It comes howling cold from the north and soothingly warm from the south. Wind is a force of chaos and of change. It can level mountains, whip the sea into a frenzied chaos and push people to the boundaries of exploration and adventure. Driven out of their homeland, by a mad king, so soon after their conception, the Balewind family now drifts free across the world of Battlemaster in search of chaos, adventure, a sail to push and a banner to fly.
Reportedly from the beautiful city of Isadril on the East Continent the children of the Balewind family weren’t much at home among those lofty buildings. As such all military members of the family have left Isadril to pursue their own career and ambitions outside it's walls. Two brothers and a young Aunt make up their numbers.
Vapor Balewind (aka: Lord Vapor,‘The Snake’), spent his younger years in Isadril during the time of Fallangard and it's mad king, Panther I Fallan. As a youth he was at arms length with the rest of the world, preferring to watch and take in knowledge rather than stand out and look like an arse. He took up the military career in time to help Isadril wheather an ongoing siege from all its neighbors. Seeing the siege was hopeless unless some damage was done to the surrounding realms and gold made for the cause of Fallangard he left with his childhood friend Sandor out on a looting ride to Leibo. The looting ride was fabulously successful and resulted in a minor victory and injury of an Ubent noble and the militia of the region. However Panther did not take too kindly to this victory as he saw it as a disobeyal of orders and ordered the High Priest Falcor to ban the two, which he did so reluctantly. Seeing this as utter foolishness and proof positive that the Mad King's reign needed to fall, Vapor and Sandor made their way to Caligus to take up the true tools of war. Welcomed by the Lady Gwynyth, Vapor found the type of home he felt he could thrive in where his watchful eye was appreciated and his tactical nature could flourish. Here Vapor found a realm worthy of his loyalty. During this time Vapor met the Winkamus Forest Rangers and made it a goal to learn how to lead these powerful and reclusive rangers in combat. Eventually Fallangard fell at which point Vapor returned to Isadril to see it's restructuring. At this same time a powerful sorcerer by the name of Ardor teleported himself across the continent to arrive in Hamadan, raised up a legion of horsemen made up of the dead of Caligus and Fontan soldiers who had died fighting for the city and claimed it and all regions surrounding it (including Isadril) as his domain of Yssaria. Being highly suspicious of magic and sorcery, Vapor felt it his obligation to watch over this newly spawned realm and judge for himself it’s worth to hold the home of his youth. What he found appalled him. The Necromancer seemed not to care one whit for the new realm and was more involved in his sorceries than founding a proper realm. As such the realm fell to its petty nobles to run and as such soon also fell to greed. At this point Vapor could no longer sit idly by as Yssaria made plans of conquest against his former realm of Caligus that had shown him such hospitality. He returned to Caligus where he was immediately pronounced as High Marshal of the realm and led them to fight back against the greed of Yssaria and Caligus’ long standing enemy, Fontan. After that Vapor’s career took many turns, from the sedate life of a desk job as Caligus’ Treasurer, Lordship over the regions of Nascot and Tokat (after that region was given to Caligus to mark the end of the war between Caligus and Fontan where Vapor’s watchful eye could keep focused on the Fontan Horde), and finally to the excitement of the shadows where he was eventually caught and held long enough by Yssaria to be deported to Atamara where he spent time at the head of a police for trying to keep himself busy during the boredom until such time as he could return to the East Continent. Eventually he returned and decided to make things right with the people of Ubent whom he pillaged from in the name of Fallangard and joined the newly restructured Republic of Ubent. Not long after this Caligus gave the region of Winkamus, which had been battered by Yssaria, to Ubent at which point Vapor was quick to request the opportunity to lord over the region and the people he had come to know and love during his time in Caligus. Now Vapor is the Count of Winkamus and is searching the woods to find the Rangers and return them to the battlefield.
Vapor has become a reserved tactfull man, ever watchfull of the situation around him and content to quietly lend his voice or hand when neccisary in public or from the shadows. His code of honour has garnered him respect from friend and foe alike despite his icy cold demeanor.
(More to come on the fiery 'Lady Agaresh' a priestess of Zisa and 'Tarajist Balewind' the Pirate King)