RealmBox Project/Customizing
While being targeted specifically to replace the hodgepodge of realm infoboxes, RealmBox is actually a very powerful and flexible system for displaying boxes of all sorts. Think of the initials "RB" as standing for "RealmBox", "RegionBox", "ReligionBox", etc. Anything that you want a box for, you can use RealmBox templates to make.
RealmBox templates can easily be used to create the region infoboxes that many people use. For example:
{{RBTop |Align = none |BorderStyle = hidden |BackColor = #DDDDDD |Width = 300px}} {{RBTitle |BackColor = #EFB202 |BorderBottomStyle = hidden |Text = Castle Ubent}} {{RBRegion |BorderBottomStyle = hidden |BackColor = #DDDDDD |World = 1 |RegionID = 102}} {{RBTitle |BackColor = #EFB202 |BorderBottomStyle = hidden |Text = Allegiance}} {{RBDouble |CellAlign = left |BackColor = #DDDDDD |BorderBottomStyle = hidden |BorderCenterStyle = hidden |Left = Realm<br>Duchy<br>Lord |Right = [[Perdan]]<br>Castle Ubent<br>[[Indirik Family/Balkeese|Balkeese Indirik]]}} {{RBTitle |BackColor = #EFB202 |BorderBottomStyle = hidden |Text = Statistics}} {{RBDouble |CellAlign = left |BackColor = #DDDDDD |BorderCenterStyle = hidden |Left = Type<br>Population<br>Gold<br>Food<br>Weather |Right = Stronghold<br>11,0000<br>301<br>328<br>South Highlands}} {{RBBottom}}
Produces this:
With a bit of creativity, you can create a very sinister RealmBox for your religion, like this: *pokes Chénier*
{{RBTop |Align = left |Border = 3px |BorderColor = #CC0000}} {{RBTitle |BackColor = #CC0000 |TextColor = Black |BorderBottomStyle = hidden |Text = The Blood Cult}} {{RBImage |BackColor = #000000 |TextWeight = bold |TextStyle = normal |TextSize= = 100% |TextColor = gray |BorderBottomStyle = hidden |Image = Aztec Sun Stone.jpg |Caption = Xunaotl, mother of all men.}} {{RBSingle |BackColor = #000000 |BorderBottomColor = #CC0000 |BorderBottomWeight = 1px}} {{RBDouble |BackColor = #000000 |CellAlign = Left |BorderBottomStyle = hidden |BorderCenterStyle = hidden |TextColor = gray |Left = Island |Right = Beluaterra}} {{RBDouble |BackColor = #000000 |CellAlign = Left |BorderBottomStyle = hidden |BorderCenterStyle = hidden |TextColor = gray |Left = Founding Temple |Right = Coness}} {{RBSingle |BackColor = #000000 |BorderBottomColor = #CC0000 |BorderBottomWeight = 1px}} {{RBImage |BackColor = #000000 |TextWeight = normal |TextStyle = normal |TextSize= = 90% |BorderBottomStyle = hidden |TextColor = gray |Image = Aztec Sun Medium.jpeg |Caption = With the church as its heart<br>and the followers as its veins,<br>our faith shall flow throughout these lands.}} {{RBImage |BackColor = #000000 |TextWeight = normal |TextStyle = normal |TextSize= = 90% |TextColor = gray |Image = BloodCultSpread Overall.png |Caption = Distribution of the Faithful}} {{RBBottom}}
Produces this:
![]() Distribution of the Faithful |