Devibane Family

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The Dark Chambers of Devibane

Originating from a successful shipping company out of Hamadan, the two younger of the three siblings have emerged to represent this little known family among the nobility. The eldest sibling Zenoxban is set to take over the family business in Hamadan once it is passed down from the father. Adonis, the middle brother, set out on a ship to discover the legends of Dwilight, and to seek out the beasts he has long heard of in the stories he was told as a child. The youngest of the three, Gemini, has taken up the sword in the name of Caligus, the mighty kingdom of which his family hails.

Generations of Devibane

Pre-Generation:                                               Xemnark & Sophia        -----          Xora 
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Current  Generation:                                     Zenoxban - Adonis - Gemini                  Blank    


Current Nobles


Gemini is the youngest and most patriotic of the three. Having been a child when the wars of Caligus raged against the Yssarians, Gemini has always held a hatred for the forces standing against the Caligan crown. Now of age and knowing that the fate of his family's successful company is not in his hands, but his eldest brothers, he now takes up the sword to defend his King and Caligus.

Titles Held:

Name Gemini Devibane
Age 17 (insert image here)
Class Warrior
Honour 8
Prestige 1
Realm Caligus
Title Noble
Achievements 0 Repute 0
Chivalry 0 Notoriety 0
Integrity 0 Items 0


The middle brother who has always had a zeal for adventuring. Every time word was spread of monsters he would sneak off to watch the soldiers do battle with the mighty beasts, fascinated by the barbarian invaders. He would always pester his mother Sophia to tell him stories of the beasts that roam the wilderness of the newly discovered Dwilight. Now of age, he has successfully sailed upon one of his fathers boats to the land of beasts he has dream of as a child.

Titles Held:

Name Adonis Devinbane
Age 20 (insert image here)
Class Warrior
Honour 12
Prestige 2
Realm Kabrinskia
Title Noble
Achievements 0 Repute 0
Chivalry 0 Notoriety 0
Integrity 0 Items 0


Blank is the bastard son of Xora, whom is sister to Xemnark, father of Zenoxban, Adonis and Gemini. Though offered a home and a job within the family company in Hamadan, Blank has left the family abode to find his father, which according to his mother is a man she had been with in the mountains of Atamara on her travels. Though Blank is supported by the Devibanes and treated as family, he is not en-nobled with the Devibane name and thus travels as a commoner.

Name Blank Devibane
Age 20 Blank.jpg
Class Adventurer
Honour 1
Prestige 1
Realm Coria
Title Adventurer
Achievements 0 Repute 0
Chivalry 0 Notoriety 0
Integrity 0 Items 0