The TattleMaster

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The TattleMaster is BattleMaster's first, and only, OOC newspaper dedicated to discussions about the game of BattleMaster itself. Here you will find information regarding bugfixes, new features, changes in game mechanics, and probably even a few FAQs and interviews.
Dwilight Contest Winners AnnouncedSeptember 27, 2007
Tom has announced the winners of the Dwilight Realm Banner Contest. You can view the winning entries here. Congratulations to the winners, and to all the other contestants.
New Experimental Trade System on TestingSeptember 27, 2007
A new experimental trade system has been made available on Testing islands. This new system allows region lords to send out caravans to other regions to sell or buy food, without the need for a trader. The new system is experimental, and the trades will not actually happen. You can read Tom's message here.
Council Position Holders are now Imperial KnightsSeptember 10, 2007
A recent unannounced change to the game is that all characters holding council positions are now automatically set as Imperial Knights, and cannot swear oaths to a region lord. As a result, if a council member is a region lord that region is automatically an Imperial region. This is due to the fact that being a part of a duchy entails an oath of fealty to the duke, and council members cannot have an oath of fealty to anyone other than the ruler.
Banner Contest Closed to New Submissions!September 5, 2007
The Dwilight Realm Banner Contest has been closed to all further submissions. Tom has revealed the finalists. Head on over to the Talk page and voice your opinion on which banners should be chosen as the winners.

October 1, 2007
Bug #3664 - The disappearing army bug has been fixed.

September 25, 2007
Bug #3622 - Random inability to enter secret societies has been fixed.

September 22, 2007
Bug #3664 - Armies on all islands and realms have disappeared. Nobles are no longer members of any armies. Armies that are created disappear at the next turn change.

September 20, 2007
Bug #3622 - Prospective members are randomly denied entrance to secret societies with the message "There is no guild house for this guild here."

September 19, 2007
The new tabularized scout reports and region details are now active on stable islands.

September 17, 2007
On testing, regional taxes can no longer be changed arbitrarily, but have to be raised or lowered slowly.

September 17, 2007
Bug #3518 - Defending troops leaving the walls in battle has been fixed.

September 14, 2007
Bug #3607 - Taxes not being distributed has been fixed.

September 13, 2007
Bug #3607 - Taxes in many realms are not being distributed on tax day.

September 13, 2007
Bug #3577 - Ruler elections are fixed, and working properly once again.

September 11, 2007
The new, tabularized scout report format is now the standard format on testing islands.

September 11, 2007
Tax gold sent from regions to the realm is now subject to the "...overhead and the waste of a luxurious royal court...". The more gold that is sent from the regions to the realm, the greater the "Royal court expenditures" that will deducted off the top from the realm tax collection.

September 10, 2007
Bug #3590 - Time stamps are now included on outgoing messages on testing islands.

September 10, 2007
Bug #3577 - Ruler elections are not working properly. When a new ruler is to be elected, the results are not announced, and the new ruler does not get appointed. This apparently also affects the appointment of council positions for those that are not elected.

September 10, 2007
Bug #3515 - The big secession/joining realm/immigrating bug has been fixed.

September 4, 2007
Bug #3498 - Family names now appear in the signatures of messages sent by characters on all islands.

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