Assassins/Army of Shadows/Assassins in Training

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Assassins in Training are some of the best infantry unit on the entire Colonies. Equipped with devastating falxes and thick armor, a luxury no other commoner can afford.

The ones in the light cast a shadow, the ones in the dark are apart of the shadow.

Falx: A curved blade sharpened on the inner side, (occasionally also on the outer side as well)

is a devastating weapon, a man who need not be exceptionally strong can strike it through a shield.
Although commonly falxes are meant to be used as two handed weapons,
thees are modified to be used with one as well as two hands.

All infantry are also equipped with a cutting kriss. It is mostly symbolic but it can often come handy and save the wearers life.

Plate mail: thick layer of steel, padded on the inside with various materials for comfort.

The joints of knees, arm-pits and elbows have been reinforced with chain armor, leaving little to no vulnerable spots.
Breastplate is one piece as well as backplate, abdomen however consists of rings attached to each other and back-, breastplate, enabeling better flexibility.
Shoulder guards are often decorated with spikes, which make shoulder clips and body smashing in to unarmored opponents extra rewarding, and make the somewhat plain soldier look even more sinister and intimidating than before.

The units standard shield is a thick metal wing-shield, which at times has it lower parts sarpend to an edge or spiked to offer maximal injury to your foes upon shield bashings.

Read more about:

The Assassins
The History
The Army of Shadows
Hall of the Fallen
Dark Citadel Times

In this page pictures are made by Metsamees.