sales to caravans is added to the trade balance, and not given to the lord as bonds.
December 23, 2008
Bug 4561 You will now get a warning if a rogue character is idle more than 7 days, prior to automatic deletion of the character.
December 23, 2008
Bug 4541 Secession reports should now be sent to the correct nobles, and not just government members.
December 23, 2008
Bug 4114 The Lord who created a food sell order should only get the gold from sales to a trader so long as he is still the Lord. If he is no longer the lord, the gold gets added to the region trade balance.
December 12, 2008
Bug 4558 Purchasing food using the new "Sell" orders does not honor the food reserve setting.
December 8, 2008
Bug 4255 A new messaging option has been added to religions to allow you to message all priests of your religion.
December 5, 2008
Bug 4542 Adventurers are now reported as a separate category from nobles on the realm list.
December 5, 2008
Bug 4227 Realm list now sorts properly. (This is active on testing islands. You may need to clear your browser cache to see the proper formatting and colors.)
December 5, 2008
Bug 4523 Lord is no longer removed from their position when the region realigns to a new realm while the lord is banned from their current realm.
December 5, 2008
Bug 4457 Moving capital no longer objects to unrest in the old capital if it's not part of the realm.
December 5, 2008
Bug 4536 Looting shrines and temples should now be possible regardless of diplomacy.
December 4, 2008
Bug 3941 Ignore function should now be available while at tournaments and in prison.
December 1, 2008
Bug 3993 Position titles, voting settings, and power settings are now not reset when someone new is appointed or elected.
December 1, 2008
Bug 4422 Guild members should now be informed when the last guildhouse of a guild closes.
December 1, 2008
Bug 4534 Nobles can no longer be captured in battles in which their unit takes part, but at which the noble is not present.
December 1, 2008
Bug 4158 Estates in seceded regions should no longer be reset to small/idle.

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