Castillo Family

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Revision as of 09:56, 24 February 2012 by Castillo (talk | contribs)

The Castillo family originates from Mattlu, in Atamara.

Pietr, Leonidas, Merkandur are the founding brothers of the Castillo dynasty. They were true warriors in their own ways.

Leonidas : He joined Talerium which was beset by enemies. Before its destruction he fled to Sirion. As second in command, and while General Romul Galmel was sick, he pleaded to the council to attack Avamar while Fontan was taking over the last city of Old Racangua; the council refused. From his own initiative, he did a fake movement to Limbar with part of the army and got reprimanded for it. But when general Romul Galmel got back from his sickness and concurred for an attack on Avamar; due to his misdirection, not one Fontan noble moved to Avamar to defend it.

Afterward, Leonidas decided to stop his career because he couldn't withstand reprimand for doing what was right. He had led the army to the greatest and single victory they had since a long time, through a clever misdirecting retreat in Tabost, he got reprimanded by the general who had ordered a losing attack.

Merkandur was Lord of Panamana where he managed to raise productivity and attract and raise population through clever tactics and special social policies. He was captured by bandits thrown the other side of the island through surely some sort of powerful magic and then immigrated to Beluaterra to help his brother Pietr in the war.

Erriedos son of Leonidas was a priest of Sirion; he was Lord of Limbar which he built back from scratch. He got captured while preaching and lost his Lordship. He became the leader of his religion to save it from complete destruction. He gave the reign of the religion to another priest, and retired in an elven temple deep in the forest. Nobody heard from him since; it is still not sure what happened to him.

Derretias son of Leonidas was a bastard son from a women with elven descent but who was a married minor noble. She told him his real roots at the death of his mother's husband.

Taervur, son of Pietr, decided to move from Beluaterra to Sirion to fight in the great war.



FB Duke.png
FB Lord.png

Sum: 7 points

FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
FB Wealth.png
Family Wealth: 2000
Sum: 6 points

FB Skill.png
Exceptional Skill
FB Legendary Hero.png
Legendary Hero
FB Unknown.png
Sum: 10 points
