Bluelake Family/Nina Tai

From BattleMaster Wiki

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Character Description
Error: no local variable "description" has been set.

It is rumoured that a few years ago, one of Charles' younger sisters fell in love with an adventurous older man, not known if he was a commoner or of noble blood. This man vanished after a short time, and in a few months, Gwynn Bluelake started showing signals of pregnancy. The family was outraged, and the father didn't want disnohour to befall them. Preparations were made to send the woman to a convent, but her brother helped her to scape just the day before, giving her time to reach the docks. In her room, the family found numerous letters the young dame kept changing with her lover, and eventually found out she had gone to an unknown land by his advice. The family breathed in relief. Rumour has it that the man was actually Zhou Tai.

Overseas, Gwynn arrived in beautiful but worn clothing and asked for help from the local commoners. She never mentioned her name, her family or her blood, only that she was called Gwynn and came from Atamara. The dame lived as a commoner, serving the lower nobility of Poryatu, and managed to raise her daughter until she was 6 years old. Gwynn was then killed, and the girl, sent to a family, to be their only daughter, with instructions of never mentioning her origin. Thus, Nina Tai was raised in Poryatu, by Lucy and Ceorl, tavern owner and hunter, respectively. Nina knows Lucy isn't her actual mother, but she has no memories of Gwynn, except for an ever fading image of her face.

The Basics

Tai from Poryatu
Persona: Ambitious huntress
Weapon of choice: Small sword
Looks: Blue eyes, dark hair
First seen: 2008-02-15, Poryatu
Religion: personal Goddess

The Story

Not yet

Nina Tai's Roleplays