Arete Family/Aaliyah/The Meter

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The following interpretation of The Meter was written by Aaliyah. Aaliyah is neither a noble of Abington nor a member of the Aristoi. She is a "Scholar of Dawn", a member of the Guardians of Twilight that follows the path of Luna. However, she is also a member of the Arete family, and thus was born in Riverholm, the former capital of Abington. Moreover, she is in frequent communication with her sister, Aeryn, the Prophet of Aristoi Atamarism. She was disowned by the Arete Family and sent to the Far East to live as a commoner as a punishment for having relations with a commoner in Abington. However, Aaliyah came to realize that by doing so she had taken her nobility for granted and shunned the responsibilities of knighthood. She vowed behave like the noble she was born to be and eventually earned the trust of several nobles in the Grand Lodge of Lunaria, even being invited to join the Guardians of Twilight by Excalibur, Paladin Primus of Grand Lodge of Lunaria, Duke of Ortedail. Thus, Aaliyah is intimately familiar with both Aristoi Atamarism and the Guardians of Twilight, and considers the Old Testament of the Aristoi to be a variant of her own faith.


It is clear to anyone who is even remotely familiar with the faith of the Guardians of Twilight that we believe in two very specific gods: Luna and Sol. Moreover, it is clear to anyone who is even intimately familiar with the faith of the Aristoi that no one knows for sure what they believe. I suspect that is why their priests and other followers are encouraged to write interpretations of their religious text, such as the one written by their Prophet. In Aeryn's Interpretation, Aeryn illustrates how Aestin and Agenoi are not actually gods. With this, I agree. Aeryn suggests several possibilities of what Aestin and Agenoi could be: space, being, time, motion, etc. But I am content to conclude that whatever they are, they are not gods.

Aeryn, however, goes on to conclude that Kalos and Pragma are also not gods. With this, I disagree. Unlike Aestin and Agenoi, Kalos and Pragma are not just described as being the causes of the creation of various things, but also as being the conscious creators of those things. If creation is not accidental, as things are described before the birth of Kalos and Pragma, then creation must be the work of gods, as things are described after the birth of Kalos and Pragma.

Thus, like the Guardians of Twilight, the Aristoi believe in two gods. Could they be the same two gods?

Luna v. Kalos

Luna is described by the Guardians as the "Bringer of Light". Taken verbatum from the teachings of the Guardians, "She helps us see truth in the midst of lies" and "it is to her that we owe the balance". Kalos, on the other hand, is described by the Aristoi as "all things beautiful", and through her the Abingtonians learned how to communicate, and began gathering information "such as lists and bulletins and maps". These things were revealed to the Abingtonians through "harmony".

The most obvious similarity between Luna and Kalos is that they are both goddesses (as opposed to gods). But there are parallels between all of their most important features. What better way is there to "see truth in the midst of lies" but through the collection and communication of information? And could there be balance without harmony, or harmony without balance?

Thus, it should be clear that Luna and Kalos are really the same goddess. The Guardians and the Aristoi simply refer to her by different names.

Sol v. Pragma

Sol is described by the Guardians as the "Destroyer of Chaos". Whereas the Aristoi describe Pragma in the Book of Genesis as "those-things-that-are-ordered". What could destroy Chaos, if not Order? What could be left after Chaos is gone, if not Order? Clearly, these are two very similar gods, if not the same altogether.

According to the Guardians, Sol "nourishes our crops" and "nourishes our spirits". In the Gospel of Pragma, Pragma teaches the Abingtonians to measure the land and food (a necessary part of managing crops) as well as how to increase their skills and what it means to be just (a necessary part of a healthy spirit).

So not only do Sol and Pragma have identical purposes, but also idential methods, and so they must be identical gods. The Guardians and the Aristoi simply refer to him by different names.


It should be clear from the above interpretation that the Kalos of the Aristoi is the Luna of the Guardians, and the Pragma of the Aristoi is the Sol of the Guardians. But all of this is traces back to the Old Testament. What about the New Testament? The New Testament is nothing more than a new chapter in history, a history in which Luna and Sol revealed themselves to Aeryn (albeit by different names than to the Prophets of Lunaria), a history unique to Atamara where the Gaurdians of Twilight have not yet come. It is unique to Atamara because what they had to say to Aeryn was only relevant to Abington.

But Luna and Sol choose not to reveal themselves directly to Aeryn, as they did to the Guardians. Instead, they only revealed themselves through items and ideas Aeryn found across the island, such as geometry and music. Why they choose to do so is not clear, but what is clear is that the Old Testament of the Aristoi speaks to the same faith as those of Lunaria, and the New Testament of the Aristoi speaks only to the Abingtons. Aristoi Atamarism, is than, but a variety of Lunaria, namely, the Abington variety.