Lapallanch Family

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The Lapallanch Family originated from the city of Sirion in the East Continent. There are currently 4 active members in the family.

The Family History

The Origin

Astrian The Maestro

  • Known to be the First of the Lapallanches. The First Sword-Master of Lapallanch. He was the master of the Immoprtalis Ars (Immortal Arts) and the owner of Aestas, the Scorching Sword of Summer.

Calinthur The Traitor

  • A brother of Astrian. He betrayed Astrian and left the family. He stole the secrets of the Immortalis Ars to claim the techniques for himself but was murdered by monsters in Dwilight.

Emorea The Weaver of Destiny

  • A sister of Astrian and Calinthur. She was gifted with the power to predict future. In her dreams, gods forbade her from telling her brother of his future but when her brother asked her she told him of her visions. She was cursed for ignoring the warnings of gods and lost her vision and speech.

The Current Generation

Zakilevo Lapallanch (The Knight of the Crimson Sky, A descendant of Astrian)

  • Decided to stay in Sirion while other two sibilings left their homeland. He could never focused on one thing so he decided to learn everything without going in depth.

Selis Lapallanch (The Knight of the Azure Moon, A descendant of Astrian)

  • She left Sirion after losing a duel against Kihalin. She decided to go to Beluaterra to train her swordmanship but ended up learning about the army maneuver.

Kihalin Lapallanch (The Knight of the White Flame, A descendant of Astrian)

  • After defeating Selis in a duel he also left his homeland in search of the lost techniques of Astrian the Maestro. When he heard the lost techniques of the Immortalis Ars could be found in Dwilight, he left the land of the Elves to find them.

Yhavnir Lapallanch (The Failure, A descendant of Calinthur)

  • He found a book containing the lost arts in a monster cave but something went horribly wrong and failed to retrieve the book. Instead, ended up in monsters' stomachs.

Osilok Lapallanch (The Knight of the Lost Path, A descendant of Calinthur)

  • He left Dwilight to reach East Island where his ancestral home is located. But somehow he ended up in Far East Island. Now he has no choice but to join Arachon to survive.

Phelanch Lapallanch (The Advanturer, A descendant of Calinthur) - paused

  • He is travelling and helping people of the southern regions of the East Island. Currently knocked unconscious after an undead champion beat him to death. The champion took back the Strong Shield of the Ancients.

Duregal Lapallanch (The Knight of the Silent Scream, A descendant of Calinthur)

  • He travelled to the Far East in search of his brother Osilok, who has gone missing after joining Arcaea.

Neremia Lapallanch (The Knight of the Sorrow Edge, A descendant of Calinthur)

  • She has decided to settle in Atamara.

Active Members - Nobles Only

Zakilevo (East Continent)

 He is currently a knight of Sirion. He was the former Count of Dolmbar and Ustimbar. He was also the former Vice-Marshal of the Silver Legion and the General of Sirion. Before he joined the Silver Legion, he was a member of the Army of Sirion and the Glinmar Light Raiders. He commands cavalries once again. He served as a knight of Sirion under Sir Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion.

Lieges: Ecthelion Tezokian

Character Information
Age 31
Honour 256
Prestige 34
Class Warrior / Cavalier
Realm Sirion
Title Knight of Sirion
Liege Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion
Physical Information
Height 178 cm
Hair Black
Eyes Heterochromia Iridis (Purple/Dark Blue)

-Knight of Sirion (Sirion), Vice-Marshal of the Glinmar Light Raiders (Sirion), Vice-Marshal of the Silver Legion (Sirion), Count of Ustimbar(Sirion), Count of Dolmbar (Sirion), General (Sirion)

Selis (Beluaterra)

 She is a knight of Enweil. She used to be a member of Bara'Khur and Fronen. Her loyalty lies with Sir Matija Stublic. She was elected as the new Field Marshal of Enweil to lead the Army of Fengen against Riombara. Once the fifth invasion started, she became the commander of the allied armies of the South against the daimons.

Lieges: Matija Stublic >> Igor Zepplins

Character Information
Honour 157
Prestige 33
Class Warrior
Realm Enweil
Title Field Marshal/Marshal of the Army of Fengen
Liege Igor Zepplins, Duke of Fengen
Physical Information
Height 174 cm
Hair Dark Blue
Eyes Heterochromia Iridis (Purple Hazel, Blue Hazel)

-Knight of Verdomite (Bara'Khur), Knight of Verdomite (Fronen), Savia dulla Guerra (Fronen), Knight of Vur Hagin (Fronen), Knight of Fengen (Enweil), Field Marshal (Enweil), Marshal of The Army of Fengen (Enweil)

Kihalin (Dwilight)

 He is the Duke of Shrine of Seeklander and one of the best swordsmen in Astrum. He was a member of the Warders of the Island Citadel, Marshal and Vice-Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars. He commands infantrymen. The first noble of Astrum to win a sword-fight tournament.

Lieges: Sergio Mozzoni >> Brance Indirik

Character Information
Honour 219
Prestige 37
Class Warrior/Cavalier
Realm Astrum
Title Duke of Shrine of Seeklander
Liege Sir Brance Indirik, Vasilif of Astrum, Duke of Libidizedd
Physical Information
Height 184 cm
Hair Silver
Eyes Heterochromia Iridis (Blue Hazel, Grey Hazel)

-A knight of Chrysantalys (Astrum), Baron of Chrysantalys Mines (Astrum), Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars (Astrum), Vice-Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars (Astrum), Duke of Shrine of Seeklander (Astrum)

Duregal (Far East)

 He is a knight of Enlod. His liege is Melehan Lefanis, Duke of Enlod. He was a knight of Athios and his former liege was Azgath Cyrith, Viscount of Athios. He sided with Duke Melehan during the Five Rebellion Crisis against Farnese and Rodiriz. After the rebellion, Count Wilson betrayed Arcachon to join Arcaea to bring destruction upon Arcachon. Duregal became the new Treasurer of Arcachon soon after the fifth rebellion and Arcaea's retreat. Duregal now plans to join Principality of Zonasa.

Lieges: Azgath Cyrith >> Melehan Lefanis >> Wilhelm Altenahr

Character Information
Honour 49
Prestige 21
Class Warrior
Realm Arcachon
Title A knight of Enlod
Liege Wilhelm Altenahr
Physical Information
Height 191 cm
Hair Blonde
Eyes Red

-A knight of Athios (Arcaea), A knight of Enlod (Arcachon), Treasurer (Arcachon)

Family Graveyard

Yhavnir Lapallanch (Eaten by monsters)

Osilok Lapallanch (Died after being poisoned while in the prison of Arcaea)


Lapallanch Family

FB General.png
(Selis, Zakilevo)
FB Banker.png
FB Duke.png
FB Lord.png
(Kihalin, Zakilevo)
Sum: 5 points

FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
FB Wealth.png
Family Wealth: 2000
Sum: 6 points

FB Tournament Champion.png
Tournament Champion
Unique Item
FB Investment.png
Family Investment
(Kiahlin, Zakilevo, Selis)
Sum: 5 points

Sum: 0 points

FB Skill.png
Exceptional Skill
FB Skill.png
Exceptional Skill
Sum: At least 2 point

FB Unknown.png
Sum: At most 3 points

Total: 21 points

Four Artifacts of Seasons

Ver - Goddess Jephia, governs life,  wind, grace, and spring. - Earth

The Brutal Cape of Spring (Ventus). It grants the owner with infinite stamina. The owner of the cape becomes capricious.

The Chant

Goddess Jephia of Spring,
The breathe of life,
The mother of all winds,
Shall lift thee higher than the sky.

Begins with the gentle whisper,
Ends with the brutal storm,
The wind of change will come.

Ver, the Brutal Cape of Spring,
Shall change the world,
With the eternal grace.

Aestas- Goddess Aphe, governs battlefield, victory, glory, valor, and summer. - Sky

The Scorching Sword of Summer (Caelum). It grants the owner the power to destroys everything in its path. The owner of the sword becomes aggressive.

The Chant

Goddess Aphe of Summer,
The governor of the battlefield,
Who blesses the victors with glory,
Will illuminate thy path.

May thee be praised,
The vanquisher of her enemies.
Over the deads,
Over the horizon of death,
Thee have won the eternal victory.

Aestas, the Scorching Sword of Summer,
Shall reign over the world,
With the eternal glory.

Autumnus - Goddess Vespera, governs destruction, despair, fear, and Autumn. - Hell

The Ruining Shield of Autumn (Abyssus).  It absorts any type of energy to strengthen the body of its owner turning him immortal at the end. The owner of the shield becomes weary of life and masochistic.

The Chant

Goddess Vespera of Autumn,
The rose redder than blood,
Who curses her enemies with despiar and destruction,
Will bring ruin upon thy enemies.

Worship the goddess who reign 
the blue sky with her mighty wings,
Fear those who oppose her.

Autumnus, the Ruining shield of Autumn,
Shall devour the heart of the world,
With the eternal depair.

Hiems - Goddess Rethia, governs destiny, death, sorrow, and winter. - Man

The Cruel Armour of Winter (Hominis). It protects the owner from any kind of physical harm. The owner's bloodline becomes diseased - suffering from the 'winter sickness'. Victims slowly go insane. Only the owner will be spared (Even the owner will die slowly as the armour devours the mind of its owner).

The Chant

Goddess Rethia of Winter,
The weaver of destiny,
The deathbringer,
Will decide thy destiny.

Even the Scorching Summer,
Even the Ruining Autumn,
Yield before the Cruelty of Winter.

Hiems, the Cruel Armour of Winter,
Shall decide the destiny of the world,
With the eternal sorrow.


Astalos Wyenslath - (Test run Character) - Should have gotten more protection spells. Totally forgot about them. Oh well...

Nine Gods of the Pantheon of Aeros

The Followers of Nierossa