Sandalak (Old SEI)

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Sandalak is an Enlightened Dictatorship, currently ruled by His Divine Highness Boswick I.

Sandalak currently has a ceasefire with Taselak while both realms concentrate on the destruction of Ikalak. Once the latter is complete, it is the aim of Sandalak to hold all regions of the South-East Island in its loving hold.

All nobles who take the oath of allegiance and prove their loyalty are likely to find themselves a welcoming realm. There is plenty of activity for a noble to quietly and efficiently go about their duty, and a seat on the extended council or a prominent position in the realm for those with the ability and desire to serve.

The official island-wide newspaper of Sandalak is the Sandalak Sleuth which, with the help of the Office of Information, aims to provide unbiased and accurate reporting for the benefit of all in the South East Island.

Council of Sandalak (Official and Honourary positions)

Official Council

  • Boswick I, Ruler of all Sandalak
  • Sebastian, General of Sandalak, Marshal of the Army of Sandalak
  • Sheldar, Judge of Sandalak

Honourary Positions

  • Little Ogre, Minister of Dictatorial Security
  • Keyser, Minister of Propaganda
  • Various council members and region lords


Office of Dictatorial Security

This office, headed by Little Ogre, is responsible for the security of the memory, rulings and body of His Divine Highness. This includes, but is not limited to, responsibilities such as:

  • Acting as a bodyguard for HDH Boswick I when necessary
  • Crushing internal and external resistance to the enlightened rule of HDH
  • Reducing the population of overpopulated enemy regions
  • Disposal (consumption?) of bodies after battles, surplus population eliminations (see above)

Office of Information

The Office of Information concerns itself with the management of information, such as:

  • The release of information to third parties, island-wide, etc
  • Re-education programs for those trappd by Ikalak propaganda
  • Funding, staffing and general management of the Sandalak Sleuth

In addition to these duties, the Office of Information manages the various medals adopted by the people of Sandalak to recognise their greatest nobles.

Medals of Sandalak

In order to recognise nobles who have proven themselves in various acts of bravery or competence, various awards are granted to nobles of Sandalak.

Patches are worn across the breast. Medals which have a patch added are worn just below any awarded patches, forming simultaneously a last row of patches and first row of medals. Medals, with some exceptions, are worn to make a second row in conjunction with the above. This is to be followed at all times unless the discrepancy in the number of medals is high, in which case medals from a lower row may be moved upwards to bring a higher level of symmetry.

OOC: These medals are purely RP devices for Sandalak. They mean nothing outside of Sandalak, and do not affect anything except roleplay. You will recieve no recognition in another realm if your character should leave to another realm; no tax benefit, etc.

Abykal Campaign medals

Liberator of Abykal


This medal awarded to those that participated in the liberation of Abykal from Ikalak.

Defender of Abykal


This patch awarded to those that participated in the great battle in Abykal which saw a numerically inferior Sandalak force rout all but the rearguard of the Ikalak army.

Defender of Abykal with Bar


This patch awarded to those that participated in the battle and were wounded or captured.

Defender/Liberator of Abykal | Defender/Liberator of Abykal with Bar


This medal/patch combination awarded to those that recieved decoration for multiple awards as above.

See also: Recipients of Abykal Campaign medals

Taselak Campaign Medals

First Battle of Ikalak Medal

Awarded to those that were in the first wave into Ikalak City.

First Battle of Ikalak Medal and Patch

Awarded to those that risked themselves during battle, whether for capture or savage and brutal wounding.

Conqueror of Ikalak Medal

For those that fought to crush the last remnant of the Ikalak filth from the South East Island.

Conqueror of Ikalak Star

For those that so zealously served that they were injured in service for the above.

Defender of Sandalak City Medal/Star

For those that broke the hordes of Taselak on the walls of Sandalak City. Star awarded for the injured.

See also: Recipients of Taselak Campaign medals

Service Medals

Scout's Patch

Awarded for scouting in enemy territory for an extended period of time.

Scout's Patch with Bar

Awarded for being captured or wounded while scouting in enemy territory.

Civil Service Medal

For those lords and others who have passed up chances for immortal glory in battle to serve the realm in maintenance and other ways.

Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded for notable service in the army of Sandalak (loyalty, bravery, spirit, reliablity etc).

Order of Gloria Memorium

Awarded to those heroes that have fallen in battle for the glory of Sandalak.

Hero of Sandalak

The Hero of Sandalak is both an honourary title and Sandalak's highest honour. It is awarded simultaneously with the Distinguished Service medal, as well as the people of Sandalak's heartfelt gratitude.

See also: Recipients of Service medals

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