RealmBox Project

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This page will be the home of a new project, inspired by Bishamon Family's request for a new realm infobox template. Our goal is to create a configurable, modular template system that allows someone to create whatever style realm infobox they want using individual, standardized pieces. The other inspiration for this project is the Fame Box system developed by Gsklee. The modular approach should allow each person using the template to include or exclude whatever parts of the infobox they want. Does your realm not have a battle flag? Then leave that part out. Do you want all of your realm's major religions listed? Put them in. Whatever you want, you can have.

The general style of infobox we are going for is something along the lines of that created by Arylon for Everguard. We want the configurable background colors, border colors, and font colors, combined with the flexibility of mix-and-match pieces. That way each realm or user won't have to create their own template that only gets used once.

It is quite possible that this system will take quite a while to complete, so don't look for it to get done in the next couple days, or even weeks. Feel free to add your own comments, or jump in with suggestions over on the talk page.

The Goal

If you were to take a look at all of the existing realm infobox templates, you would instantly notice that most of them are extremely similar, only differing by a title, a color, or one or two pieces of minor information. Many of them were probably created by people who didn't understand the template concept. Rather than create a true template that could be customized and reused by anyone, most people created yet another page that would do what they wanted, and nothing else. Most of them have no information about what parameters the template supports, or what kinds of things you can put in them. Well, RealmBox will be different. We'll provide a complete list of all the parameters, all the options, and... *gasp* ...we'll even provide instructions! Step by step instructions on how to add the RealmBox templates to your realm page will be essential for the widespread adoption of the RealmBox templates. But we won't stop there, we'll give sample designs and layouts, too! That way you don't have to figure out how a template works. You can just copy one of our pre-made designs and tweak a couple things to make it your own. We hope to have enough options that people won't feel obligated to make their own template to do something that the RealmBox can't.

Project Planning

This is a place to layout and detail the various configurable parameters for the project. Think of it as a sort of design document.


This is where you can go to find out how to implement a realmbox yourself. This includes a full listing of the various blocks you can use for your own RealmBox. We also provide links to the block templates where you can find a complete listing of all of the parameters supported by the block, including the default values for each.


This is where you can find samples of completed realmboxes that you can copy and paste onto your own page, avoiding the need to customize a realmbox yourself. There are also links to actual pages that use RealmBox templates.

Customizing RealmBox

One of the neatest things about the RealmBox is that even though you can implement it with very little work, you can also go crazy and make it do almost anything you could possibly want. Here you'll find some of the more extreme things you can do with the RealmBox. If you think you have a clever and innovative use for a RealmBox, then feel free to add your own to the gallery.

List of Templates

The following templates are part of the the RealmBox system.

The Sandbox

This is where I do a lot of testing.

Existing Realm Infoboxes

These are some of the existing infobox templates being used now by various realms. This list does not include those infoboxes that are custom made to only work for a specific realm. This is, of course, by no means a complete list. These are only the ones that were easy to find. Some of them are not used anywhere.