Osha Family/Sera

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“A democratically elected council can do anything. Except change a man into a woman, and a woman into a man - but damned if we can't try! Hey Scribe, pass the scalpel!'”

~ Sera on Mutilation

Sera Osha

Sera is the eldest brother of the Osha family and he has been a loyal troopleader of Giblot, nearly his whole life. Whilst having a somewhat troubled childhood, Sera overcame his difficulties to become a leading and powerful member of the Giblot nobility.

After several false starts attempting to be elected to the position of Grand Justiciar, Sera was appointed to Giblots Council as the new Minister of Defence. Sera however quickly disregarded this title and re-styled himself as the Minister of 'Offence.' Initially, several commentators questioned the motives behind this, though they all disappeared without a trace several days later. This title has since become defunct however, after Sera led a successful Rebellion in Giblot and supplanted the Tyranical Regime that reigned there.

One of the most recent and bizarre political quirks Sera has undergone lately, is the announcement that he is the Pontifex of the Headless OT tavern.

Early Life

As a small child, Sera was an adorable little boy. Not only was he a very quick learner but he also got on well with everyone. He got on especially well with his younger brothers, particularly Barbar.

This all changed very quickly however when Sera's parents were tried and found guilty of being involved in the illicit trade of illegal Herbs. They were publicly executed in Koolaris. Although the Osha brothers had been ordered to stay home, Sera left the family mansion to go watch. When he returned to the mansion later on he was no longer the adorable little boy everybody once knew.

Quickly his relationship soured with Barbar as Sera became more and more violent and immoral. Eventually the family was divided. Malice sided with Barbar and they stood on the side of Righteousness, whilst Revan sided with Sera and they stood for Evil and Wrong doing. This early rift still divides the family today.

Early Military Career

At the age of 17, Sera began his career as a troopleader in Giblot. He was glad to finally leave Barbar and his other brothers behind back in Koolaris. Sera only spent a single year in Giblot, in near complete solitude. When approached by other troopleaders no more than a few words would come from Sera's mouth. In the end, whilst Sera was riding alone one day, he hit a tree branch and knocked himself unconscious for a few hours. When he awoke, his mind was obsessed with strange things and Sera suddenly left to travel the Northern Wildlands one day.

The Wildlands of the North

Little is known of Sera's travels to the Wildlands. Although it is known that he searched for an object of ancient power he brought nothing back with him on his return to Giblot besides his trusty Splatter Axe. In some of Sera's more, delusional drunk moments, he has been known to mutter incoherently about mystical races and abominable creatures but aside from these slip ups, Sera has remained tight lipped about his travels.

A Return to Giblot

Sera eventually returned to Giblot as soon as Revan's death reached his ears, thoughts of finding the mystical object evaporting quickly from his mind. He would avenge his beloved brothers death.

Soon Sera fully re-immersed himself in the day to day activities of Giblot, this time however Sera was much wiser and stronger than before. Few troopleaders recognised him from his previous stint in Giblot, the long dark hair and icy stare confusing even the few people that did remember him.

The Sandwich Business

Since Sera's return he has setup a Sandwich making Business in Helsera. However, far from making your usual, delicious sarnie, the fillings for these sandwiches are corpses fresh from Giblots battlefields! This was part of Sera's crackpot scheme to bankrupt Outer Tilog by flooding their sandwich market with cheap, disgusting sandwiches. So far the scheme has had little success, though cleanup of Giblot's battlefields have become 60% faster since the business was founded.

Recently there were some administration problems when Giblot re-established it's authority in Helsera. Sera quickly had to cut back on his links to the underground and downsize operations. Since then however, the business has entered the public eye and due to overwhelming public support, could actually be expanded in the future rather than shut down!

Lordship of Helsera

Sera was briefly appointed as Count of Helsera due to his previous violent rampage through the region aimed at quelling resistance to a Giblot takeover and reducing the male population in a bid to lower the risk of uprisings. However due to a low key military presence during Sera's short, but bloody rule, the Helserans revolted in mass protests against their Lord. Sera has vowed to burn all their children and turn them all into catapult projectiles, but has returned only briefly since.

A Bout of Insanity

Sera managed to sustain Head Injuries shortly after the Helseran Revolt. The injuries managed to supress Sera's evil thoughts for a few days. Sera in this time then shocked the Giblot Nobility when he proclaimed that Killing was wrong! Two days later one of Sera's soldiers poured a Jug of Blood over him which made him snap out of it. Amusingly, Sera has no recollection of these, rather disturbing events!

Political Career in the Republic

In the final months of the Republic of Giblot, Sera was appointed as the realms new Minister of Defence after Alexander was elected as Prime Minister of Giblot. A position Sera found much enjoyment in with all the freedom and trappings that being the Defence Minister brought with it. Sera gleefully took the chance to use his position as a staging post to denounce all Righteous members of the realm, aswell as make use of the unlimited number of scribes at his disposal. A highly beneficial situation in light of Sera's frequent Scribe massacres. However, Sera's time in that role only lasted until the Civil War...

Role in the Giblot Civil War

Sera was the instigator of the Rebellion that would quickly lead to the overthrow of the Tyrannical Republic of Giblot and the reformation into a Democracy, finally giving the Nobles of Giblot equal voice after nearly 6 Years of the near unbroken influence of Thanatos Reaver and his Cronies. The move by Sera was for the most part, unwelcomed by the established Aristocracy but those who had been short changed by the System quickly rallied to his cause.

Although both sides enjoyed Equal Support from the Nobles in the Conflict, the Loyalists had the Stronger Military Force. However the actions of Thanatos near the end of the War and a Speech by Sera managed to dissuade some from joining the final battle. When the final Battle did come, Sera and his fellow Supporters soundly routed the disorganised Loyalists who had gathered in the City and spread themselves widely and unintelligently infront of the Revolutionary Forces.

Thanatos was quickly exiled after that, and it is known he went to hide in Atamara before returning to Lukon. In the meantime, Sera has been installed as the Chancellor of the new Democracy - and he owes it all to those that stood with him on the Battlefield that day. Sera's seriously considering etching their names into a Giant Marble, Headball Monument soon as a reward for there help...or maybe sacrificing a few people. Whatever takes his fancy at the time!

Post Civil War

After the Civil War was over Sera remained as Chancellor of Giblot for a total of two terms before stepping aside, so sick to death of the moaning that he had to get out and get in touch with his roots. Yes thats right, he gave up his position of power to go play Headball!

Since stepping down Sera has kept a largely low profile but is known to have recently interfered extensively behind the scenes in the rebellion that toppled Shaman Detinu.

During the Rebellion, after a particularly long round of drinking, Sera announced that he was the new Pontifex of the Headless OT tavern. Allegedly he also now worships the Ale Gods, Barrel and Tankard. Initially there was widespread hostility to Sera's claims until it was revealed that Ale prices were being dropped by as much as 50% as a result. Needless to say, since then business has never been better in the realm of the Headless OT tavern!

Continent: Colonies Realm: Giblot Best Newspaper in the Colonies: The Giblot Gestapo Gazette Most Hated Family Member: Barbar Osha