Hyral Family

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Hyral Family Line

The Hyral Family originated in Mraulaxon, Sartania on the Far East Island. There are two branches of the Hyral Family; the main branch is headed by Braga Hyral, and the side branch is headed by his younger brother, Brena Hyral. All of the Hyral children have since left the homestead for other lands, much to the dismay of their aging, heirless, fathers.

The Main Branch

Baiko: She is the “elder” of the twins. Growing up in Sartania, she spent much time at prayer in the temple of Sartan. Her life was plain and unexciting until a young man named Hireshmont Vellos surfaced among the nobles. Although they got off to a rough start, the two became friends and began discussing their views on the realm’s current philosophy on war. The two eventually began a sect called the True Sartanians, devoted to the true ways of the God of War. It was during this time that Hireshmont had a vision, in this vision the God of War, Sartan, did battle with his younger brother, Qyrvagg, a demi-god. Sartan fell and Qyrvagg rose to power. Hireshmont became the first Prophet of Qyrvagg. The group was eventually found out and banished from the theocracy for blasphemy.

Baiko fled to Lasanar so that the words of Hireshmont, who had been condemned to death, would not be lost. After joining Lasanar, Baiko served the warring duchy of Ossaet under a true warrior, Lord Draban Trogain. A short time later, she received news of the arrival of the Third Prophet, Amekal Vellos, in Valentia, Beluaterra, Baiko headed there to join her comrades. While Baiko was en route to Valentia, she received word that Hireshmont had been seen in the far lands of Oligarch, alive and well. Her spirits soared at the news, her friend had escaped execution after all! Betrayal and misfortune awaited Baiko and Amekal in Valentia, the pair soon left to the southern lands of Riombara.

In Riombara Baiko received her first title, Marchioness of Avengmil. The peace and stability of Riombara came to an end with war against Luz de Bia, and the succession of the southern Duchy of Irombro. Baiko gave up her title and joined the newly formed Irombrozia. She served a short while as Queen, and currently serves as Arch Priestess. The bloody war with Riombara has made Baiko rather bitter and unstable, quick to anger, and slow to trust.

  • Class: Hero
  • Weapon of choice: Naginata, and other polearms
  • Eyes: Golden
  • Hair: Long and dark, always tied back.
  • General Appearance: Very traditional, wears distinctly eastern clothing and armor, feminine and proud of it.
  • Other: She only drinks tea, and detests alcohol (“it turns the most noble of men into beasts”). She is a member of the Church of Qyrvagg; the orange sash she wears signifies her allegiance.
  • Pet: A black fox name Kuro.

Keiichi: She is the “younger” of the twins. Unlike her pious sister, Keiichi desired more than anything to learn the way of the warrior. Against her father’s wishes, Keiichi’s older brother taught her to use a sword. After a larger-than-usual argument with her father, Keiichi left Mraulaxon in anger, hopping on the first ship to Atamara.

Upon arriving in the port of Ser’quea in the Ash Sea Islands, Keiichi swore allegiance to the Duke of Aja and began her life as a soldier. After many a great war, ASI reclaimed the islands regions and Keiichi was appointed Marchioness of Worav, serving loyally under the Arch Priest and Duke, Moses McGahee.

During one of the wars, Keiichi meet a knight of allied Falasan, Omerus Killins, and fell in love. The two are currently engaged to be married, although the “realm-issue” has put the actual wedding on hold for now.

  • Class: Soldier
  • Weapon: Mraulaxon Broad Sword
  • Eyes: Black
  • Hair: Long and Dark, always down
  • General Appearance: Wears plain clothing, consisting of sleeveless shirts and loose-fitting pants, typically with a unique sleeveless overcoat-like garmet on top, due to her time serving in the desert of Aja her skin is slightly tanned.
  • Other: Loves to drink, fight, and have fun. Although she does have her serious moments, Keiichi typically laughs at everything and generally acts like a teenager, all be it a violent and slightly foul tongued one. Mapan Ale is her absolute favorite drink. She is not particularly girlish, and hates being called “dame”. Although strong in character and spirit Keiichi has three intolerable fears, including oceans, healers, and goats.
  • Pet: A mischievous and luckless fox named Kaya, with whom Keiichi seems to hold conversations, and has been given many unit-leading and training duties.

Kaya II.jpeg

The Side Branch

Araia: She is the only child of the head of the side branch, Brena Hyral. Her mother was a Sirionite elf, making Araia half human, and half elf, but to many that is considered unlucky, so it’s not something she tells many people. Araia left the Far East in search of Baiko, but ended up being trained by Keiichi in Aja. She finally made her way “home” to Sirion where she decided to begin her military career. The war with Oligarch was long and bloody, and since no one could tell her exactly why Oligarch needed to be destroyed, she took up what was supposed to be a temporary bureaucratic job as a break from the war. In paperwork she found her calling, and ended up becoming a career bureaucrat in Sirion.

As soon as she arrived in Sirion, Araia was greeted by the Lord of Sermbar, Darfix Firefox, and swore allegiance to him. The two became very close and Darfix finally proposed to her, and she accepted of course. The two hope to be officially married someday soon.

  • Class: Career Bureaucrat
  • Weapon: Slim sword or Bow
  • Eyes: Dark Green
  • Hair: Long and dark, usually braided but sometimes she leaves it down
  • General Appearance: She is quite beautiful, typically wears dark blue or green dresses of elfen design. Araia herself has slightly elfish characteristics due to her mother’s elfen blood.
  • Other: Araia is the most lady-like of the current generation of Hyrals, and is very kind. She follows the Path of Nature in the faith of the Holy Sacred Grove.
  • Pet: A small brown hawk named Falas, he was purchased by Araia from a Falasan trader in Ash’rily before she departed to the East Island.

Hyral Family Tree

Other NPCs