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The Mark of Earda is a successor realm to the lost realm of Aquilegia, which was itself built on the ruins of the ancient realm of Chersonis. It was founded by the Morek Empire, it is a bastion of Sanguis Astroism. Occupying the geographically unique Flow Peninsula, it forms a strong defence for the Astroist heartlands to its north. Its capital is Flowrestown.


When the Colonists arrived, they found an uneasy mix of people's inhabiting the lands. The Dominant group were of Rekjak origin, descendants of those barbarians who had originally founded Chersonis under the rule of the Cushixa Dynasty. In the intervening centuries they had becaome celebrated horse warriors on the southern plains of Morek, but had been driven south by the expansion of the Morek Empire. The next larest group were the survivors of Aquilegia. People of Dongese origin. The last group were a select group of aristocratic families who claimed direct descent from ancient Chersonis.

The colonists convened a council of all the ethnic groups, under the authority of the Morek Empire. They convinced the majority of the chiefs gathered there, that their best hope of rospering was to found a new realm sanctioned by Morek. The Colonists recognised the fighting prowess and numerical superiority of the Rekjak, and they agreed a pact with the Chieftains, that the Rekjak would accept Sanguis Astroism and allow the Colonists to lead them if the Colonists were formally adopted into the Rekjak nation with the rank of Clan Chief. That way they were able to command the tribesmen and found the nation of Earda.


As a theocracy, Aquilegia is subject to Astromancy. The position of High Inquisitor is to be appointed by the Archbishop on recommendation of the church. It is illegal with a 50 gold fine to found a new religion.


The Holy Minister of War will direct all military matters of Aquilegia in private. Orders derived from the Holy Minister will be sent out to the army by the Marshal or Vice-Marshal.

Tactics will be decided by the Marshal on the circumstance of the campaign.

The Holy Minister shall conduct the Marshal, and the Marshal shall conduct the army. This is the gist of the military sphere of Aquilegia.


  • After the plague, in the Autumn of 9 YD, Lord Bowie Ironsides was elected Holy Minister of War. He sponsored the Viper Legion of Aquilegia and demanded it uphold an image of strength, worthiness, dedication and experience. The Viper Legion was dissolved at the end of the Winter of 10 YD after defeat in the Aquilegion Civil War.


Aquilegia is a theocracy of Astromancy with a government reflecting the faith's hierarchy. The Archbishop of Aquilegia is in control of all national and international affairs, and is under no other authority other then the Church of Sanguis Astroism.

The realm is run by a College of Cardinals which is made up of the Archbishop, the High Inquisitor, the Cardinal of Finance, the Holy Minister of War, the Duke of Flowrestown and other respected and prominent nobles of the realm. The Lords of Aquilegia also have their own forum to manage the realm's bureaucracy.

The positions of Cardinal of Finances and Holy Minister of War are elected once a month. The offices of Aquilegia are held individually, which means that the ruler has no authority over the war department and the war department has no authority under the rulers department. The Cardinal of Finance has full authority over its own office and the ruler has no say over the Cardinal of Finance's trade affairs.

  • By referendum in Autumn of 10 YD, the Cardinal of Finances position is now appointed.

The High Inquisitor's Department falls under a different set of rules, the church has full authority over the High Inquisitor office and selects the High Inquisitor with the Archbishop's consent.


Aquilegia proudly hosts and sponsors two campuses of the Dwilight University and a guildhouse for the Keepers of Lore. Local culture as well as popular culture is encouraged.

The realm also celebrates seasonal festivals.