Talk:The Rampant Lion

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Active with TRL: Robert Croson aka Balkeese Indirik -|- Kylie aka Evangeline of Uceek -|- Ben Tremblay aka Simonix of Montfort -|-

More old comments removed. --Indirik 14:29, 3 April 2007 (CEST)

LoF/Fontan skirmishes?

Second possible reason, the unexplained attacks across the LoF/Fontan border on murderous settings. Seems Fontan held a referendum on whether they should declare war for this reason, which returned a resounding, almost unanimous 'yes'. Are a few unordered skirmishes the reason for destroying Light of Fountain? Maybe more palpable.

It should be noted that Fontan also launched these "unordered" attacks, even before LoF had. So really, that might be the reasoning to crush Fontan. Hint hint. --The1exile 09:59, 3 April 2007 (CEST)

There is a "fifth" possible reason..the one where LoF did not vacate regions she promised to vacate in that said treaty that gave LoF this legitimacy your newspaper claims the realm has. This conflict is Fontanese anyway you want to look at it...the Lofers are/were Fontanese...and brother on brother violence is too often extremely brutal, may the peasants live to see another day from the potential onslaught that awaits there normally peaceful lives. I fear for those that do not fight for a living, that will surely die in the crossfires between what one party says Fontan is, and another that says what it could be. Whatever gets decided, should be decided by the "Fontanese," Lofers or the Democratic Fontanese. Doc

I believe LoF offered to relocate to Westmoor, but Fontan is not interested. There was no timeframe on the treaty and there is no available cities for Light of Fountain to relocate to. A year ago Fontan decided to accept the realm of Light of Fountain by signing a treaty for perpetuity until a city became available for their relocation. Come on Doc, what's the value of a signed treaty these days anyway? -- Thegep 12:43, 3 April 2007 (CEST)

It is precisely because there was no time limit, that this whole thing happened. When I first read the bloody thing, I said it was too loose and flexible, and that it would be problematic if LoF didn't budge from her spot. During the times of war, LoF had the opportunity--to my understanding--early on to acquire a Perdanite City with Fontan's help. LoF wasn't interested. Then things ran their course, and Fontan no longer had any enemies left...and LoF...never chose a spot she wanted to try and 'colonize' so to speak. This is the problem with a realm that is created overnight. Nobody wants her in "their yard," and often times not in their "neighbor's yard" either. LoF is in a pickle...but time will tell what happens next. Either a new treaty, or obliteration of something that never should have been in my opinion (I am against 90% of all secessions/rebellions because I was raised to be a law abiding/promoting citizen). Doc

The treaty did not dictate that LoF had to war who Fontan wanted them to. It could be that they liked Perdan, that they had more honour than to join in a 4 vs 1 war (some do believe uneven wars are dishonourable). Indeed, absolutely I am against all secessions and rebellions as well. But not so much as I am against holding a realm at bay with a false treaty for a year while other wars were fought, using it to demand a region (Negev) and then a month later saying it is no longer valid. Too often we see Fontan do this. What I would've liked to see is Fontan telling LoF from its inception that it was not acceptable and it was an illegit realm. Instead, they validated LoF by dealing a peace treaty with them, in which both realm are now bound. If the treaty was poorly worded it is not LoF's fault, although they did generously offer to renegotiate with Fontan. -- Thegep 00:06, 4 April 2007 (CEST)

Fontan offered a home for KI refugees

Further to the reference in the "Why has Fontan declared war on Light of Fountain?" article. Here is an except of Lalakis discussing the refugee offer to the island nobles from Fontan:

"According to the reports it seems that Fontan will soon fight against Perdan. So, this is an option. Moreover Fontan had proposed to Lady Indira a movement of us there under some certain guarantees (nothing that doesnt make sense...loyalty to Fontan and such)." - Lalakis, discussing with his realm where to seek refuge (torture report).


almost everyone has maintained that the entire Continent appears to be stagnated with Federations and Alliances that has deadlocked every realm into a perpetual ceasefire.

This seems very simialar to Atamara, some months ago. Tourney after tourney, and everyone haveing friends with each other. Then it all fell apart with every realm wanting to get in on the act. Dont worry someone will soon betray someone else :D ScottSabin 11:02, 30 April 2007 (CEST)

God, I hope so. This stagnation is utterly boring. Hynes 01:21, 4 May 2007 (CEST)

With Fontan recapturing even more land from Light of Fountain, the overwhelming majority of the continent will be locked in a massive federated alliance. At this point, Light of Fountain is nerarly the only realm that *can* have war declared on it. (Not counting Ubent. But anyone declaring war on Ubent... Let's just say it would be more of a police action than a war.) --Indirik 03:59, 4 May 2007 (CEST)