
From BattleMaster Wiki


For members of Abington...

Concerning Witches:

There are rumors afoot of witches causing the Undead and Monsters outbreaks

in Abington.

Here you will find a list of articles as they are dug up on Abington's past dealings

with witches. Also you can find the reporting of one witch hunter. (please feel free to start seperate sections for your witch hunts)

If in your travels you find anything pertaining to witches please post that

information here and with all of our efforts we may be able to find a solution to the

problem that has been plaging Abington.


Here is a compiling of Reports from Neriss Frolancer:

The Beginning

I think that the usual explanation of the monster and undead problems we have in

Abington may not be from the Darkan Necromancy that we are all

accustomed to hearing of.

I think there may be witches here in Abington among us now at this very moment. I

am not sure how to go about looking for the said witch but whilst in the Suville

Temple I saw a face in the window that was watching me the other night. I was unsure

of what to think of this face so I looked into the history books that are contained

here in Suville and low and behold there was a small article about witches that

dated back some 350 years or so.

The signs that were reported there are similar to the state of affairs here in

Abington now. Plagues of the undead and monsters are constantly walking

around our towns and villages.

Something must be done about this and I think we are probably just the group to deal

with this.

I will keep you all updated as I investigate with the locals on my travels of any

strange happenings that may be abound.

At the Service of Abington 06/06/2007

Report 1: Witches of Abington

It seems that a few pesants here have seen strange things occur outside of the small

villages. There are stories about some people who live out in the woods worshiping

the gods of death.

When Caroline and I ventured out ot investigate we found evidence that there were

fires recently built in a small circle outcrop of rocks found just off the coast of

the region about 15 miles south of the bridge to Suville. We have noted these

findings and hopefully can isolate more information in Webgard.

I may be forced to inform some others in the realm of these happenings, although I

fear that some of them could be involved in the mayhem. SO please feel free to let

your confidants be privy to this information, but let it stop with them. We do not

need to incite a panic or a witch hunt with the locals.

At the Service of Abington 06/08/2007

Newspaper Articles

This is a collection of News articles that have turned up indicating an awe inspiring

look into Abington's Witch History.

"..." reresent parts of the article that are either missing or unable to be read

due to age

of the document)

Suville Courier, October 15, 175...

...has come to our attention that something strange is happening in the city. There


been a few appearances of creatures that seemed to have once been human but now

appear to

only be half rotted bodies of men and women who...

The Suville Courier will keep you updated as this event unfolds.

Suville Courier, November 27, 1758

It seems that this outbreak has finally been contained...

Suville Courier, December 25, 17...

...sources relate their findings to a group of women who were spotted dancing around

a fire. At first the man decided to try and seek help from the cold but when he was

close enough to realize what the group of women were doing, he ducked back under the

cover of the forest. John could not continue to watch the horrible deeds. He was

discovered on a road 15 miles out from the city by some travelers and was nearly

frozen to death.

He was able to relate the sights he saw to us later only in minor detail. His hair

had been turned completely white from fear...

The Abington press Spring 1759

Witches runing loose in Abington?

Many reports of creatures who appear to be dead people have been reported throughout

the realm of Abington. No one is actually able to decide where the creatures are

coming from but there are some people who seem to think there is black magic


One person told The Abington Press about a group of Stones that seemed to have

been made into a circle with fire pits enclosed within...

..There are many of these formations popping up through out the counrtysides of

Abington, it seems as though these rock circles may be...

Look forward to the upcoming months as they will be bringing us an excellent year for


The Abington press Harvest 1759

Will Abington survive the Winter months?

All the major crops were destroyed this summer, and every time the year seemed to be

looking up there was another drought or a flood. What sort of evil could be plauging

the towns across Atamara and be driving these shortages...

...are still wondering if there is reason to believe that the rock outcroppings found

outside the city of Suville last year have had anything to contribute to the...

...The Abington Press will try to kep you informed of what has been happening to

our fields as we close out the worst harvest in Abington history.

The Suville Courier August 29, 1759

...Out of no where they were everywhere". These were the words of one man in

Sudfern. It seems that Glassinn was not the only place because reports abou

this ocurance spread from all over Abington.

The Abington Press

Spring 1760

The trial is over. All of the witches have been burned at the stake. 8 of

them to be exact. Their ashes have been spread throughout Abington in various

places. The followers of these witches were nothing but teenage girls, who have all

be beheaded and then their bodies burned as well, their numbers totaling 38.

The bones of the witches would not burn so the skeletons have been disposed of in the

ocean. All of the remains were brought to Suville and dumped off of the highest

cliff into the seas. It is the hope of the Abington press that Abington will

never have to endure a trial such as this again.

Undead ACtivity rising in Abington

Correspondance between member of Abington telling of the Undead arrival.

Letter from Lion El'Jonson

My brother in Eastern Continent has sent disturbing news about undead hordes

appearing all over Eastern Continent and unlike the mindless walking corpses we are

so use to dealing with, they seem to be capable of speech and much more pooweful.

Would it be purden for us to reserve a larger portion of our military to patrol our

regions? Abington does have a rather long shoreline... Lion El'Jonson (Noble)

Letter from Damian

Sir Lion El'Jonson, say again, the Eastern Continent? I had heard rumours of this in

BT, but they have appeared in the East as well? Damian High Marshal of Abington, Count of Dorton

Letter from Lion El'Jonson

High Marshal Damian, My younger brother Corax was making preparations to leave for BT after hearing news

of unholy abominations there, a days ago however, he sent me a letter telling me that

he will no longer need to brave the open seas to BT in search of these abomination

because undead hordes of unusual numbers and strength has been sighted in the

northern and central regions of EC.

That fool seems to be quite excited and he is now on his way to join the northern

realms so that he is closer to whatever chaos that may happen following these

sighting. Lion El'Jonson (Noble)

Letter from Damian

And, to be clear, the undead in the East also have spokesmen? Damian High Marshal of Abington, Count of Dorton

Letter from Valkin

I have also received word from my brother in the East Continent. The simpleton was

spouting some foolish nonsense about the apocalypse and the end of the world. He

writes about once a year, and this time only to deliver me a scribbled 'note of

warning', written like he was a madman.

Bah! I don't think we should concern ourselves with such cataclysmic prophecy-talk.

We have real problems to occupy us, such as CE, so let's not waste our precious time

and resources of matters which are totally unsubstantiated by the scriptures of any

respectable religion.

Let's be off to war, I say! I look forward to seeing CE's confusion when they see us

bearing down upon them, thinking we're the 'demonic horde'! Jolly good, and huzzah! Valkin (Knight of Matakonis)

Letter from Lion El'Jonson

Yes High Marshal, although my brother claim that the only word that is familiar is

"Beluaterra". Lion El'Jonson (Noble)

Letter from Damian

This is dire news indeed...The greater undead hordes have long reserved themselves

for one and only one island. If they are spreading to even the ancient East

Continent, we may well be facing problems of our own soon.

Prophets and Priests of all the religions in Abington, can you consult your oracles

or the like for any word on whether we may expect such attentions ourselves? Damian High Marshal of Abington, Count of Dorton

Letter from Lion El'Jonson

High Marshal Damian, May I propose the scouting of all our regions everyday for at least a few days to

ensure that none of these undead hordes are in Abington. I am currently in Washford

assisting with some maintenance work but I will be able to cover Werdham and Washford

with my scouts. Lion El'Jonson (Noble)

Letter from Yvaeni

I too have heard of this monsters and undead uprising in the East Continent. They

have communicated with the leaders there, and according to my brother, a Marshall has

acquired some form of scripture with which he can decipher the words of the monsters.

They sound very cryptic, and they claim to be searching for a few items of immense

power, and claimed that they have no intent on hurting any innocents.

This might be a bad time to go to war, I say... Yvaeni (Knight of Suville)

Letter from Valkin

Well, I appears that there's priests out there in other parts of the world who have

far too much time on their hands, playing around with deciphering the gibberish that

a few walking corpses might mutter in their dead stupidity. I know undead, I have

fought them many times. They are weak and easily broken to pieces by a cavalry charge

or two. Valkin (Knight of Matakonis)

Letter from Xuanye

I've heard from my brother on Beluaterra that the undead this time seems far, far

stronger than the variety we've seen so far.

Let's hope they don't come to Atamara. If they do.... we'll be pretty busy, I think. Xuanye (Knight of Dampinn)

Roleplay from Ksenia

Message sent to everyone in your realm (161 recipients) Ksenia sat alone in the Aristoi shrine she had so recently helped to erect. Why are

we being plagued by so many monsters and undead as of late? Perhaps my faith is not

strong enough? I must put more faith in this region! The undead MUST be coming

because they sense that the Aristoi faith is weak here. This is all my fault. I am

sure that if there were more Aristoi believers in Abington, the undead and monsters

would not dare plague us so. With these thoughts in the forefront of her mind, Ksenia

set out to pray with the people for signs of coming threats.

After three hours of vigorous preaching and rituals, the Gods graced her with this

message. The signs and the commoners tell you that undead are a nuissance in this


What?, she thought. That is all they will tell me? Perhaps three hours is not enough

time to properly determine incoming doom. But after all it was my first try and I am

still new to my faith. Next time I shall work harder with them. I will do whatever it

takes to save Abington from these unholy threats.

And with that Ksenia set off with her new resolve to spread the Aristoi faith and

save Abington. Ksenia (Priest of Aristoi Atamarism)

The Undead Arrive

Letter from Illyrien

Im currently in Sudfern, there are 52 Undead here.

Anybody that can come here and aid in the fight? Illyrien Marquis of Webgard

Request from Darkwind

Requesting immediate assistance! An undead horde (known as Meandering) has appeared in Glassinn, and is spouting nonsense, with the only thing recognizable being mention of BT.

It appears that the question of whether we can expect hordes is now answered. Darkwind Count of Anchorinn

Letter from Lance

Yes i just heard from my brother in the South East that a rumor has gone around that the vikings are experincing some of the same gibbering man that is thought to have caused the undead hordes. So I believe we need to keep a tight watch on this man to make sure no "funny business" happens. Lance Count of Rustton

Letter from Argus

Gods be!

The undead have arrived en-masse!

May the Way guide us all in these dark times! Argus (Priest of The Way of the Hammer)

Letter from Lion El'Jonso

Damnation.. Count Darkwind I shall make all haste to reinforce our forces against these abominations but I am afraid I have sent all my men out on patrol duty in Washford and I cannot rally them in time to move until dawn.

Could someone produce a scout report on this horde? Lion El'Jonson (Noble)

Request from sycheus

Darkwind, can you give us a scout report of glassin?

Yours, sycheus (Knight of Wayburg)

Report from Darkwind

My apologies, I meant to send this out the first time, but in my haste and shock, well...

As you can see the undead are...extensive. I'm going to scout the surrounding areas. Darkwind Count of Anchorinn

Letter from Necriss

Until this point I had not intended to give the rest of the realm this information yet, but it seems I have not choice but to inform you all that The Aristoi have been actively pursuing these witches.

I was afraid that there would be laughter at me for thinking such things but it seems all the things are lined up for this and it must be known to all of Abington for its own safety.

I have been doing research on Abington's undead and witch history and it appears that they may be tied together. I will fill all of you in soon enough so that we can be better prepared for when the witches are caught.

As soon as I have amassed enough information on the witches I will report it to all of you.

At the service of Abington Necriss (Priest of Aristoi Atamarism)