Caerwynian Chronicle/Latest Edition

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Disclaimer (and for those who have had a little trouble with our writing): The Chronicle would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Caerwynian Government.
Chief of Staff: Teniel Dell, High Magistrate of Caerwyn

Reporter: TBA - But actively recruiting anyone interested :)

Battle Reporter: TBA - Likewise.

Interviewer: TBA - Ditto.

News around the Continent
News Stories and Words from the Editors
May 28, 2008

Region Takeover: Melodia has taken control of Maeotis , a former rogue region.

Region Revolts: The people of Yggdramir have revolted and declared independence from Everguard!

Region Takeover: Caerwyn has taken control of Grazne , a former rogue region.

Region Takeover: Pian en Luries has taken control of Cadier , a former rogue region.

May 24, 2008

Region Takeover: Caerwyn has taken control of Mech Alb , a former rogue region.

Rebellion in Melodia: The rebellion is over, and according to rumours, it failed.

May 23, 2008

Rebellion in Melodia: The rebellion is still continuing. The loyalist forces are apparently getting the situation under control.

Region Revolts: The people of Mellifera have revolted and abandoned Pian en Luries, joining Grand Duchy of Fissoa instead.

Region Takeover: Viridian has taken control of Duil , a former rogue region.

May 22, 2008

Region Revolts: The people of Raviel have revolted and declared independence from Melodia!

Rebellion in Melodia: The rebellion is still continuing. The loyalist forces are apparently getting the situation under control.

May 21, 2008

Rebellion in Melodia: The rebellion is still continuing. The loyalist forces are apparently getting the situation under control.

May 20, 2008

Rebellion in Melodia: The deposed King, Sir Albert de Blanc has called for a counter-rebellion and begun a guerilla war in the Capital of Paisly.

Government of Melodia Reformed: The government of Melodia has been reformed. The realm is now a Republic.

Rebellion in Melodia: The government of Melodia has been overthrown in a bloody rebellion. The leader of the rebel forces, Quintus, has been announced the new ruler.

Rebellion in Melodia: The rebellion is still continuing. The rebel troops seem to be winning, but could not yet take control of the palace.

May 19, 2008

Region Takeover: Springdale has taken control of Nidhogg's Mark , a former rogue region

Rebellion in Melodia: The rebellion is still continuing. The rebel troops seem to be winning, but could not yet take control of the palace.

May 18, 2008

Region Takeover: Grand Duchy of Fissoa has taken control of Kamade , a former rogue region

Region Takeover: Viridian has taken control of Chrysantalys Mines , a former rogue region

May 17, 2008

Region Revolts: The people of Panafau have revolted and declared independence from Madina!

Region Revolts: The people of Ciarin Tut have revolted and declared independence from Pian en Luries!

May 15, 2008

Region Revolts: The people of Eidulb have revolted and declared independence from Astrum!

Region Revolts: The people of Ammando have revolted and declared independence from Everguard!

Region Revolts: The people of Ygg d'Razhuul have revolted and declared independence from Everguard!

May 14, 2008

Region Revolts: The people of Aquitain have revolted and declared independence from Everguard!

May 13, 2008

Region Takeover: Caerwyn has taken control of Chrysantalys , a former rogue region, and established a colony there.

Region Revolts: The people of Laraibina have revolted and declared independence from Madina!

May 12, 2008

A new season: The season has turned and it is now Winter.

May 11, 2008

Region Takeover: Melodia has taken control of Larur , a former rogue region.

May 10, 2008

Region Revolts: The people of Nidhogg's Mark have revolted and declared independence from Springdale!

May 8, 2008

Region Revolts: The people of Eidulb have revolted and abandoned Everguard, joining Morek Colony instead.

Region Takeover: Everguard has taken control of Ammando , a former rogue region.

May 7, 2008

Region Takeover: Caerwyn has taken control of Walefishire , a former rogue region.

May 6, 2008

Region Takeover: Morek has taken control of Shomrak , a former rogue region.

May 4, 2008

Region Takeover: Caerwyn has taken control of Knyazes , a former rogue region.

May 2, 2008

Region Takeover: Caerwyn has taken control of Mozyr , a former rogue region.

May 1, 2008

Region Takeover: Morek has taken control of Libidizedd , a former rogue region, and established a colony there.

April 30, 2008

Region Takeover: Grand Duchy of Fissoa has taken control of Palm Sea , a former rogue region.

Public Execution: The dishonourable rogue Adventurer, Doctor, was publicly tortured to death in Askileon earlier today.

May 27, 2008

Takeovers all round whilst Everguard freefalls

Yesterday saw lands on both halves of Dwilight change hands as Caerwyn, Melodia and Pian en Luries made further in-roads towards colonisation of both the East and West, whilst the beleaguered realm of Everguard lost further ground. In the first signs that they have made considerable progress since the dark days of the Civil War, the Melodian military successfully acquired the coastlands of Maeotis converting it to their control. Indeed these developments came as some surprise to the Nobility of Caerwyn, though they are warmly welcomed as the first steps towards rebuilding the shattered prestige and standing of the Melodian realm across the continents.

In other news the smoking ruin of Everguard has continued to freefall, conceding the region of Yggdramir to the local peasant anarchists in further signs that the once proud realm is on its deathbed. With Valkyria now completely isolated from the rest of the realm, and the capital of Gelane surrounded by a sea of hostile regions the woes of Everguard seem to be without end. Further information has come to light that their latest High King, Sir Jack, has also disappeared from the Nobility and it is likely that there will be further elections. Word has it that there have been a great many candidates step forward for the role, though the secretive nature of the Everguardians continues to shroud the internal realm politics in mystery.

Meanwhile, the region of Grazne was successfully converted to Caerwynian control after over three days of friendly persuasion and in some cases forceful subjugation of the rebellious factions within the local peasantry. With the establishment of a regional government to ensure order within the area, and the appointment of a new Lord via a brief ceremony involving the Archon Lady Delia and Sir Baal, the region of Grazne secures the northern border of Caerwyn and provides for the redirection of military forces westward and the lands thereabouts.

The second tourney on Dwilight

The heralds of the Springdalian Duke of Aegir have travelled far and wide to proclaim the announcement of a tournament in the city grounds in 7 days and though the prize money is somewhat small, this tourney will no doubt attract a large audience and a broad field of potential tournament champions. Eager to stake their claim as the finest swordsman in Dwilight Nobles from far and wide travel to what will only be the second tournament to ever be held upon the untamed shores of this rough and tumble island.

Traitor banned!

In the first action of what will undoubtedly many, the High Magistrate in co-ordination with the Archon of Caerwyn, took the first steps towards rooting out some of the more prominent rebellious sections within the realm Nobility. The first "casualty" of this clamp down on civil order was one Lews Therin Telamon who was successfully reported to have regularly frequented the Underground and had been conspiring against the government of Caerwyn. Following his banishment from the realm he immediately fled to Everguard and the protection of his new Lord in the Eidulb Outskirts.

May 27, 2008

Shadovar's war is won

Though immediate fighting has ceased following the defeat of the Monarchist forces remaining in the Capital, the aftermath of the Civil War continues to plague the Melodian nobility and their possessions. With the loss of Raviel, and the Port City of the same name still reeling from rampant independance movements within the peasantry, emboldened by the rebellious uprisings of their Nobility, the Republican government has sued for peace. Untouched by the bloody conflict which erupted right next door, Shadovar's short-lived underdog status has dissipated with the acquisition of the lands they claimed despite being at the expense of friendly relations with several surrounding realms.

With the Port of Raviel, and its surrounding townslands ceded to Shadovar in order to secure a peace agreement, the war for the central isles is by all reports, over.

Peace signed with Melodia

Stable relations have once more been established between the Noble Republic of Caerwyn and the fledgling Republic of Melodia following the conclusion of the Civil war that has crippled the small colonial realm on the western continent of Dwilight. This alteration came in rapid reversal to the decision several days earlier to sever all ties with the embattled realm following their descent into Civil War.

Citing the apparent willingness of the Melodian government to uphold the land claims of Caerwyn, and their own pledge of non-aggression towards the Caerwynian nobility, as well as the past friendly relations between Caerwyn and Melodia, Archon Lady Delia announced that relations had once more been restored to peace as she did not believe there was any reason to remain neutral.

New State Purser appointed

Lady Alice Hyrdion was appointed as the new State Purser of Caerwyn yesterday, following the mysterious disappearance of long-time incumbent Lady Lyse Chenier. From all reports garnered from final correspondance delivered by her personal retinue prior to her departure, they hinted at an apparent decision to take herself into self-imposed exile where she would be able to grow old on her own, and spend her remaining days exploring the far reaches of Dwilight. She will be missed.

Mech Alb taken, Grazne on the way

Despite the sudden and unsanctioned takeover attempt on Mech Alb, it has been successful nonetheless with the region converted to the banner of Caerwyn and a local government established just two days after the takeover was intiated without the approval of the military command. Sir Lucian, the long-time Marshal of the Golden Army, was appointed shortly after the region was taken in a brief ceremony, and immediately set about the restoration of the region.

Meanwhile, a second takeover was initiated by Archon Lady Delia in the northern region of Grazne with further forces coming in several hours later to begin the work of establishing a colonial government within the region and acquiring the loyalty of the populace through civil work and regional improvement.

May 24, 2008

The Civil War ends...

The short but brutal Melodian Civil War came to an effective end today as the remaining Monarchist forces in the Capital of Paisly were defeated and the supporters of deposed King Albert de Blanc were scattered to the winds. The city of Paisly lies in smoking ruins after days of fighting, and with the lands of Melodia also feeling the sting of protracted internecine conflict it is difficult to know as to how fast the Republicans will be able to repair the mess left behind.

Furthermore, news has reached the Chronicle that the previously desired destination for de Blanc and his followers, the southern city of Candiels, has been ruled off limits by the Madinan leadership in effect exiling the Monarchist faction to lands either further to the west or further to the north. This news also comes as a surprise given the fact that only a few days before the rebellion began, Madina had thrown its full military and diplomatic support behind the deposed monarch in the early days of the Melodian/Shadovarian conflict. A war that now seems an inevitable victory for the Shadovarians given the poor condition of Melodians remaining regions, the distance of Port Raviel from the Capital, and the depleted military forces of the victorious Republicans.

According to Archon Delia Sosiskiy, the High Council of Caerwyn continues to remain weary of the new Republican government in Melodia, retaining its neutral status until more firm arrangements are made, no doubt after greater understanding is nutured between both realms.

Fissoa draw first blood

Fissoa has inadvertantly drawn first blood in their "phoney war" with the eastern continental superpower of Pian en Luries, with the Lurian frontier region of Mellifera abandoning the control of their former realm and swearing allegiance to the Fissoan government in the south. Whether or not their sudden treasonous actions will be blessed with longevity, or whether this action will stir the mighty machine of the Lurian military is unknown at this stage. What is clear though, is that this war will undoubtedly be the long, drawn out affair as first believed given the absence of any major battle so far in the war to the knowledge of us here at the Chronicle.

Everguard stems the tide

Despite having suffered continuous setbacks over the past few weeks, which seemed to herald the beginning of the end of the first west-Dwilightian realm, Everguard seem to have stemmed the tide of revolution and peasant liberalism, with no further regions being recorded as lost. Though only left with their Capital, its outskirts, their former Capital and the Eidulb Outskirts to the south, it will undoubtedly be a very difficult situation to rectify.

Controversy in Caerwyn

The past few days have also seen some controversy in Dwilight as new laws were introduced by Lady Lyse, the State Purser of the realm, in regards to the widespread looting which has been the mainstay of the Caerwynian economy since our inception. Though these looting runs had previously been un-regulated, and managed only by generally acknowledged custom and widely accepted norms whereby the raiding noble would immediately distribute the lion's share of the plunder after returning from abroad. A situation arose when a noble by the name of Sir Joneleth Templar refused to relinquish a greater share of his spoils to the realm. Invoking a heated response from Lady Lyse, whose honour had been called into question by the unforeseen loud protest to her instruction, the Fee of Plunder was introduced to regulate all further looting raids.

However the tense nature of the situation deepened several hours later, with the intiation of a brutal takeover in the region of Mech Alb, single handedly inacted by Sir Joneleth alone in the region, and causing an immediate drop in local sympathy for the Caerwynian nobility. Taking immediate action, Sir Joneleth was fined 50 gold pieces by the High Magistrate for strategic and military irresponsibility, as well as acting outside the directions of the Military Council.

In other news, further monster attacks in the far northern region of Walefishire were repelled as night fell last night, continuing what appears to be a general migration of the foul beings from their lairs in the high mountains to the open plains below as the seasons turn.

May 22, 2008

More woes in Melodia

The Shadovarians are now one step closer to being able to claim their prize as the townslands of Raviel were lost to the local independance movement which thrived under the strained conditions of civil war and extreme distance from the continental Capital of Melodia in Paisly. With the surrounds of the port city now under the control of rogue peasant factions, it is likely that the city will no doubt fall in the days to come, relegating the beleaguered Melodian realm to only its continental posessions and clearing the way for Shadovar to claim dominance over all of the southern-central islands in the Great Inland Sea.

With only sketchy reports coming in from the burning city of Paisly as the civil war continues to rage from street to street, it is understood that it is commonly believed that the deposed King of Melodia will be unable to retake his throne and the rebellion is likely to fail. Information filtering through from the city also gives the Republican faction far greater control of the palace, with Monarchist forces battered and bruised from days of fighting.

Further news also indicates that it is likely that the Monarchists are likely to move on an found a new colony of the their own, in the city of Candiels to the far south of Melodia though it is unsure whether or not these rumours are true as of yet. Finally it is also believed that the failed colony realm of Avenel will also be given another chance, as the colonists who originally attempted the foundation of the realm are part of the Republican faction and will now have the permission of the new leadership to hedge in possible Melodian territorial expansion to the north, as they attempt to given rebirth to the colony in the Chateau Saffalore.

May 21, 2008

Rebellion and Counter-rebellion

The realm of Melodia continues to be devastated through internal divions caused by the internal factions of those loyal to the old King, now desposed through co-ordinated and bloody uprising, and those loyal to the successful rebel leader Sir Quintus. Shortly after the members of the rebel faction took control of the palace and drove the last remnants of the old Monarchy from the Capital, the former King declared his own uprising and began a guerilla war in the very streets of the Capital itself. The city of Paisly, located on the coastland areas of Western Dwilight is now awash in blood as the old Monarchy and new Republic vie for dominance over the lands and nobility of Melodia, the fighting rages from street to street.

In a move endorsed by the Caerwynian Council of Stability, the Archon of the realm Lady Delia, has lowered relations with Melodia to neutral pending the resolution of the conflict and the advent of further information from within the savaged realm, now deep in civil war. No doubt this has posed an interesting situation for the Shadovarians on the islands adjoining Melodian lands, who must be seeing this as an opportunity to stake their claim once and for all on the Ports of Raviel whilst Melodian regional control of the city falls dramatically, and military occupation of the area dwindles.

More to come when we hear of it....

May 20, 2008

The Politics of Caerwyn

In recent news, the governmental structure of Caerwyn has been reformed under some pressure from the nobility to permit greater "democratic" involvement for the realm in regards to the rulership of Caerwyn. Under previous government policy, the ruler of Caerwyn known as the Premier Minister, was elected once and was only re-elected when the office was vacated. New changes however, commissioned by the encumbent ruler Lady Delia and supported by the High Council, the office of the rulership was altered to once again become an elected position, but only by the representative vote of the Lords and Dukes of the realm. All other positons remained unchanged save for their names, with the Grand Imperator and State Purser as appointed positions, and the High Magistrate as an elected position through an equal vote of the nobility.

These changes have brought on some criticisms from some sections of the Caerwynian nobility, but overall it seems the changes have either been well received or simply ignored in the face of continued threats from rampantly bold undead and monster hordes which roam both within and outside Caerwynian holdings.

Rebellion in Melodia!

Nightfall yesterday brought surprising news from the embattled realm of Melodia in the southern parts of West Dwilight as a rebellion was called by a man by the name of Quintus Scarlett. Indeed, little is known about this controversial figure, though it is believed he is a relation of the famous Scarlett family, prominent in the Far East Island for their chivalrous nature and their honourable dealings. Furthermore, sources have confirmed that he is also a former General of Melodia, having stepped down only a month before he declared the rebellion.

It is also believed that Quintus has already been caught for attempting rebellion in Melodia, but having been forgiven and allowed to remain in the realm it was thought that he had changed his ways. It seems the Melodians are learning the hard way in the ways of rebels and traitors, perhaps they will be more harsh next time...that is if the current Council gets to see a next time. More information will come when we hear of it....

Viridian expands

The Caerwynian Colony of Viridian took its first steps towards becoming a fully fledged realm of their own two days ago, with the acquisition of the mountainous regions which surround their secluded Capital. Rumoured to be filled with precious stones and metals, these riches will no doubt come in handy for the future when funds are needed for the expansion of their holdings northwards and westwards.

Fissoa gains

Despite the "phoney war" that seems to be taking place in the south, the Fissoans have managed to take another region to the north-east of their Capital of Fissoa. Kamade will likely prove a welcome addition to the realm which has already been struggling to make ends meet in terms of food production and, given that Pian en Luries is likely to be tied up retaking regions that they have lost to the local independance fanatics it seems that this one-sided conflict may not be so one-sided after-all.

Nidhogg's Mark retaken

After suffering setbacks in the region of Nidhogg's Mark to the far west of the Springdalian Capital of Nieflheim, the military forces of Springdale have reclaimed the region and driven out or killed the peasant rebels who overthrew the rule of the local colonial government in the region several days ago. With their western flank once again secure, it is likely that the Springdalians will now turn their sights upon the lush northern lands and cities beyond the great Northern river, and the final frontier they must conquer in their quest for Empire.

May 18, 2008

Northern alliance founded

In a widely praised move by the incumbent Prime Minister of Caerwyn, the realms of Astrum, Viridian and Caerwyn itself, have joined into mutual alliance with the aim to promote greater co-operation between realms and provide mutual border protection from aggressive parties. Though in the past such efforts would have been directed towards the Everguardians and their former High King Fisc, with Everguard humbled in the wake of their disintegration, this alliance it seems will have a greater purpose aimed more toward friendship and mutual trade in order to stretch and maximise the already short resources and food available in the barren north.

Dwilight Strikes Back!

The past four days have seen a massive surge in rebellion amongst the recently colonised regions of the native Dwili with a grand total of five 'tamed' regions reverting back to their un-aligned masters becoming rogue areas again. Unfortunately for Everguard, the bulk of the regions lost were theirs as their woes continue unabated. Other realms to loose regions to the local anarchists were the superpower Pian en Luries, the Madinans to the south, and the Astrumese to the north with the city of Eidulb once again changing hands.

These recent losses have only once again proven to the colonial nobility the fragility of our hold is upon the untamed wilds of this massive continent...

Everguard's woes continue...

The beleaguered realm of Everguard continues to hemorrhage regions at a rapid rate with the recent loss of Ammando and Ygg d'Rahzuul, following on from the loss of Aquitain only 24 hours earlier as the rabid Dwili continue to gain further support amongst the local populace and the realm is beset by monsters and undead from many angles. The realm is now effectively cut in two, with their Capital in Gelene surrounded only by its outskirts, and flanked to the far north and south by its dismembered regions. Word has also reached the Chronicle that the old Capital of Valkyria is also suffering from major regional control issues and teeters on the brink of reverting back to the locals as well, an act that would no doubt be a major blow to the dispirited Everguardians.

Only time will tell now if they have the grit and skill to cling on despite this seeming inevitable death....

The fighting continues...

Caerwynian regions continue to reel from repeated incursions by large groups of monsters and undead whose actions and boldness have astounded even the toughest and most hardy of the Nobility. The hardest hit by far in the past few days has undoubtedly been the regions of Demyansk in the south, and Knazyes and Walefishire in the north. With the Caerwynian army still attempting to refit quickly on limited gold supplies and with few recruits in the centres, the situation is tense.

In spite of these troubles however, the regions affected lightly continue to grow rapidly and along with the gentle, but firm guidance of the fierce Caerwynian nobility and its High Council, the realm continues to prosper with plans being formulated to move immediately after the incursions cease, into the regions further west of our current holdings in a concerted effort to make for the city of Itau. The lessons of Everguard well learned however, ensure that no action will be undertaken until existing lands are secured and consolidated.

Diplomatic solution in the central isles?

Word has reached the Chronicle that under concerted diplomatic pressure upon the shadowy realm of Shadovar, a possible peace agreement is being brokered between the involved parties. With the realms of Caerwyn, Melodia, Fissoa and Madina aligned against Shadovar, it seems that the war in the central islands was practically over before it had even really begun to take off. More information will be reported when we hear of it...

May 14, 2008

Everguard disintegrating?

In yet another example of the poor leadership and ineffective military strategy of the Everguardians, the region of Aquitain deserted their Noble masters with independence declared by local peasant rebels. This uprising, the latest in a long string of regional maintenance failures on Everguard's part, has now effectively split the realm into two, dividing their new Capital with their old one in Valkyria.

Here at the Chronicle we are beginning to wonder if Everguard will survive at all unless drastic action is taken on the part of the Everguardian nobility.

Victory in Farrowfield...again

In yet another closely fought battle with the vicious monsters which plague our lands, the armies of Caerwyn stood firm against a large group of the ravenous beings bent upon our destruction. Victory this time however, cannot be savoured for long, with further sizeable bands of the fiends still wreaking havoc in Mozyr and Demyansk (yet again). The fight to colonise the vast reaches of Dwilight continues....

The rationale of War...

With further information coming to light, now given the information garnered from the correspondance of the Dictator of Shadovar regarding his reasons for war, it is clear that this invasion is simply a land grab. With justifications for the war lying solely upon an old but somewhat tenuous claim upon the entirety of the islands, and lands taken over by Melodia despite their continental Capital, the realm of Shadovar has evidently taken their chances and made a bid for entire control of the islands.

Melodia continues to assert the dishonourable nature of the conflict, given that the Shadovarians did not announce their intentions until after the initial attack, and assertion mimcked by their founders in Madina, the war it seems will be a drawn out affair largely due to the weakened state of Madina, and the long travel times to the locations for all parties involved.

Debate continues to rage within the upper echelons of the Caerwynian leadership as to whether or not calls for intervention should be answered. However word has reached the Chronicle that the Shadovarians have assured the leadership of Caerwyn that they bear us no ill-will.

UPDATE: This just in, the Premier Minister of Caerwyn has just announced that Caerwyn will be supporting Melodia in its conflict with Shadovar and sending troops immediately to their aid.

May 14, 2008

First Caerwynian Colony founded

The city of Crysalanthys was taken over late yesterday afternoon, with the establishment of a local and colonial government within the city and the first members of the Caerwynian nobility switching their allegiance to the new Colony. Its founding members, Syoaran, Vesna and Vallafin, have pledged to maintain good relations with Caerwyn, which will hopefully ensure the mutual prosperity of both realms, and the first steps toward containing the aggression and expansionist machianations of the Everguardians in the north.


Dwilight continues to be engulfed in further conflict towards the south, with the realm of Shadovar invading the Port of Raviel in the central islands, reportedly without a word. This was greeted with great surprise by the Melodians, only recently having exerted their forces in expansion on the coastline of the western continent. In quick diplomatic retaliation, relations between Shadovar and Melodia have inevitably dropped to war, with the realm of Madina (the patron of Melodia) following shortly after and proclaiming their support for their colony.

Word has reached the Chronicle that the Kingdom of Melodia has also requested aid from the Caerwynian nobility, the debate on whether to assist these far southern neighbours is on-going.

May 13, 2008

Losses and Gains

The past few days have seen both losses and gains across the continent as the colonial realms continue to attempt stamp their authority over the untamed wilderness of Dwilight.

In the south, on the western continent, the realm of Melodia has made its first in-roads into expansion on the mainland, taking on the coastal rural region of Larur and establishing a local government and Lord in the area. The acquistion of these lands, outside the confines of their strongholds in Paisly, provides a gateway to other rich areas surrouding the rogue city of Chesny and its surrounds.

Meanwhile, the northern giant Springdale suffered setbacks with the revolt of Nidhogg's Mark on the far west of their territories, delaying their efforts to begin colonisation on the northern half of the great northern river. The setbacks in the north were mirrored in the far south as well, with the realm of Madina also loosing control of a region some distance from their capital, Laraibina. No doubt these regions will be retaken quickly however.

Leadership restored

The anarchy created by the scribal revolts over a week ago were rectified yesterday with continental elections for the rulerships of many realms, as well as other elected positions in the High Councils. In Caerwyn, the "incumbent" Premier Minister Lady Delia Sosisky was re-elected to office, who quickly re-appointed her former Council members who also lost their titles in the confusion.

The rulerships of the realms abroad also retained their former leaders, returning Dwilight back to normal in both continents.

The seasons change

The seasons have changed, and the hardy colonists of Dwilight are now enduring their first winter on the continent. With food shortages already widespread in many realms, the onset of winter has not been taken lightly or heartily, with many weary of greater problems in the months ahead.

Colony attempt in Crysalanthys

Several Caerwynian nobles have made a bold effort to take the colonisation of the western continent even further, travelling to the mountain city of Crysalanthys and beginning a Colony takeover of the area. Ladies Vesna and Vallafin have pioneered the effort, with further support also traveling to the city become part of this future realm to the north of Caerwyn.

With any luck, the takeover will be successful and this new realm will become a strong barrier against the aggressive nature of the Everguardian Nobility in the north.

Resilient Monsters wreak havoc

With the region of Demyansk cleansed of its monster infestation shortly after the unexpected defeat at the hands of the beasts on the 9th, the military of Caerwyn has again faced setbacks with further invasions occurred in Mozyr and Walefishire to the north. Immediately after moving to counter the situation however, Demyansk was once again attacked by a small band of monsters who undoubtedly were amongst the group routed and forced to flee the area.

The constant appearances of undead and monsters in regions ranging from north to south has taken its toll upon the unity and strength of Caerwynian forces, but with the situation gradually coming under the control again, and with solid leadership at the helm after the elections, no doubt the expansion can continue once more in earnest.

May 9, 2008

Defeat in Demyansk!

The valiant southern armies of Caerwyn were narrowly defeated today by the disturbingly large monster army that continues to gain further strength in the beleaguered rural fiefdom of Demyansk. With virtually equal numbers, the monsters proved too strong for the understrength army which was missing several key units which failed to make travel arrangements in time to join with the rest of the army. This defeat comes as a further blow to Caerwynian efforts to restore order in the region, where the now several day long infestation has caused the destruction of food stores and other infrastructure, as well as bringing the death toll amongst the peasantry alone into the hundreds.

However, with fresh armies moving into the region at nightfall, and the remaining troops rallying to the defence of the land from further damage, the military command of Caerwyn is confident of lasting victory.

Continental Anarchy!

The realm was plunged into governmental anarchy two days ago, when the a scribal mishap resulted in the loss of all official documentation regarding the leadership of the realm, effectively stripping the High Council of its powers in the confusion caused. Similar reports are filtering in from all over the continent it seems, as many other realms were affected by this event. Many have come to question whether or not there was some sinister purpose amongst the record-keepers of the island, old and native Dwili, to return the continent back into the wild anarchy that covered the land before colonisation. The Chronicle will keep you informed when more information comes to light...

Eidulb chooses a side...

In further complications to the difficult situation surrounding the contested existance of the Morekian Colony in Libidizedd, now known as Astrum, the city of Eidulb, already having been fought over once, has chosen a side...and it is not Everguards'. Shocking news of a bloody peasant revolt has filtered in from contacts within the city, and from all reports it seems as though the leaders of the uprising have chosen Astrum as their preferred realm.

No doubt this will have caused serious angst within the Everguardian ranks, though with their military, their regions and their leadership in a shambles, it is unlikely that they will be able to contest the ownership of Eidulb for some time yet. Indeed, even prior to the continental anarchy that has set in, Everguard had revealed its regional control problems, and now when put to the test the results have been most interesting. In the meantime, despite the loss of Eidulb, the region of Ammando was taken by Everguardian forces as the city was lost.

May 7, 2008

The storm clouds gather...

The difficult situation surrounding the newly created colony in Libidizedd continues to deteriorate as the High King of Everguard continues to maintain his hardline approach to the negotiations. In true Fisc-ian style, which typically promotes a foreign policy built upon simply issuing threats and ultimatums without actual compromise, his demands for the removal of the new Morekian colony from the city are being met with equally stoney responses from the Grandmaster of Morek.

However from information garnered from the discussions, it is clear that a great deal of the conflict arises from a Everguardian claim to the city and its surrouding islands, a claim that no-one knew about prior to the installation of the colony in the first place. The negotiations are on-going, but given their lack of progress, and the stoney resolve of all parties involved, it is clear that we are likely to see the second war on the continent of Dwilight being intitiated.

Caerwynian expansion continues!

In the past few days, the Caerwynians armies have had their most sweeping success so far in the campaign to bring light to the darkest regions on the earth. With the acquisition of Mozyr, the regions of Knazyes and Walefishire were also converted shortly after and only a matter of days apart. The takeovers themselves both took less than a day to complete each, with the local populace eager to submit themselves to the rule of a local Caerwynian government.

With the townsland of Walefishire added to Caerwynian holdings, our northern border is complete and secure, and now the attentions of the Military Command can be directed elsewhere, towards the south and also the region of Grazne.

Demyansk overrun!

Whilst the bulk of the Caerwynian armies have been occupied in the north, a massive force of monsters and undead numbering over 3,000 in estimated combat strength has overrun the southern region of Demyansk. Terrorising the populace, consuming or destroying the limited food stores, and slaying valiant Caerwynian soldiers caught in the region, the fiends have caused significant damage to the area. Indeed, their appearance in such numbers only reminds us that though the realms of humanity are gaining sway over the island, we are still very vulnerable to the rampant fury of these most deadly of enemies.

Despite these setbacks however, the Caerwynian military is responding quickly, with fresh forces amassing in Demyansk preparing to deal with the problem. Doubtless this will be a difficult struggle however, the enemy is numerous, and strong....

May 6, 2008

Supreme Arbitrator re-elected

In the only elections this month the encumbent Supreme Arbitrator, yours truly, was re-elected to office for another month. I thank all those who voted for me.

May 3, 2008

Another Colony in Dwilight...

At nightfall on the first day of May, 1008, the island city of Libidizedd in the central sea of Dwilight was taken over by Morekian forces, who promptly formed the 11th realm and 7th colony on Dwilight. Formed by the religious Faithful of the Church of Sanguis Astronism the realm will become a Theocracy, governed by religious elders who hold the island of great religious importance.

However, the birth of the new realm has been mired in further regional disputes which have become endemic of the Dwilightian political landscape of late. With the ever gracious High King of Everguard once again attempting to throw a log in the wheels of colonisation near his realm. High King Fisc immediately contacted the religious elders of Sanguis Astronism, as well as the Grandmaster of Morek, to register his displeasure at the colony being formed on his doorstep, and to promise an immediate military response to the situation. The Chronicle here in Caerwyn knows well the events which surrounded the movement of our colonial holdings further south in response to the machianations of the monarch of Everguard.

Laying claim to the city as further domains of his realm, it seems that High King Fisc Arylon wishes to maintain claims upon lands he will undoubtedly be unable to maintain in the long term, give the difficulty maintaining regions within the immediate vincinity of his Capital. Indeed, through information garnered from the correspondance between Everguard and Morek, it seems as though Everguard wishes to maintain control over the entire northern half of the western continent, whether under their own direct control, or through surrogate colonies in the cities of Darfix and Chrysalantys. Astronian Elders and Morekian leaders continue to debate the situation within Church channels and inter-realm discussions, as to how the situation should be resolved, though it is likely that war is on the horizon...


Yesterday saw the fires of human combat burst forth upon the hitherto peaceful continent of Dwilight, with the eruption of bitter conflict between the fledgling realm of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, and the continental powerhouse Pian En Luries. From information garnered by observers and correspondance shared between both rulers publically, the roots of the conflict lie in regional claims made by the Lurians over lands desired for conquest by the Fissoans themselves.

At current, the townslands and rural fiefdoms of Aveston and Moon Bay (to the far north of Fissoa, and the far south of Pian En Luries) are at the centre of the dispute, with Queen Alanna Anaris steadfastedly drawing an expansive line in the sand to curtail the efforts of the Fissoan Nobility. Insisting that there is plenty of room to the east of Fissoan lands, rather than to the north, the Queen of the Lurians has already promised retribution for the unfortunate outcome of the negotiations, demanding the surrender of Fissoa as recompense. In response, Grand Duke Leon Agenor of Fissoa, has promised a war to the death for the rights to the lands, and with the distances involved in such a conflict, it is likely that this war will be a long-lasting affair.

The Chronicle has to wonder however if either realm really has the capacity to maintain the regions, irregardless of their wish to hold the land, given their distance from the respective capitals of Fissoa and Pian En Luries...

Mozyr Taken!

The rural fiefdom of Mozyr was brought under the control of Caerwynian forces occupying the region as dusk fell yesterday evening. After a relatively uneventful takeover, which lasted but a day and a half, an interim regional government loyal to Caerwyn was installed, and shortly after Sir Deli Haydar was appointed as the new Viscount of Mozyr. The peaceful occupation of the region was only broken once, but the actions of an unidentified looter, who pillaged an outlying town on the borders of the region. Unfortunately, their identity remained unknown, and thus no action could be taken against them.

With the heartland of Caerwyn now secured by regions on all sides, the military leadership of Caerwyn is now debating as to what the next step will be in our campaign to colonise the far reaches of Dwilight...

May 2, 2008

Takeover in Mozyr

With the regions of Mech Derris and Demyansk secured, and the reconstruction of Farrowfield progressing quickly, the attentions of the Caerwynian armies turned northwards to the region of Mozyr, where a takeover was initiated yesterday. With overwhelming forces in the region, reports from amongst the commoners suggest that the installation of a Caerwynian regional government will be completed within the day, and the circumvallation of the Caerwynian heartland complete. Attentions can then be directed westwards and northwards, and the rich regions which lie in that direction.

A new month!

With the events of April still fresh in the minds of the colonists of Dwilight, we take further steps towards taming the wild frontier as May unfolds before us. With wars looming, and colonisation continuing, May looks to be one of the most interesting months in Dwilight yet!

Extras: Archive Editions

Ticker news: Game Generated Ticker News