Alebad (Realm)

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All Alebad Regions: Alebad City



[[Image:Realm Map of Alebad.jpg A map of the Alebad Realm]]
Continent / Island Colonies
Capital Alebad
Largest City Alebad
Government System

David of Moss
Ilsa November
Craft Titanus
Tarajist Balewind

Regions and Lords

Murakama Hikaru
Eugene II Woodford
Ardrryn Dynrode
Angelina Von Borghoff

Population 53486
Food Production 834 bushels
Troop Leaders 24
stats as of 20:59, 2 October 2006 (CEST)

Alebad is a small theocracy located on the eastern coast of the Colonies. Alebad is generally peaceful in disposition. Despite being a theocracy, no single religion represents the beliefs of the people of Alebad. Rather, Alebad's troopleaders are expected to affirm a belief in the values of honor, bravery, and wisdom. Alebad welcomes nobles of any religion who are willing to affirm a commitment to these values.

Alebad is currently in a state of peace. In the past, Alebad has been forced to defend its very existence and honor. Honor, Valor, and Sacrifice are virtues we have been forced to follow. We refuse to fall to any realm and will defy any threat. Our very city was carved by the first colonists that settled here in the Colonies, having established and followed the virtues our realm is now subscribed to. That is how we are for we are Alebad.

It must be something in the water...

Most Wanted List

  • Landroval -- Banned for disobeying orders. To be executed as a traitor if captured. Reparations set at 400 gold.
  • Drogo -- Banned for disobeying orders. To be executed as a traitor if captured. Reparations set at 400 gold.
  • Ali'i -- Banned for attempted assassination of the Pontifix. To be executed if captured. Reparations set at 500 gold
  • Always -- Banned for abandoning Alebad. To be deported if captured. Reparations set at 200 gold.
  • Razer -- Banned for abandoning Alebad after a brief stay. To be deported if captured. Reparations set at 100 gold.
  • Tyrion -- Banned for sabotage in Abaka. To be executed if captured. Reparations set at 400 gold.

Important Bulletins

Haruspex Maximus' Bulletin - updated 09 July 2006
Paladin Primus' Bulletin - updated 22 September 2006

Current Events

Pick up the latest edition of The Alebadian Rag.