Bluelake Family/Ilya

From BattleMaster Wiki
Ilya Bluelake
{{{main title}}}
First seen: 2007-06-13, Menedor
Status: {{{status}}}
Class: Mentor
Continent: {{{continent}}}
Realm: Falasan
Titles: {{{titles}}}
Age: 27
Physical: {{{height and weight}}}
Eyes: {{{eyes}}}
Hair: {{{hair}}}
Religion: Magna Serpaensism
Guilds: The Perfect Guild, Spirit of Falasan, Skat Players' Association

Raised to be the heir of the family, when her brother was born she did not gave up the military training and decided to serve the realm as a knight. Holds a deep loyalty towards Falasan, and, over time, learned to control her temper, growing to be a calm and respectful woman. Believes in honor and compassion. Currently married to Willem Tinsley, with whom she has two children. During the war against Cagilan Empire, Talerium and Tara, Ilya was elected Queen of her beloved realm.

The Basics

  • A somewhat tall woman, enough to look the majority of men leveled in the eyes, yet without imposing her presence so much as to be frightening. A smart woman, she knows how to work her appearance as to give the desired impression on people.
  • Her hair is a light tone of brown, long, falling around her waist. She likes to use it tied in many different ways, so it won't get in her way on battle or other duties.
  • Eyes are in a light honeysh tone, one would say the colour of the honey made from orange flowers, beautiful, honest eyes.
  • Her body is strong, but slim. Her build indicates that she prefers the arch to the sword. Her will is firm, and she knows how to tame horses very well, though not as well as Vanya. Her favourite sense is hearing, for is what keeps her feet on the ground while her eyes look for the prey when she has a bow on her hands.
  • Titles Held: Dame of Menedor, Baroness of Nazia, Dame of Barad Gardor

The Story

Ilya started in Falasan as a Dame of Menedor, the first of her family to take the path of the sword. Her parents only had girls for children, and soon they realized they were the ones to inherit their property. Thus, the girls were raised to know many subjects only known to men: sword fighting, writing, basics of military strategy, how to deal with soldiers, and not to bend their heads to men. Ilya always preferred the bow to the sword, and enjoyed spending time with the recruits at her father's manor, training. She was utterly relieved when her brother was born, when she was 10 years old, for she could now take her time to be who she wanted, and turned into a knight as soon as she could. Her first unit was the Ilya's Eagles, composed of archers, that were later on turned into militia to protect Menedor.

Among the first people who greeted her on her first days in duty was Willem, also from Menedor. He gave her advice on how to deal with her men so they would listen to her better, soon they were friends, and even sooner they were more than friends. The time passed, Ilya joined the Black Army, where Willem was already, Willem became Marquis of Amdor, and, later on, Ilya became Baroness of Nazia.

It was only after that that Willem proposed to Ilya and they were betrothed. The wedding took place in the first tournament Falasan saw in a long time, in Tucha, hosted by Duke Fatih. During the war against Cagilan Empire, Willem gifted Ilya with a sublime accessory, the Elemental Ring of Life, with a small game for her to find out, and a sweet surprise at the end. Later in the same war, the baroness decided to wear the garments of mentor instead of a knight. This also came with the wish of spending longer times at home, having found out that she was expecting. The couple was quite glad from such news, though worried, for there were still battles to be fought and they worried of what would be of the child in case of happening the worst.

The birth happened in Nazia, on the Motosuwa Manor, where actually two babies were born. The girl, strong and outspoken, was named Alice, and the boy, serious and smart, was named Gavin Drake, for he was born under the protection of the Nazian Dragon. By this time Willem was already the new Duke of Barad Gardor.

The children were about two years old when King Jambo Lamonte decided to retire from the diplomatic front and stepped down. There was a long week of serious consideration, after a suggestion from her husband, and Ilya decided to run for Queen, despite her young 27 years old. There was some discussion between herself and one other candidate, and the lady was elected. Her major objective was to pursue peace with dignity for Falasan, and the first busy days at office showed it wouldn't be as simple as she had first thought...

Ilya's Roleplays