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Revision as of 20:51, 13 October 2006 by Indirik (talk | contribs)

Throughout your realm, various buildings, workshops and other craftsmen offer their services to you and your unit. Especially cities often contain many different buildings that you can put to use. The price shown below for building each type of building is only a guideline. The cost will vary based on the number of buildings already in the region, the type of region, and possibly other factors as well.

Scouts Guild

Allows recruitment of scouts. Unable to be built in cities. Cost: 170 gold, Upkeep: 2 gold


Makes carts. Cost: 60 gold, Upkeep: 1 gold

Houses of Healing

Allow the recruitment of healers. Cost: 310 gold, Upkeep: 5 gold

Creates banners. Cost: 150 gold, Upkeep: 2 gold

Siege Engine Workshop

Constructs siege engines. Can only be built in cities. (and strongholds?)

Traders Supplies

Builds caravans. Cost: 190 gold, Upkeep: 3 gold


Makes the skill training action available. Can only be built in cities. (and strongholds?)

Weapon/Armour Smiths

Makes it possible to repair equipment in the region. Can only be built in townsland, city, and stronghold regions.


Allows traders to engage in trade deals with themselves, regardless of what the region has. Can only be built in tonwsland, city, and stronghold regions.

Tournament Grounds

Allows tournaments to be held in the region. Can only be built in townsland, city, and stronghold regions. Cost: 2,200 gold, Upkeep: 3 gold

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